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Real living Gargoyle wants to steal your mangoes

Julie Driscoll - This Wheel's On Fire

Kathy Griffin Blasts Tom Cruise & Scientology on Larry King

Fjnbk (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

What are your top 10? (Sift Talk Post)

Siftquisition: Quantumushroom (Sift Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

Quantumushroom, a mushroom you love to hate and hate to hate

I picture a snake like character slithering under his desk, in his one room apartment, rubbing his hands, chugging his mountain dew, making love to his dick cheney doll. What a guy.

I think his submissions were inappropriate but he really only gets attention when he says/does crazy things. We pay little attention when he tries to share his interests.

Yes, it's all fun and games when your not the one being siftquistioned, it's good to see he at least emailed Dag, but not showing up for your own SQ is poor etiquette.

And that the end of the day isn't what QM did just an example of poor community etiquette, Downvoting a persons queue (picture it, picture gollum here guzzing his dew at 1am downvoting a queue, it's sad) It's not the type of character you want sharing your community, I wouldn't want a neighbour who shits on my lawn everytime I plant flowers.

Obviously QM has some social problems, this is the Internet, and the sift is a community full of people with entirely different backgrounds and reasons for using this website. What QM did was done in poor taste and the Siftquisition is well justified.

Everybody should read QM's email to Dag, because that is the closest we will get to performing an autopsy on this troll. After reading it I simply think QM doesn't understand exactly how this web community runs, he thinks he can come on here and use the site with the tools he is provided in any way he wants.

QM probably is on the payroll of some right wing lobby group, one of many sock puppetting liberal communities to keep them from having civilized conversations, you can find them commenting on my AOL blog 24/7 Web 2.0 is slowly drowning out these trolls and they are becoming more and more extinct.

Thank God
(Full disclosure: My god is Jeda Buddas)

Man vs. Wild - Fresh Alaskan Salmon!

Man vs. Wild - Fresh Alaskan Salmon!

Gollum Smiegel, Tenacious D, sing Grease

Enya - May It Be

Farhad2000 says...

The Lord Of The Rings movies with all the additional extended scenes is 12 hours long... I did the trek myself with a couple of friends on a lazy Caturday playing all kinds of retarded drinking games with rules like everyone takes a shot when the ring is mentioned, everyone takes a shot when Legolas snipes someone with his bow, everyone takes a shot when Sam and Frodo have a sexual tense scene together, everyone takes a shot when Gollum says 'Precious', everyone takes a shot when... and so on and so on... Obviously we all have liver damage now.

Simpsons do a little Jewish humor (Gollum)

Simpsons do a little Jewish humor (Gollum)

Gollum Smiegel, Tenacious D, sing Grease

A Few Good G-Men (half life 2 adaptation of the "You Cant Handle the Truth!" scene)

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