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C-note (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Icicles falling from power lines, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

100+ MPH Winds 2016/05/16 From Mount Washington Observatory

How to avoid a roadside drug bust

MilkmanDan says...

Not that I think shooting into the air for minor reasons is a *good* idea, but the chances of it being dangerous to the point of killing (or even injuring) someone are really really low. See for example:

First of all, even in a densely populated city, the ratio of square meters of human-occupied space to unoccupied space is really low. So, you gotta be quite unlucky to have a bullet fired up land on a human instead of house / dirt / concrete / whatever.

Second, when the bullet comes down it won't be traveling at its muzzle velocity, but at its terminal falling velocity. Mythbusters did a test on that, as have various other sources, and most find that a bullet falling at terminal velocity isn't fast enough to kill unless you're outstandingly unlucky. Deaths have been recorded, but at a lower rate than, say, Hippos, pulling a Carradine, or having an icicle fall on your head.

I guess it is sorta like hailstones, which could potentially have relatively comparable mass, aerodynamic properties, and terminal velocities as bullets in some cases. I've been caught in a hailstorm before, and while it was enough to sting and be rather painful, it wasn't near strong enough to break the skin.

So, given all of that, IF it came down to a situation where a policeman has to show a dangerous assailant that they mean business and are willing to fire their weapon to resolve it, firing straight up into the air might potentially be a good way to accomplish that without immediately shooting to kill / injure the assailant. In some scenarios, possibly. NOT that a stopped car trying to dump drugs (via balloon or whatever else) is an example of such a scenario.

Januari said:

Yeah it would have to be i hope... those bullets have to come down somewhere. Whats sad is it wouldn't be THAT hard to imagine an officer somewhere doing that for a minor drug offense.

Synchronized Neighborhood Christmas Lights

jmd says...

#1 Its not fake.
#2 this is probably one of the first couple of full runs, no one but the home owners even know about it.
#3 It is not actually that difficult. The kits to synchronize these lights have been out for a decade now. In a case like this I would;

a) Get permission to handle everyones lights for the year.
b) Using the same kit, I wouldn't get too fancy, gutter icicles, trees, garage outlines, not much more for each house.
c) only need to make one routine, this routine can then be loaded into all houses with only the need to tweak the strands of lights used in each group.
e) syncing would be no problem with an internet aware kit that synchs its internal clock online.

The place turns into kind of a strobe mess because there are not many types of light groups to alternate between, but that can wait for next year. Great effort.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

California news teams overreact to “cold” temperatures

VoodooV says...

I'm in the midwest we've had a mild winter so far and we're in the 40s and it's damned nice out as far as we're concerned.

These guys would probably faint if I told them about some of my zero degree long runs training for the half marathonn with an icicle eyebrows and everything

Evaporating Water Experiment at -41°C/F

Sagemind says...

Yup, I have fond memories of -45°c to -30°c
I've frozen the moisture in my eyes, glues my nostrils together and grown an icicle beard from my breath and nose many a time.

I remember back in high school when they shut down the schools because it was too cold. knowing this, my boss called and asked if I wanted to work for the day. I said yes, but had no transportation. I walked the 5km into town in -37°c. When I got there, I had icicles on my face, my scarf was frozen solid from breathing through it, and my eyebrows were frozen to my toque. It took me an hour to thaw out before I could even start working. After which, my boss said, I should have just said something and he would have just whipped over and picked my up.
Ah to be young, stupid and stuborn

zeoverlord said:

-41 is painful, when your eyes are open you can feel crystals forming on your eyeballs, and then when you blink to thaw them out your eyelids tend to freeze together a bit.

What really happens if you take off your helmet in space?

Calcul8r says...

>> ^Thumper:

I'm guessing that while your venting your fluids and air out these things would freeze. So I imagine you would see long chaotic shards of ice jolting out of those areas.

No, the liquids would boil off, so you might see an ice fog, but no icicles.

He begins with the assumption that you're out in cold space. If you're close to the sun you would encounter radiation from the solar wind and heat up instead of cool down (on the side facing the sun, that is).

When Icicles Attack

Tofumar (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Beard icicle comber? Like I haven't had that offer before. Get in line, get in line.

In reply to this comment by Tofumar:
I volunteer to comb the icicles out of your beard while persephone is out on weekends. After all, I plan to be kept alive for a long time by my strong connection to the dark side of the force.

In reply to this comment by dag:
A good idea for a website would be somewhere that you can publicly register your intent not to commit suicide. Just in case.

BTW FTR, not planning to commit suicide. I'll let you know if I every change my mind. I'm prety unsuicidal- I'm looking in to getting my head frozen.

dag (Member Profile)

Tofumar says...

I volunteer to comb the icicles out of your beard while persephone is out on weekends. After all, I plan to be kept alive for a long time by my strong connection to the dark side of the force.

In reply to this comment by dag:
A good idea for a website would be somewhere that you can publicly register your intent not to commit suicide. Just in case.

BTW FTR, not planning to commit suicide. I'll let you know if I every change my mind. I'm prety unsuicidal- I'm looking in to getting my head frozen.

Shooting a Super-Soaker at -45°F (0:13)

I Am The Commodore Amiga 500, Welcome To The Future

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