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Zombies + Busty School Girls = Epic Mindless Boob Battle

skinnydaddy1 says...

Rules for the Zombie Apocalypse.

1 - You are not safe. EVER.

2- Cardio- Be able to run for an extended period of time
3- Always carry a minimum of 2 reliable, lethal weapons (I can not stress "ALWAYS" enough)

4- Better safe than stupid (example- use your head; cut off theirs!)

5- Know where you will be sleeping before the sun sets. Be prepared to move out before daybreak.

6- Travel light- No dead weight (this goes for both objects you carry and people you're with. If someone can't pull their own, ditch them)

7- Save one bullet (do I need to elaborate?)

8- Dress smart (Tight-fitting, comfortable clothing, with large, accessible pockets, and preferably velcro-sneakers)

9- Do(n't) be a hero

10- Only pull the trigger if you're ok with every ghoul within hearing-distance knowing exactly where dinner is.

11- Stay nourished and healthy (if you're living off canned food, make sure to take multi-vitamins! And remember, if you get sick, there's no hospital to treat you)(and remember, always use a condom! You really don't want herpes during a zombie apocalypse)

12- Drive safe! (And by that of course I mean drive in a hummer or a large SUV with bars welded to all the windows, and if possible an escape hatch in the roof) Also remember the larger the vehicle the more gas it uses. Try to balance, Protection, range and reliability.

13- If you can avoid it, then do.

14- Never, ever, ever, under any circumstances shall you EVER go anywhere alone (yes, this includes the bathroom)(void if everyone you've ever known/loved is a zombie)

15- Enjoy the little things.

16- Your mind is your most powerful weapon. Think, preferably outside the box (ex- need meds but the hospitals are all filled with Zack? Go to the vet/a pet store!)

17- Leave no doubt- know your way out!

18- Know your environment, use it to your advantage.

19- Tread carefully (watch where you're going and NEVER walk backwards)

20- never give up

21- Calculus (Example- it takes you .75 seconds to hit a zombie in the head with a baseball bat and then prepare to strike again. If a zombie is withing 3 feet of you you can't wind up for a successful kiss-swing. It takes a zombie 3 seconds to walk 2 feet. The situation: you have 5 zombies walking towards you. Before you even prepare your first strike, look at the distance between each of them and determine if it will be possible for one of them to get within 3 feet of you while you dispatch the others. Plan out your kill order and know when you're going to need to back up (but remember rule 19!))

22- Double tap

23. Think outside the box. Example; fleeing survivors have raided the drug stores, hospitals, and doctor's offices and left you behind with no medicine. Solution, go to the pet store. A big chain pet store has everything from vitamins to sedatives (be VERY careful converting dosages).

I know there are more I'm just currently to lazy to find them.

How LCD screens work: The Engineer Guy

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
Ah, another inferior technology made successful by draconian IP law and questionable business practices.

Care to elaborate for the ignorant among us (i.e. me)?

It seems I'm mixing up my stories, actually. The tech I was thinking of was SED, a display technology under development primarily by Canon/Toshiba.

While there was a lawsuit that delayed that, it seems it didn't go on for very long and ultimately Canon killed the product themselves, for reasons unknown.

It's unfortunate because SED was really a combination of all the best features of LCD and CRT combined in one. I had a pretty nice, if aging, CRT when I learned about SED and my original plan was to hold out for SED and skip LCD all together. Eventually my CRT (a 19" Sony Trinitron) got too old and I was forced to buy new. I got a 24" Samsung, one of the best LCDs on the consumer market at the time, and I've never really been happy with it. I still wish there was a better option.

Ted Talks - Are You Worthy?

berticus says...

i apologise for assuming you liked freud - i think i have my wires crossed with someone else. in any case i am always glad to hear when people are suspicious of him, because there is good reason to be. i highly recommend reading "the unknown freud" by frederick crews.

to respond point by point:

1. yes, i agree that the human condition has been examined for thousands of years, and that 'psychology' in some form began with the ancient greeks, if not earlier. but this is oversimplifying things dramatically, and it becomes an argument of definition. i refer to psychology as psychological SCIENCE, which -is- (relatively) new. this difference is not trivial -- until the 19th century, our hypotheses about the human condition were untested. psychological science allows us to see if our philosophies about human perception, cognition, and behaviour, are demonstrably true.

2. the humanists/third wave occupied an important space and time, but were overshadowed by behaviourism/cognitivism. still, i think a lot of people outside of psychology have heard of abraham maslow and his 'hierarchy of needs'. not only that, but humanist psychologists were responsible for the development of the 'client-centered approach', which was hugely influential. i would disagree with you here and say that in research, and clinical psychology, humanist trends are vitally important. in fact, a relatively new sub-discipline within psychology called "positive psychology" is burgeoning. i would suggest that perhaps the reason it seems discouraged is because psychology is so unbelievably broad now, and neuroscience is becoming increasingly popular, that it seems as though interest in wellbeing is small. i don't think it truly is.

3. well, i suspect here we have a true divide that we can't agree on. you believe we have failed in understanding the human condition because of something i believe doesn't exist. i think we understand the human condition fairly well, given our short (scientific) time at examining it. but it is an unwieldly, hugely complex beast, and we are just at the beginning.

and with regard to your points on bashing psychology:

1. if you want to understand a human, it is useful to understand the workings of the brain. would you let a surgeon operate without training? i'm not sure what the problem is with emphasising that students of the science of human thought and behaviour learn how the biology of the mind works.

2. yes, rates are up. population is also up. ability to diagnose accurately is also up. recognition that people have problems, instead of pretending they're fine, is also up. look, i see what you're saying, and it's perfectly reasonable, but i think this problem is enormously complex, and blaming psychology is misplaced.

>> ^enoch:

SDGundam nailed it.
and i dont have anything against psychology as a whole,to do so would be ignoring the many MANY advancements in understanding the human mind.
that being said i have to admit a revulsion to freud (his discovery non-withstanding) i found his conclusions entirely bleak and apocalyptic as i also did neitzche.
this is my opinion but i could make a strong argument for my case.
now i am going to engage in a tactic i really dislike (the bullet argument) but i shall do so in order to maybe communicate a bit where i am coming from NOT to win/lose an argument.
because i do not see this as an argument ...just a differing of opinion based on not only my own bias and prejudice but berticus as well.(hmmm..maybe it IS an argument LOL).
1.psychological/behavioral sciences are new in name only.history reveals that understanding the human condition and mind have been studied for thousands of years see:mystery schools,jesuits etc etc.
2.i am gladdened by the new batch of "humanists",though in american higher education this is..discouraged..due to employment issues,money etc etc.those who do pursue that branch of study might as well become hippies or a talk show host.not much money in that field. are correct in the vast literature concerning the things we are talking about and should there be any surprise in that fact?
i dont think is the fundamental part of being human to talk about the things that touch us,to attempt to understand ourselves as people and as a society... for good or ill.
i have come to the conclusion (maybe incorrectly) that the great philosophers/psychologists of our time have ultimately failed in their conclusions due to the fact that they totally ignore the ongoing battle between spirit and ego.
humanists at least recognize that there is something more.they may not call it spirit/soul but they do realize that there is a dynamic that people like freud missed entirely.
hell..freud concluded that the ego was EVERYTHING..which puts him in the douchebag column.(mass marketing anyone?).
does this dismiss freud accomplishments? no.
just as i wont dismiss neitzche (even though he was a depressive asshat who we would call EMO nowadays).
i find hegel to be particularly abominable in his conclusions but that does not detract from his brilliance.
jung and r d lang's conclusions were just as flawed and for the same reasons the freud/hegel were flawed.
their conclusions lacked a complete dynamic.
this "third wave" is beginning to address these flaws but the way i see it the elements they are bringing to the table have been in front of us for 3000 yrs.
hence my comment.
let me end this particularly long comment with a few points to why i may be perceived as bashing psychology (rightly so in my opinion).
1.greater and greater pressure put on students to pursue bio-chem for a choice in the field. america suicides are up.unhappiness is up and the new "maladies of the day" bi-polar,adhd and panic anxiety disorder are up by staggering rates.over the past 20 yrs anti-psychotics,ssri's and sedatives are up exponentially..1000's of percentage points higher than 20 yrs ago.
all with the avg time before diagnosis? 1 1/2 hrs.
i could go on for quite a bit longer but i feel these points suffice to make my point.
conclusion=epic fail.
while my comment may have had a snarky flavor my sentiments were sincere.
i am over-joyed that practical applications based on a more humanistic approach are seriously being considered instead of pumping people full of meds (with full understanding that meds are a necessity at times).
i am assisting a friend who just entered her master program for psychology and i am appalled at the depth of indoctrination and lack of opposing philosophies and understanding and she is being pressured to pursue bio-chem and marginalize any other train or pursuit.
please understand that i am self taught and most likely have gaps in not only my studies but understanding and welcome any opposing thoughts or understanding my friend.
you have always been respectful berticus and while at times we may disagree thats exactly how i look at it..a disagreement and not a forum on who we are as people.
if my thought process is wrong or misguided i would love to hear what you have to say my friend.

Ted Talks - Are You Worthy?

enoch says...

SDGundam nailed it.
and i dont have anything against psychology as a whole,to do so would be ignoring the many MANY advancements in understanding the human mind.
that being said i have to admit a revulsion to freud (his discovery non-withstanding) i found his conclusions entirely bleak and apocalyptic as i also did neitzche.
this is my opinion but i could make a strong argument for my case.

now i am going to engage in a tactic i really dislike (the bullet argument) but i shall do so in order to maybe communicate a bit where i am coming from NOT to win/lose an argument.
because i do not see this as an argument ...just a differing of opinion based on not only my own bias and prejudice but berticus as well.(hmmm..maybe it IS an argument LOL).
1.psychological/behavioral sciences are new in name only.history reveals that understanding the human condition and mind have been studied for thousands of years see:mystery schools,jesuits etc etc.
2.i am gladdened by the new batch of "humanists",though in american higher education this is..discouraged..due to employment issues,money etc etc.those who do pursue that branch of study might as well become hippies or a talk show host.not much money in that field. are correct in the vast literature concerning the things we are talking about and should there be any surprise in that fact?
i dont think is the fundamental part of being human to talk about the things that touch us,to attempt to understand ourselves as people and as a society... for good or ill.

i have come to the conclusion (maybe incorrectly) that the great philosophers/psychologists of our time have ultimately failed in their conclusions due to the fact that they totally ignore the ongoing battle between spirit and ego.
humanists at least recognize that there is something more.they may not call it spirit/soul but they do realize that there is a dynamic that people like freud missed entirely.
hell..freud concluded that the ego was EVERYTHING..which puts him in the douchebag column.(mass marketing anyone?).
does this dismiss freud accomplishments? no.
just as i wont dismiss neitzche (even though he was a depressive asshat who we would call EMO nowadays).
i find hegel to be particularly abominable in his conclusions but that does not detract from his brilliance.
jung and r d lang's conclusions were just as flawed and for the same reasons the freud/hegel were flawed.
their conclusions lacked a complete dynamic.
this "third wave" is beginning to address these flaws but the way i see it the elements they are bringing to the table have been in front of us for 3000 yrs.
hence my comment.

let me end this particularly long comment with a few points to why i may be perceived as bashing psychology (rightly so in my opinion).
1.greater and greater pressure put on students to pursue bio-chem for a choice in the field. america suicides are up.unhappiness is up and the new "maladies of the day" bi-polar,adhd and panic anxiety disorder are up by staggering rates.over the past 20 yrs anti-psychotics,ssri's and sedatives are up exponentially..1000's of percentage points higher than 20 yrs ago.
all with the avg time before diagnosis? 1 1/2 hrs.
i could go on for quite a bit longer but i feel these points suffice to make my point.
conclusion=epic fail.

while my comment may have had a snarky flavor my sentiments were sincere.
i am over-joyed that practical applications based on a more humanistic approach are seriously being considered instead of pumping people full of meds (with full understanding that meds are a necessity at times).

i am assisting a friend who just entered her master program for psychology and i am appalled at the depth of indoctrination and lack of opposing philosophies and understanding and she is being pressured to pursue bio-chem and marginalize any other train or pursuit.

please understand that i am self taught and most likely have gaps in not only my studies but understanding and welcome any opposing thoughts or understanding my friend.
you have always been respectful berticus and while at times we may disagree thats exactly how i look at it..a disagreement and not a forum on who we are as people.
if my thought process is wrong or misguided i would love to hear what you have to say my friend.

Corey Feldman Embarasses Himself More Than Usual

shagen454 says...

This makes me feel so deeply terrible inside that there is no way to accurately describe it. It's like this evil, bubbly, reality-wobbly, sick sensation; I almost want to spazz out and start beating this... back office binder violently, nonstop, smash all these mint jars and coffee cups across the wall and stick my face into the industrial grade WindMachine.

I'm sure he felt the same and that is exactly why he started using drugs... In fact it's probably very good that this man started taking drugs and it will probably be a good idea that I take some sedatives after watching this video. Oh, how I miss thee Goonies era Corey Feldman.

Magnitude 5.5 Earthquake Hits Central Canada

ant says...

>> ^westy:

yeah I still have a CRT tv well I stole it of sum-one that moved out my house , but for a computer monitor its pretty mental , one of the guys I lived with was using one so I have him one of my TFTs lol.
for computer use a TFT is infinatly better , in many cases you would be better of scraping the crt and getting a cheep tft , purely to save on electricity , and save your eyes from strain.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> ant said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box"> What's wrong with CRTs? I still use one for my TV from 1996. I know a lot of people who do! I wished I could still find new and affordable ones for my computers. It has better colors like pure black. I am waiting for SED or whatever better than LCD.
And where are the fish in the tanks? I didn't see any! Were they all hiding during the earthquake?
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: right; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> westy said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: right; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-top: 1px; right: 52px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">►</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-right: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">juses CHRIST HE IS USING A CRT SCREEN"!!!!!
small earth quakes r good fun , big ones not so much .

I haven't seen ANY flatscreens, including TFT, that show rich and accurate colors. Even with graphic designers' monitors. CRT FTW.

Magnitude 5.5 Earthquake Hits Central Canada

westy says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^westy:
small earth quakes r good fun , big ones not so much .

What's wrong with CRTs? I still use one for my TV from 1996. I know a lot of people who do! I wished I could still find new and affordable ones for my computers. It has better colors like pure black. I am waiting for SED or whatever better than LCD.
And where are the fish in the tanks? I didn't see any! Were they all hiding during the earthquake?

yeah I still have a CRT tv well I stole it of sum-one that moved out my house , but for a computer monitor its pretty mental , one of the guys I lived with was using one so I have him one of my TFTs lol.

for computer use a TFT is infinatly better , in many cases you would be better of scraping the crt and getting a cheep tft , purely to save on electricity , and save your eyes from strain.

Magnitude 5.5 Earthquake Hits Central Canada

ant says...

>> ^westy:

small earth quakes r good fun , big ones not so much .

What's wrong with CRTs? I still use one for my TV from 1996. I know a lot of people who do! I wished I could still find new and affordable ones for my computers. It has better colors like pure black. I am waiting for SED or whatever better than LCD.

And where are the fish in the tanks? I didn't see any! Were they all hiding during the earthquake?

US Border Patrol tries to take passenger's camera

blankfist says...

>> ^littledragon_79:
Wow, the y/t poster is a paranoid moron. He should try reading the law as to how/where CBP are allowed to operate. And if he doesn't like it write his reps or run for office. Since the checkpoint is inland, he would be fine then with the local SO or State Police running it? Or maybe the FBI or military? And an illegal working for CBP? Nice try.
I know there's a lot of anti-establishment, the cops are always wrong, we live in a police state mentality here, but don't get too paranoid folks. The cops aren't always wrong, sometimes they need to use force (but F tasers), we don't live in Nazi Germany, and we should be vigilant in keeping government in check. But harassing these guys is like harassing a Walmart greeter because you don't like their policies. Dick move.
As for the whole camera thing, who cares if the guy has a camera. Do your job, and don't be a dick about it. Although, my instructors old us not to advertise that we were BP Agents and try not to have pics taken...since some cartels have bounties out for killing Agents.

The y/t poster is paranoid. I doubt the border patrol agent is "illegal", though that's incidental. First, BP are nothing like Walmart greeters. That's a bad analogy. Harassing someone who wants to keep you from freely moving in a supposed free country and trying to steal your private property is nothing like harassing a gentle underpaid elderly woman saying hi to everyone entering Walmart. The BP are pests and abuse their power constantly.

And, yes, we do live in a police state once the government recognizes it has a right to kill its own citizens without due process. There's nothing paranoid about noticing the increased security measures that encroach on our liberties, or states forcing subversives to register, or little 12-year old girls being marched out of class wearing handcuffs, or the countless cases where law enforcement destroy videotape evidence, or the endless beat first ask questions later cases, or local and state police being supplied military weapons by the Pentagon, or being arrested for videotaping officers, or the use of sedatives on the public by police officers.

That's just to name a few.

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Well, now that's just a ridiculous statement. How are Macs any more an "application console" than a Windows PC?

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
The debacle that is the App Store is obviously far worse, but even on their desktop systems they still have unparalleled control over the platform. A Mac is more of an application console than a computer.

There are pluses and minuses to that, of course, but that's how I sees it.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Smart-arseery around Apple products? I'm shocked. Shocked I am Sir.

I don't know of any lock-down strategies for Macs. iPhone/ipad definitely. who knows, that could be Apple's downfall.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
Reddit does actually run on linux servers, I was just being a smartass. I didn't realize Mac had migrated to bash, but I was being a smartass about that, too. I'm well aware that OSX is a glorified BSD. On one hand that's great for stability and such; on the other hand I could just install BSD on any hardware and not be tied down by Apple's lock-in strategies.
>> ^dag:
Well, I don't know what Reddit runs on - but I'd guess standard Linux gear.
And if I want to get to a bash prompt on a Mac, I just open a terminal window and I'm there. Sometimes people forget that Macs have a BSD backend- and that's why it's often a hacker's laptop of choice- Perl, Apache, vi emacs, sed, awk and most of your other standard command line tools are baked right in.

dag (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx says...

The debacle that is the App Store is obviously far worse, but even on their desktop systems they still have unparalleled control over the platform. A Mac is more of an application console than a computer.

There are pluses and minuses to that, of course, but that's how I sees it.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Smart-arseery around Apple products? I'm shocked. Shocked I am Sir.

I don't know of any lock-down strategies for Macs. iPhone/ipad definitely. who knows, that could be Apple's downfall.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
Reddit does actually run on linux servers, I was just being a smartass. I didn't realize Mac had migrated to bash, but I was being a smartass about that, too. I'm well aware that OSX is a glorified BSD. On one hand that's great for stability and such; on the other hand I could just install BSD on any hardware and not be tied down by Apple's lock-in strategies.
>> ^dag:
Well, I don't know what Reddit runs on - but I'd guess standard Linux gear.
And if I want to get to a bash prompt on a Mac, I just open a terminal window and I'm there. Sometimes people forget that Macs have a BSD backend- and that's why it's often a hacker's laptop of choice- Perl, Apache, vi emacs, sed, awk and most of your other standard command line tools are baked right in.

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Smart-arseery around Apple products? I'm shocked. Shocked I am Sir.

I don't know of any lock-down strategies for Macs. iPhone/ipad definitely. who knows, that could be Apple's downfall.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
Reddit does actually run on linux servers, I was just being a smartass. I didn't realize Mac had migrated to bash, but I was being a smartass about that, too. I'm well aware that OSX is a glorified BSD. On one hand that's great for stability and such; on the other hand I could just install BSD on any hardware and not be tied down by Apple's lock-in strategies.
>> ^dag:
Well, I don't know what Reddit runs on - but I'd guess standard Linux gear.
And if I want to get to a bash prompt on a Mac, I just open a terminal window and I'm there. Sometimes people forget that Macs have a BSD backend- and that's why it's often a hacker's laptop of choice- Perl, Apache, vi emacs, sed, awk and most of your other standard command line tools are baked right in.

People who Appreciate a Good User Experience Will Like the iPad (Blog Entry by dag)

xxovercastxx says...

Reddit does actually run on linux servers, I was just being a smartass. I didn't realize Mac had migrated to bash, but I was being a smartass about that, too. I'm well aware that OSX is a glorified BSD. On one hand that's great for stability and such; on the other hand I could just install BSD on any hardware and not be tied down by Apple's lock-in strategies.
>> ^dag:
Well, I don't know what Reddit runs on - but I'd guess standard Linux gear.
And if I want to get to a bash prompt on a Mac, I just open a terminal window and I'm there. Sometimes people forget that Macs have a BSD backend- and that's why it's often a hacker's laptop of choice- Perl, Apache, vi emacs, sed, awk and most of your other standard command line tools are baked right in.

People who Appreciate a Good User Experience Will Like the iPad (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Well, I don't know what Reddit runs on - but I'd guess standard Linux gear.

And if I want to get to a bash prompt on a Mac, I just open a terminal window and I'm there. Sometimes people forget that Macs have a BSD backend- and that's why it's often a hacker's laptop of choice- Perl, Apache, vi emacs, sed, awk and most of your other standard command line tools are baked right in.

>> ^xxovercastxx:
Maybe their site is down because they run on OSX Server. Maybe they'd have figured that out by now if they could get to a bash prompt and do some troubleshooting.
As for the iPad, I have seen the error of my ways. All this time I've been thinking of it as a crippled tablet PC when it's really an overpriced nook.
>> ^dag:
Having said that- Macs are also a machine for hardcore internet geeks. Here's a picture from 2 days ago - the lobby of the Googleplex and the Reddit engineers trying to figure out why their site is down. Macs "just work" for these guys too.

Amazing Birth...

deathcow says...

So unnatural !!! This animal was never taught how to give birth, never offered a spinal sedative, there was no monitoring of contractions, the baby was not cut from the uterus! My goodness how is this even possible!

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