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Muslim Student vs. Horowitz: Major Student FAIL

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

OBAMA IS COMING 4 UR GUNZ!! (Gun Show Nation)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'obama, fascist, nazi, marxist, guns, totalitarian, racists' to 'obama, fascist, nazi, marxist, guns, totalitarian, racists, max blumenthal' - edited by dystopianfuturetoday

Does the Media have a Double Standard on Israel?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'israel, media, plaestine, media, standard, banned, censorship, fora' to 'israel, media, plaestine, media, standard, banned, censorship, fora, max blumenthal' - edited by dystopianfuturetoday

Does the Media have a Double Standard on Israel?

Max Blumenthal at a Pro-Israel Rally in New York

NordlichReiter says...

Perhaps people should see what these, futile, wars wrought.

Take a good look at my comment, above.

You know something about cancer? Cancer is a tumorous growth of tissue that was once part of a body. Half the time patients die from the treatment.


Look through this live leak query below, then ask yourself about god?
(Warning the videos in this search of Live Leak are explicit, and extremely disturbing, and yes people probably died.)

I say to you, where is your god now?

Max Blumenthal and Jeremy Scahill are the best journalists ever, if there were a god it would have blessed them.

Max Blumenthal at a Pro-Israel Rally in New York

Religious nutjob conventions and congressmen who love them

Generation Chickenhawk: Will College Republicans go to Iraq?

CPAC: The Unauthorized Documentary

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^Mauru:

I like Max Blumenthal and his work but I can't help being under the impression that he intentionally fishes out the nutcases in order to make his reports more interesting. Can anybody recommend any good, "longer" documentaries with more footage?
Then again, maybe I am just a tad too naive about the level of brain-activity in the conservative movement.

You assume they even have brains, let alone use them for free thought.

CPAC: The Unauthorized Documentary

Mauru says...

I like Max Blumenthal and his work but I can't help being under the impression that he intentionally fishes out the nutcases in order to make his reports more interesting. Can anybody recommend any good, "longer" documentaries with more footage?

Then again, maybe I am just a tad too naive about the level of brain-activity in the conservative movement.

CPAC: The Unauthorized Documentary

Max Blumenthal Arguing at CPAC

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Max Blumenthal on the tea-baggers, sex scandals, etc...

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