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Yet another hit piece by Fox News on Julian Assange

Googlism: How well does Google know YOU? (Sift Talk Post)

blankfist says...

I bet we can change some people's googlisms if we tried. Let's try.

dystopianfuturetoday is Republican
dystopianfuturetoday is voting for McCain
dystopianfuturetoday is a right winger
dystopianfuturetoday is joining the tea party
dystopianfuturetoday is a neocon
dystopianfuturetoday is wearing pretty pink panties

kronosposeidon is liking the flavor of little boys
kronosposeidon is dancing to Techno
kronosposeidon is happy he's not straight
kronosposeidon is making it hard by reading Tiger Beat
kronosposeidon is raping mouths

enoch (Member Profile)

Police Brutality: Cop Shoots, Kills Unarmed Man & His Dog

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

No way. Republicans, or neocons, for the most part like the military and police spending. They talk about less government, but they tend to believe in strong national defense and strong police forces. Strong is typically equated to the amount of funds.

Actually, one of the things liberals got mad at Bush about is that he cut back funding for US police, while spending quite a hefty sum on Iraqi police forces (like, actual Iraqi police departments).

>> ^blankfist:
I can't speak to Pheonix, but like I said funding alone isn't the issue. Personally I would like to see the police (and military) be drastically minimized. That would mean budget cuts, yes. That would mean police are laid off, yes. I'd like to see the police also have less authority.
I don't like seeing these videos of cops coming into people's homes and killing them and murdering their dogs. Will shrinking the police force eradicate that completely? No. But it certainly would mean less cases I'm sure.

We seem to be back at square one with this conversation then. I'll repeat what I said to begin with:
>> ^NetRunner:

Ahh, so your solution to cops behaving badly is to make them take paycuts and/or work longer hours.
Should work out awesome.

Why exactly would cops behave better if they were understaffed? I mean, my job isn't nearly as stressful as being a cop, and they've laid off so many people here that we're woefully understaffed, and it sure as hell hasn't improved my demeanor.

Police Brutality: Cop Shoots, Kills Unarmed Man & His Dog

blankfist says...

@NetRunner: "I think it's not so much that Republicans understand your meaning, so much as Republicans share your misconception that all government spending always includes a huge percentage of fraud and waste, and therefore that government budget cuts never really hurt anything that matters."

No way. Republicans, or neocons, for the most part like the military and police spending. They talk about less government, but they tend to believe in strong national defense and strong police forces. Strong is typically equated to the amount of funds.

I can't speak to Pheonix, but like I said funding alone isn't the issue. Personally I would like to see the police (and military) be drastically minimized. That would mean budget cuts, yes. That would mean police are laid off, yes. I'd like to see the police also have less authority.

I don't like seeing these videos of cops coming into people's homes and killing them and murdering their dogs. Will shrinking the police force eradicate that completely? No. But it certainly would mean less cases I'm sure.

Christine O'Donnell: Evolution is a Myth

hPOD says...

This is a geographical phenomenon. Where I live, there are nothing but far left liberals that bother protesting, holding signs in the streets, etc. However, I never hear a peep out of what I'd consider the common every day democrat (such as my parents), their honest thoughts, etc. It's always the extremes that have the loudest -- and usually most annoying -- voices.

Also, keep in mind that if the only exposure you have to the news media and pop culture is through sifting (or the Internet), than you are only seeing the most sensational of the sensationalized, and the most popular of pop culture.

You completely lose me, however, when you say people are misguided because they fear, hate, or distrust the government. To top it off, you claim to say this with authority? Far be it for me to correct you on this, but no, you don't. You simply say it because you can, and it's of your opinion, and the word authority doesn't belong anywhere in the sentence. Now, I realize you worded it that way to add emphasis, but there are better ways to add emphasis other than to elect yourself the authoritative voice of reason on VS. Keep this in mind, the reason that this country (and many others) exist, is because of this misguided distrust, fear and hate of governments the world over. Sometimes this distrust, fear, or hate is within reason and is counter-detrimental and necessary. I'm not saying it is or not, as I do not know yet. But time will tell.

>> ^peggedbea:

i wish i could feel that way that "the news media sensationalizes" this stuff, but my reality is that
1. i dont own a television to get sensationalized by. literally the only exposure i have to the "news" media and popular culture is through my sporadic bouts of sifting (i'll go 2 weeks and watch a bunch videos or i'll 2 months and watch 1), or whatever my facebook friends post and i chose to watch.
2. i live/work for/am related to/ very literally surrounded by people with this world view constantly. there is at least one tea party rally at least once a month here. there are right now, literally, 6 tea bagger signs in peoples front yards on my street alone. i do realize this is kind of a very loud minority movement. and that in other parts of the country, or the world at large, this just seems like a few people who are being pumped up by the media to look like dumbshits for profit. but the reality in, what i imagine is most of the southern states, is that this shit is absolutely everywhere. and it is having an extremely real impact on legislation and education, especially in texas (which will impact the education of 46-48 other states because of its sheer size, spending power, population and influence). the growth and popularity of this movement, particularly in texas, is having a very real and lasting and detrimental impact on what will eventually be the rest of the world. (with the dumbing down and godifying of educational standards, which has already happened, and the intense popularization of climate change denial, and making science denialism a populist movement).
and while i love the people i know who buy into this, and empathize with the fear and misguided hatred of the government, i can say with some authority that this world view is absolutely, detrimentally, batshit. and one that feeds and thrives and exploits ignorance and fear.
>> ^hPOD:
As for the other guys comment about tea baggers and sanity, he/she needs to understand that just because someone has a different view of life/set of opinions than he/she does, doesn't make them insane, retarded, stupid, or otherwise. I'm so sick of this kind of crap on Sift and other such boards. Not for nothing, but the media loves to sensationalize the idiocy of society. You almost never see a regular democrat/liberal, republican/neocon or tea bagger in the always see the extreme idiot that makes them all look stupid.

Christine O'Donnell: Evolution is a Myth

peggedbea says...

i wish i could feel that way that "the news media sensationalizes" this stuff, but my reality is that

1. i dont own a television to get sensationalized by. literally the only exposure i have to the "news" media and popular culture is through my sporadic bouts of sifting (i'll go 2 weeks and watch a bunch videos or i'll 2 months and watch 1), or whatever my facebook friends post and i chose to watch.

2. i live/work for/am related to/ very literally surrounded by people with this world view constantly. there is at least one tea party rally at least once a month here. there are right now, literally, 6 tea bagger signs in peoples front yards on my street alone. i do realize this is kind of a very loud minority movement. and that in other parts of the country, or the world at large, this just seems like a few people who are being pumped up by the media to look like dumbshits for profit. but the reality in, what i imagine is most of the southern states, is that this shit is absolutely everywhere. and it is having an extremely real impact on legislation and education, especially in texas (which will impact the education of 46-48 other states because of its sheer size, spending power, population and influence). the growth and popularity of this movement, particularly in texas, is having a very real and lasting and detrimental impact on what will eventually be the rest of the world. (with the dumbing down and godifying of educational standards, which has already happened, and the intense popularization of climate change denial, and making science denialism a populist movement).
and while i love the people i know who buy into this, and empathize with the fear and misguided hatred of the government, i can say with some authority that this world view is absolutely, detrimentally, batshit. and one that feeds and thrives and exploits ignorance and fear.

>> ^hPOD:

As for the other guys comment about tea baggers and sanity, he/she needs to understand that just because someone has a different view of life/set of opinions than he/she does, doesn't make them insane, retarded, stupid, or otherwise. I'm so sick of this kind of crap on Sift and other such boards. Not for nothing, but the media loves to sensationalize the idiocy of society. You almost never see a regular democrat/liberal, republican/neocon or tea bagger in the always see the extreme idiot that makes them all look stupid.

Christine O'Donnell: Evolution is a Myth

hPOD says...

I just wanted to say -- FINALLY -- someone gets it.

As for the "joke", it wasn't very funny. While I don't find O'Donnell particularly intelligent, or amusing, he took what she said out of context.

Not to defend her, what she actually meant to get across was this:
If monkeys evolved into Humans, why are monkey's still around? She messed up when she asked this, and Maher made an equally dumb comment on what she said, but everyone gave him a pass. As you said, we didn't, in fact, evolve from monkeys. And Maher is an imbecile in his own right for alluding to that we did.

As for the other guys comment about tea baggers and sanity, he/she needs to understand that just because someone has a different view of life/set of opinions than he/she does, doesn't make them insane, retarded, stupid, or otherwise. I'm so sick of this kind of crap on Sift and other such boards. Not for nothing, but the media loves to sensationalize the idiocy of society. You almost never see a regular democrat/liberal, republican/neocon or tea bagger in the always see the extreme idiot that makes them all look stupid.

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:

>> ^Fantomas:
She makes an excellent point. Really! If evolution is real, why aren't teabaggers evolving into sane people?

Actually both are invalid points, and Maher isnt really making sense in the video either. As I never tire of mentioning:

1. We did not evolve from monkeys (or from chimps or bonobos or gorillas) we evolved alongside them. They evolved, we evolved, fruit evolved, and so on. Its not a matter of time as Maher implies, because monkeys would never, even if you could watch them evolve and reproduce for a billion years, then turn back time and replay the tape a billion times, evolve into humans. Which brings me to...
2: Evolution is not directed towards a specific goal or goals. if that was true, there are something like 10 million separate "goals" on this planet, species that undoubtably will, in the fullness of time, join in death the 99.9% of all "goals" that are now extinct, either by outright extinction, or by evolving into subspecies that look nothing like them.
EDIT: thats not to say I didn't understand the joke, btw

blankfist (Member Profile)

NetRunner says...

Nah, I'll upvote the shit out of Tymbrwulf's reply.

It's actually entirely consistent with neocon behavior throughout to want to see this go down. Sustaining the war itself always gets their vote, but they always oppose things like improving health benefits to veterans, the new GI bill, pay increases for soldiers, better body armor for soldiers, or mine-resistant vehicles for soldiers, etc.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I know you want to upvote the shit out of this comment, dontcha?

The Daily Show: I Give Up - 9/11 Responders Bill

blankfist says...

>> ^Tymbrwulf:

>> ^blankfist:
As much as neocons use 9/11 as a political talking point to spend trillions for war, you'd think they'd vote in favor of this, right? Weird and scummy.

As I see it, they don't want any kind of positive legislation passing under Obama so that they can try and elect a Republican President in 2012 under the "Obama didn't do anything" guise.

You're probably right. Or, they could be trying to stick to traditionalist conservatism at the moment because they're not in power, but the second they are stand the fuck back because it's more of the same bullshit.

The Daily Show: I Give Up - 9/11 Responders Bill

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^blankfist:

As much as neocons use 9/11 as a political talking point to spend trillions for war, you'd think they'd vote in favor of this, right? Weird and scummy.

As I see it, they don't want any kind of positive legislation passing under Obama so that they can try and elect a Republican President in 2012 under the "Obama didn't do anything" guise.

The Daily Show: I Give Up - 9/11 Responders Bill

What is a Proof

blackjackshellac says...

I love Chretien, he was da man. Now we have that fat fecking weasel that only neocon American wannabes have any time for, aka Stephen "Dubya II" Harper. Chretien was funny when he got pissed off at someone for asking stupid questions, not terribly eloquent, but he always seemed to be on the edge of grabbing them by the collar and shouting into their face, "stop asking me these stupid fucking question, twat!", mais en francais, of course, mon tarbarnac.

The Dirty Fuckin' Hippies Were Right

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

PS: For the millionth time, neoliberal doesn't mean what you want it to mean!

And for the millionth time - I was the one that INVENTED the term 'neolib' so it means exactly what I think it means. I use the term neolib to describe liberals in the same way that the left uses the term 'neocon' to describe stuff on the right. 'Neocon' went from a term describing jewish liberals who supported the military to being a word the left uses to describe anything and everything 'right' they don't like and wish to give a perjorative label. I use neolib in the same way to describe leftism. I wish neolibs would stop mis-using the neocon term, but they don't. Until that happens, just get used to it.

As far as the vid goes - it shows a bunch of hippies getting a much-needed talking to by the previous generation. Doesn't tell them to stop being idealists, but does show them that a lot of the hippie arguments were BS.

What if the Tea Party Was Black?

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Did you wake up the neighbors laughing as you wrote that?

Not a bit of it. The NBP have a history - as an organization - of racism and advocating violence. This is the NEW BP organization I'm talking about - not the BP (which is different). The NBP site here is plainly motivated by race from start to finish. Just look at thier objectives. Every single one of thier objectives is filled with racial terms. Stuff like, "Black police officers are black men first and police officers second..." and "100% opposed to white takeover of the inner city" and "we affirm that governments, corporations, and white private citizens ... have enslaved, discriminated against, robbed, and disenfranchised our people in ... countless ways" sure sound like racist terms to me.

Being a 'racist' means you look at things through a prism of race. It cannot be denied that the NBP organization is racist. 100% through and through. But I can find no Tea Party organization that makes race a major platform of its goals or objectives or even talks about race at all. Show me the quote from an official spokesperson who is authorized to speak for the Tea Party that is making these so-called racist statements. There is no such animal.

Small government. Free Markets. Constitution. Fiscal responsibility. What's absent? Race. The Tea Party opposes POLICIES, not color. I don't get how so many people who otherwise seem reasonable can fall for such a blatantly obvious lie. The last time I saw this level of blind, wilful idiocy was the defense of Bill Clinton's perjury and the whole "It's only about sex" bilge.

And you need to learn to seperate the message from the messenger wulf. Just because the HuffPo is a neolib leftwing haven doesn't mean they don't get some of thier facts right. Just like Breitbart is a neocon rightwing bastion and sometimes does really good reporting alongside their screeds.

The site I linked is clearly a right wing bunch, and some of their stuff is good and some of it isn't. But the videos in the main page are what they are and show the ugly face of racism - and it ain't in the Tea Party. "Minister" King Samir Shabazz is what the link says. The NBP organization's leader is Malik Shabazz - also a known anti-semite, racist, and mysoginist. Samir talked about the killing of 'cracker babies' and the closest Malik ever got to repudiating it was saying he 'didn't agree in that context'. Nice.

The NAACP issues charges of racism at the Tea Party with no evidence but unverified comments from random, unidentified kooks. At the same time they ignore clear, blatant racism from orgs like the NBP. And then they wonder why no one takes them seriously anymore.

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