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Keith Olbermann: This Is Change & Transparency Mr Obama?

rougy says...

Really cool.

They're still using Homeland Security as a shield to keep the citizens from knowing what kind of access the corporations and Bible-beating buttheads have to the oval office.

Keeping us safe from pertinent information. How fucking cool.

Obama and Biden Go to White Castle, er, Ray's Hell Burger

Krupo says...

As much as it's annoying to see the press fawning over the leaders, this was fun.

I love the report from the CSM:

"The Daily Guidance from the White House said “12:30 lunch in Oval Office, closed press.”
But now we know better. By “we,” I mean the White House press corps, where this reporter had pool duty Tuesday.
Those wild and crazy guys at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue summoned the motorcade, and off we went across the Roosevelt Bridge into Arlington, Va., to Ray’s Hell Burger — a joint so new it still doesn’t have a sign up.
Obama and Biden entered through the front door. The press pool — yours truly included — entered through the back. At least Barack and Joe didn’t pull rank and cut the line: The leaders of the free world, all spiffed up in suits and ties, stood patiently with the regular lunch crowd, waiting their turn.
Obama then looked toward the pool and said, “Who’s taking orders here? My treat to the pool.”
Some declined, but others didn’t want to seem ungracious, so we ordered burgers. (Note: The five of us who did order are making a donation to charity, in lieu of attempting to reimburse POTUS. Caren noted that Obama has fed the press before, such as during the campaign, when he bought ice cream.)
While Obama and Biden waited in line, the lunch crowd stood and gawked, some took pix with cell phones. The two guys in line ahead of them studied their menus, oblivious to who was behind them.
When Obama and Biden reached the front, Obama greeted the two order-takers. A guy named Tim Murray took Obama’s order.
Then Obama took an order for his body guy, Reggie Love, and relayed the press’s order as well.
“These are to go, ‘cuz you guys aren’t gonna have tables.” Then: “We’re paying, or these people [the pool] are gonna write about how we’re free-loading.”
Obama pulled out some bills and paid, putting a $5 bill in the tip jar.
Biden ordered a Swiss cheese burger with jalapeno peppers. Biden paid for his order separately, with cash. He also got some food to go.
Then Obama said to the pool: “You guys are cheap dates. I can’t believe I couldn’t get more of you to order a burger.”
Obama and Biden sat at a table and had their lunch, while the pool waited outside. At 1:05, they emerged. Crowds cheered as Obama stood on the running board of his limo and waved.
Motorcade back at White House at 1:14 pm. Obama and Biden emerged from the same limo. No doubt they were prepping for the next event on their calendar — a closed-press meeting with President Shimon Peres of Israel.
I closed my pool report with: “I’m still waiting for my burger.” But I just heard from the pool minder, Ben Finkenbinder, who says my burger is waiting for me.
Gotta run."

Empahsis mine.

Funny stuff.

Cranky Fox Douchenozzle Bashes Obama Dog

quantumushroom says...

North Korea's test firing rockets, Pakistan's on the brink of anarchy, even Somalians are talking trash. The One's answer to it all?

Bow to the Saudi King. Bash America overseas.

It's in the mainstream-liberal-democrat-media's interest to highlight the dog, not the lame duck in the Oval Office!

McCain Refuses to Endorse a Sarah Palin Presidential Run

quantumushroom says...

OMG, are you seriously trying to pin the mistake of the GOP nominating McCain on the Dems? Does that Right take ANY responsibility for its actions?

You mean aside from ignoring true conservative principles?--cause I'll agree with anyone on that.

I'll tell you what Rs fail to do, and that's prevent Ds from voting in R primaries. McLame got used to lavish praise from the left when he was a 'Democrat' senator. He sure seemed glad to get back to being the only kind of Republican liberals respect: a Democrat.

Despite being a turd who went back to being praised post-election, remember there was no Obama landslide in '08. Factor out the voting illegal aliens and ACORN thuggery and the popular vote would've been closer still. Even with a totally-lopsided media, Hollywood, naive youth and unions, half the country still ain't buying democrap.

Yes, you may not have cared for him, but wow. You're getting desperate with that statement...

I'd've voted for a karaoke machine if it kept the current communist despot occupying the Oval Office out. Have you looked outside your window? On his worst day, McCain has never been the total fark-up the rookie is and will continue to be.

Revolutionary Four wheel tilting suspension

arvana says...

>> ^grahamslam:
I agree about it not being as radical an innovation as a hydrofoil...however from a physics point of view, it does give you more traction in cornering as your weight will be shifted in line with the wheels to the ground. Without being able to draw you a pic, just think racecar oval tracks. They are banked, not flat. Why is this? For traction so the cars don't slide off the tracks in cornering.

Banking the track makes its reaction force nearer to perpendicular from the track's surface, which lowers the tendency to slide sideways. Just tilting the wheels while on a flat track won't make any difference to the sideways forces between the wheels and track. It may add stability, but not more traction. You're right though that it brings the force in line with the wheels -- that would allow the wheels to be lighter weight which probably would help corner slightly faster.

Revolutionary Four wheel tilting suspension

grahamslam says...

>> ^arvana:
From a physics point of view, I don't see that leaning the wheels gives you any more traction than keeping them vertical. Tilting the machine and rider while keeping all four wheels on the ground should give more stability.... and it definitely looks very cool. But I wouldn't say it's as radical an innovation as a hydrofoil.

I agree about it not being as radical an innovation as a hydrofoil...however from a physics point of view, it does give you more traction in cornering as your weight will be shifted in line with the wheels to the ground. Without being able to draw you a pic, just think racecar oval tracks. They are banked, not flat. Why is this? For traction so the cars don't slide off the tracks in cornering.

H.W. Bush Floors Bill Clinton with Joke

budzos says...

Clinton's Version:

"One time I was leaving a function and this lady comes right up to the limo. I don't even know why the secret service would let her get up so close to the window. Anyhow, this had to be the ugliest woman I've ever seen. Boy was she ugly."


"She was so ugly I wouldn't even let her suck my dick in the Oval Office!"

Minnesota politics gets goofy

sawtooth says...

Yeah, I was rather amazed that simply writing in a name counts as a vote for that person even if you didn't fill in the oval. I mean, the other pre-printed names don't get votes unless you fill the oval so why is a write in name any different in that regard?

What if you were going to vote for a write in but changed your mind but figured you were O.K because you never filled in the oval? I guess the lesson here is not to play around if you want to be sure your vote really counts.

Keith Olbermann Discusses Obama's Choice of Rick Warren

HollywoodBob says...

Why even have an invocation and benediction, haven't we had enough Jesus in the Oval Office to last an eon?

The selection of Rick Warren as well as the participation in Saddleback forum was simply pandering to evangelicals, and frankly they're far more dangerous to our society than any terrorist ever could be, and do not need any encouragement from a rational leader.

Bush's Unforgivable "Response" To 9/11 (not Troof Movement)

quantumushroom says...

For fks sake, from 1993 to 2001 we had a dickhead in the Oval Orifice who dismantled the nation's defense and intelligence capabilities for no greater purpose than masking his and his wife's numerous crimes. Red Chinese spies ran amok, perfecting their missile guidance systems with stolen American missile tech. I don't remember a single left-winger anywhere complaining about it.

If you could place all the undeserved hype and praise for the Obamessiah on a scale, it would about counterweigh all the unfair and despicable lie-beral horsesh-t against Bush. And PRESIDENT Bush deserves plenty of criticism, most of it in 3 areas: spending taxpayer money like an amateur liberal, being a fake conservative and not standing up for himself.

I'd like to hear from any of the armchair tacticians what Bush should've done with that spare 5 minutes, other than don blue tights and a red cape and fly to NYC or nuke the mountains of Afghanistan flatter than an ironing board.

Barack Obama's First Youtube Address

Krupo says...

First *viral president? Yes, I went there.

I presume once he's inaugurated he'll move the filming of these clips to the Oval Office, and out of the wood-paneled basement he appears to be in right now?

Barack Obama - The First WIRED President!

biminim says...

While I was volunteering with the campaign, I not-so-jokingly suggested to my coworkers that Obama should do a daily webcast from the Oval Office to keep people up to date. Looks like I wasn't so far off.

What the Hell is Going to Happen in January???

ElJardinero says...

ehhh... he's answering "if you were called into the oval office on january 21st by the new president, whoever that happens to be, and he said to you "General Powell, i need from you your recommendation on where I begin"

Inauguration day is on january 20th.

i'm not big on downvoting but this is out of context and misleading.

New McCain Ad begins playing in Ohio

kronosposeidon says...

Let me tell everyone here something, because I'm mildly drunk and I feel like it:

McCain is NOT now, nor has he EVER been, a fucking maverick! I don't give a flying fuck that he spoke against the likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson in the 2000 election cycle. He was doing that for a reason: To set himself apart from the other candidates, trying to make a name for himself. In other words, he was doing it for POLITICAL reasons. Also, let's not forget that in his second fucking term in the United States Senate he got busted for his involvement in the Keating 5 scandal. That's your fucking maverick, folks.

I am so sick of this narrative about "Maverick McCain." Even some Democrats say "he USED to be" a maverick. WRONG. He has voted the party line just as much as any other Republican Senator, and he has consistently voted for Bush policies. Not just Bush the Douchebag, but Bush the Elder Douchebag too.

Don't let 'em fool you for one second about this "maverick" shit. He's a desperate, crotchety old man with a sense of entitlement. He thinks that just because he's an old veteran (and Obama's not) that he deserves the keys to the Oval Office. Yeah, every old veteran deserves every fucking thing they ask for. Now before someone accuses me of troop-bashing, I'll remind you that I'm a veteran too, so I'll say this: Most veterans aren't cut out to be President. Is that a bad thing to say? NO, only because most PEOPLE aren't cut out to be President. In other words, he ain't getting a veteran's discount from me.

Attacking a fellow veteran, McCain? Rev. Wright also served his country in the United States Marine Corps, asshole.

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

MrConrads says...


1) Season: Late spring and mid fall
2) Place in the world: Where ever I am at that time
3) Children's book: Where the Wild Things Are
4) TV Series: West Wing
5) Word: Bullocks
6) Film: Battle of Britian
7) Curse: Such gooood looks *wink
Creature: titmouse
9) Past time: playing with my hotwheels on my parents couch

Which one?

11) Dog or cat: one reeeeeally lazy cat... I think he was born with a marijuana gene that keeps him constantly chill
12) Sweet or savoury: savoury
13) Cereal or Toast: cereal
14) Tan or pale: pasty scotch irish, german, swedish boy
15) Shoes or barefoot: depends on where im a walkin
16) Desktop or laptop: lappy 2000
17) Drive or walk: prefer to walk
18) Drama or comedy: both
19) Sex or food: yes please
20) Futurama or Simpsons: SIMPSONS!

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission: because I used to fall asleep to the radio program every night as a kid
22) A great comment on one of your vids: "It doesn't mention anything about needing to be nude in a Greco-Roman building. I guess that's up to personal preference."
23) Most off the wall member: ummm.... ill get back to you on that one
24) Favourite user name:
25) Your most used channel: not sure
26) Personal dumbass moment: this answer would be shorter if it was personal awesome achievement.
27) Best avatar: Crosswords
28) Partner in crime: mums the word
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem: only the ones that attend the sifters anonymous meetings with me
30) Idea for the site:

About you

31) Where do you live: St. Paul Minnesota
32) Smoker/non-smoker: non
33) Left or right handed: left
34) Hair colour: blo..brow...... yes
35) Relationship status: taken
36) How tall: 5'11"
37) Children: 43 that i know of
38) Ever had an operation: nope, but i have broken a couple things
39) Best feature: not good at that one
40) Use four words to describe yourself: well, i like to.... awww

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead: Churchill, seemed like a good honest man
42) Give 50 grand to any charity: Design for the other 90%
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon: meee
44) Relive a moment in your life: "hey! HEY!!! get out of my stuff!!!!"
45) Have a superpower: I dont care how over used it is, i wanna fly!
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know: will my country make it another 50 years?
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to:
48) Be president for one hour: I would rummage through the oval office for hidden treasure
49) Delete a period in history: bush bush bush bush bush
50) Achieve one thing: confidence.

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