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Sex Scandal Flowchart (Blog Entry by NetRunner)
^ I'd said "that I can recall in the last few years". Clinton is over 10 years ago. Condit I had to look up who he even was (and his scandal was 8 years ago). Other than Frank being gay, I had to look up what scandal you're talking about, and that one was 20 years ago.
Paterson didn't really have a scandal, so much as the day he was sworn in he said "here are all the skeletons in my closet", including admitting to an affair years before he'd become Lt. Governor.
I'll admit Ohio AG is sticks, but Kilpatrick was mayor of Detroit, and Blagojevich was Governor of Illinois. I'd forgotten about Newsom, but if Kilpatrick is sticks, so is the mayor of SF.
I've not heard much about the Charlie Rangel thing lately, but the whole thing seemed a bit tame, and more of a "he screwed up" than "he intentionally broke the law". You're also way overstating the Tim Geithner thing -- he owed back taxes, and paid them. The commentary surrounding the discrepancy was that it's a common mistake for people to make on their taxes, even if they use a professional.
Edwards, you make an interesting case. Perhaps as an outsider you might not know about how the party insiders reacted to his affair, but most people in the grassroots were furious with him -- not because we think his personal indiscretions disqualify him -- but because he was an early favorite in the grassroots, and had he won the primary he might've handed the White House to the gang of thugs known as the Republican party.
Lately there's been a quiet murmur about missing his voice on the issue of poverty, but I've not heard of any serious attempts for him to recover his image. To be honest, I'd like to see him try, because I think his voice would add to the party, assuming he can get public absolution for being a jerk to his wife (who the grassroots almost like more than him).
Personally, I don't care about sex scandals. They are really none of our business at all. I think people in office should be judged more on their execution of their state-granted responsibilities than what they do in their personal life.
I actually feel a slim bit of sympathy for Mark Sanford since he seems to have a rather serious personal issue to work through, and having public scrutiny doesn't help with that. But I think he needs to resign for the "I'm leaving the country for 10 days and telling no one" part of the story. I don't care that he was going away to have sex for those 10 days. In fact that was almost a relief to me, I was worried it'd turn out to be some ugly weapons deal or drug dealing kind of thing (like Reagan and Iran-Contra...).
Sex Scandal Flowchart (Blog Entry by NetRunner)
I just want to make sure you have the facts straight.
Bill Clinton
John Edwards
Eliot Spitzer
Gary Condit
Gavin Newsom
David Paterson
Barney Frank
These are the most famous politicians that I am actually familiar with. I didn't do any research on obscure politicians from the sticks. I'm sure we can all agree that I could go on, but what's the point. Same as the republican party - there are more than have been previously mentioned.
Paterson is still Gov of NY so he obviously didn't resign
Newsom didn't resign
Clinton didn't resign
Edwards didn't resign or get pushed out of anything. He had already removed himself from the Presidential race before anyone knew about his infidelity.
Condit didn't resign even though there was more than just cheating involved in his scandal.
Barney Frank is still "spraying it, not saying it" to this day.
Only Spitzer resigned.
Edwards and Clinton have continued to be active in politics since their affairs were made public. Clinton remains popular among some democrats (he was very active during the last Presidential election) and Edwards gave an interview last week in which he stated, "What happens now? If you were to ask people during the campaign who's talking most about [poverty], it was me. There's a desperate need in the world for a voice of leadership on this issue. . . . The president's got a lot to do, he's got a lot of people to be responsible for, so I'm not critical of him, but there does need to be an aggressive voice beside the president."
I guess he thinks the world needs him. Doesn't sound like a resignation to me.
And don't get me started on all the TAX evasion scandals this year: Charlie Rangel and Tim Geithner to name the two biggest.
You guys are all so cute with your delusions and wild imaginations, though. It was a nice attempt at winning the game of "partison politics."
It's pretty clear to me who has a "holier than thou" attitude here on the sift and on the news.
Citrohan (Member Profile)
True that!
My point is that I hate when we play the "Democrats are ALWAYS right and republicans are always wrong game (or vice versa)." Just call a spade a spade.
Again, those were just off the top of my head and I just remembered another one: David Paterson, current Gov. of NY. I'm sure there are others, I just don't care to look.
I just want to make sure you have the facts straight. Paterson is still Gov of NY so he obviously didn't resign, Newsom didn't resign, Clinton didn't resign, Edwards didn't resign (he had already removed himself from the Presidential race), and Condit didn't resign. Only Spitzer and Hart resigned, not 'all but one' like you stated.
Edwards and Clinton have continued to be active in politics since their affairs were made public. Clinton remains popular among some democrats and Edwards gave an interview last week in which he stated, "What happens now? If you were to ask people during the campaign who's talking most about [poverty], it was me. There's a desperate need in the world for a voice of leadership on this issue. . . . The president's got a lot to do, he's got a lot of people to be responsible for, so I'm not critical of him, but there does need to be an aggressive voice beside the president."
I guess he thinks the world needs him. Doesn't sound like a resignation to me.
In reply to this comment by Citrohan:
In reply to this comment by deedub81:
^I'm pretty sure he's not gay. Didn't he cheat with a lady?
...and don't try to make this a partisan thing. It's a SCUMBAG thing. I could give you a few examples of the infidelity of prominent Democrats from off the top of my head:
Bill Clinton
John Edwards
Eliot Spitzer (Gov of NY involved in Prostitute Scandal)
Gary Hart (Ran against Bush Sr. in '88)
Gary Condit (The guy involved in the Chandra Levy Murder Scandal)
...but Republicans ARE on a roll right now. Pitiful.
Gavin Newsom (Dirtbag Mayor of San Freaksisco)
Yes, the Republicans are on a roll NOW compared to the list you provided. This is the second such incident in so many weeks where as the examples you listed are old news. I mean come on, Gary Hart? That was over twenty years ago! Yes, Democrats do get caught up in a mess like this, but the difference, as in the case of Spitzer, they RESIGN or step aside (as all but one of your examples did). Ensign, the mens room toe tapper Craig, prostitute and diaper aficionado David Vitter stay on, despite the wishes of their constitutes. These examples are off the top of my head as well, but a big part of why I remember them is because they happened with in the last two years or less.
As fair as it being a partisan thing, if Al Gore’s home’s carbon footprint and his use of private CO2 spewing jets are fair game in the “Who’s a Hypocrite Game” , then any Family Values politician that acts like this is fair game as well. You know, that thing about what people in glass houses should avoid doing.
BTW Gary Hart did NOT run against Bush in 1988. Hart didnt even make it past two primaries.
"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina
^I'm pretty sure he's not gay. Didn't he cheat with a lady?
...and don't try to make this a partisan thing. It's a SCUMBAG thing. I could give you a few examples of the infidelity of prominent Democrats from off the top of my head:
Bill Clinton
John Edwards
Eliot Spitzer (Gov of NY involved in Prostitute Scandal)
Gary Hart (Ran against Bush Sr. in '88)
Gary Condit (The guy involved in the Chandra Levy Murder Scandal)
...but Republicans ARE on a roll right now. Pitiful.
Oh, and Gavin Newsom (Dirtbag Mayor of San Freaksisco)
How To Give A Toddler Nightmares For Life
upvote for joanna newsom cameo alone. no one caught this yet?
California Supreme Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban
yes and SF and LA should dictate, they are after all, the most shining and influential examples of morality and solid sensibilities-in November, the people will speak, and this unilateral action by a few ass-kissing worthless judges, will be overruled....Newsomes' a chump, San Fran's homicide rate has soared since he's been there, the city looks horrible, folks,
the poeple of any nation everywhere will continually put down the desires of a few for the sake of the many....what's next Cali? Polygamy??? Sure why not, after all, one unchecked Libido is as good as the next-The other voices of dissent here? Perhaps they just wanna be liked by the other monkeys...
Joanna Newsom - The Book of Right On (live)
Tags for this video have been changed from 'joanna newsom, the milk eyed mender, the book of right on, new psychadelia' to 'joanna newsom, the milk eyed mender, the book of right on, new psychadelia, harp' - edited by laura
City Paradise--Animated Story of a New Girl in Town
Saw this back in the day, and had to look up everything about Gaelle Denis. This is what digital film should be.
Really liked the slip cg part in the dead center of the piece, used to switches from real to imaginary worlds. You can FEEL that slip! The sound effects, the lighting, the slow motion, just very impressively done. Just watch the water splash from her arm! Everything about that shot denies how it was made (fake-bonking head on a green screen table) to the extent that you must watch it over and over to catch any imperfections.
AND, the mousy-voiced Joanna Newsom track at the end is a wooonderful fit... I really like it when music choice compliments a film well, even if its this overt.
Sprout and the Bean - Joanna Newsom
Newsom writes and performs such a pretty music.