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Seal Birth at Elliott Bay Marina- Seattle, WA 7/29/13

PlayhousePals says...

Seems it survived unscathed ... I just found this:

Brian Kaloper, harbormaster at Seattle’s Elliott Bay Marina, was walking to his office on Monday morning when something caught his eye.

It was a seal on the marina’s G dock. Given that the dock is heavily traveled, Kaloper thought it was odd to see the animal there.

“When I got into my office, we turned on our security cameras to see what was going on,” he said.

Soon, Kaloper was treated to an astonishing sight. As the camera recorded, the seal gave birth to a pup, alternately laboring and taking a few breaks to rest. Immediately after the pup was born, the mother turned around and nudged its face and body, as if to make sure it was alright, then looked around the dock.

Marina staff quickly locked the door to the gate to protect the mother and baby, put up caution tape and kept the dock closed for a few hours, until the mother and newborn were back in the water. Kaloper said though marina staff are used to seeing wildlife around the facilty, the birth was astonishing to witness.

“Our staff sees plenty of seals and pups swimming about, but to catch nature in its most pure form on camera during a regular Monday was unbelievable,” he said.

Yogi said:

How are mommy and pup? Is there a followup because it doesn't seem to be moving.

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

Webcam captures artist's 736+ hour performance piece

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Celebrity Encounters (Blog Entry by lucky760)

chingalera says...

I edited that last spiel for dates and added some more stuff I remembered-Gotta find that picture of my mom kissing Roger Daltrey-

OH-I got fired form a job for putting up a comic of Matt Groening's "Work Is Hell" from a book I bought attastore in the mall....PRE-Simpson's, 1980ish-I sent him a letter telling him that his cartoon cost me my job and he replied with an autographed 8 X 10 glossy of him atta marina holding a duck (duck has cartoon bubble, "HALP HALP HALP!!") and a postcard that read, "Sorry to her about your job. You know what they say, "Work is Hell"

My brush with future animating Megagod of all time just 2 years before the Simpsons popped!-Matt Groening answered my letter personally...Fuck Yeah!!

Marina Sirtis (Deanna Trois From Star Trek) at 53

oritteropo says...

Maybe it was the one dimensional character written by lazy writers?

Deanna Trois was boring, but Marina Sirtis comes across as interesting and fun.>> ^EMPIRE:

To be honest I never fancied her much back in the Star Trek days... maybe it was the hair, or the clothes. But daaaamn. She is really hot today.

Marina Sirtis (Deanna Trois From Star Trek) at 53

Marina Sirtis (Deanna Trois From Star Trek) at 53

TYT - Fake Orgasms, Women & Bisexuals

Webcam captures artist's 736+ hour performance piece

kulpims (Member Profile)

Most Epic Marriage Proposal Ever!

glomer8888 says...

I appreciate all of the interesting ideas as to what I do or if I'm loaded...

1) What do I do for a living? I was in sales at the time I made the trailer.
2) Am I loaded? Nope, don't even have a job right now.

First of all I'm not loaded, I was able to get mostly everything donated for the film shoot. Yes it did cost a bit... but was able to make a connection through my neighbor at the time for the film equipment. Dozens of people donated their time and services. The people who helped loved my idea and wanted to be a part of it, simple as that. As far as Tracey and the horses are concerned, she used to be a teacher who taught kids and adults how to jump. As far as the sailboat... been sailing my entire life, finally bought my boat 5 years ago for a whopping $1,200, and sold it last year because it cost way to much for my slip in the marina.

The part that cost the most was renting the theater for the afternoon, $700.

Right now I'm unemployed, Tracey and I are married, and have a baby on the way in Feb. 2010.

Thanks for all the kind remarks and even the not so kind remarks. They make Tracey and I laugh our asses off!


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