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alien_concept (Member Profile)

Sweetmind (Member Profile)

how to have a rolling party in 2 minutes

eric3579 says...

See *related=

artician said:

I am *certain* I've seen a different "crazy people dancing" video at this exactly location. Does this sound familiar to anyone else?

how to have a rolling party in 2 minutes

Daldain (Member Profile)

San Francisco Market St. 1906 Digitally Enhanced & Repaired

chingalera says...

Hence, and regardless of the errant duping by certain sloppy members flexing their p'shaw and according to the rules of this game, not a dupe-

It takes a special person with lives outside of this stulltificant festival to make the needed tweak or otherwise, anappropriate adjustment...This place is in serious need of some cleansing and or participative input....

notarobot said:

The footage appears to be the same as the dupe'd video, but I prefer the old-timey soundtrack to the modern instrumentals on this. Not sure that my personal preferences will do much to sway judges on sift law though.

EDD (Member Profile)

arghness (Member Profile)

Stormsinger (Member Profile)

Duck Dynasty Is Fake!

Bill Burr - You People Are All The Same (full, uncensored)

rougy (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...


Cheers my friend.

I just had a challenging few hours and sat down to the 'puter only to have to launch and relaunch the browser six times as someone left a slew of windows full of tabs open for hours and low and behold the nicest occurrence of my day, truly so.

I am about to retire. I will get three hours sleep then getting up to drive to the Tx Renaissance Festival for the day. It will be about an hour and a half drive.

My drinking days are long since gone now. I did verily enjoy my Courvoisier and wine for that matter. I do still miss El Dorado 15 year rum occasionally. I am, though, raising a St. Pauli Girl NA to you. I hope not to be slighting you...Salute Rougy. Never had the pleasure of Mexican brandy. Sounds intriguing.

I Ching? Rougy, you surprise me. From what translation is that quote? It does not ring of the Wilhelm Baynes. That is my default translation since '72 though I have a large collection. Do you use the sticks?

Your simian statement reminded me of the Principia's, and I paraphrase, a monkey looks into a mirror, an apostle does not look out.

You are ever the poet, sir.

As for me, I am the happiest of my life and happy when I have the sense to be. Healthy, my years weigh heavily but I am better than in years and intend to be better yet.

And you my friend? Healthy? And happy? I hope both for you.

I think of you often as a matter of fact,...and well if I may add. The are a few here that have touched my life, mind and heart, interestingly so, and you are not among the least of those. I think quite often of your last missive.

And finally, to your owing me one, thank you so much for the sentiment, and the gift of hearing from you my friend.

rougy said:

Cheers, unmet friend. Socking down a shot of Mexican brandy in your honor. Gonna chase it with some vino of indiscriminate origins.

Salute! May happiness be yours, now.

(shudder...good stuff....)

I consulted the "I Ching" today. It told me, and I quote:

"What unnecessary melancholy! You put your imagination and your soul aside and say: 'Look how sad I am!' This is what closes the way. It has no value whatsoever."

A gorilla can't very well buy the book of I Ching a drink, so I am at a loss as to how to pay my compliments.

Hope you're happy. Healthy. Not necessarily in that order.

Above all else...thanks for thinking of me.

You poured a little water on this cactus I call a heart.

It will sustain me....

And I owe you one.

SlipperyPete (Member Profile)

Medieval Times for REAL

SDGundamX says...

We've got some guys here in Japan that do this. They usually come every year to the Scottish Highland Games festival in Chiba and they'll even let you put on the gear and try it out yourself (though for the noobs they use padded wooded weapons rather than metal for obvious reasons). I'll admit though the guys in this video are way better and a bit more... overzealous than the guys we usually see here.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Yeah, he's had a hard on for me ever since I told him I wasn't interested in writing one of his screenplay ideas with him.

Bad reviews come with the territory and they don't bother most filmmakers, even when they're scathing. You have to have thick skin. Plus we were nominated for best feature in half the festivals we were accepted at and actually won best feature in two, best actor in another, among other awards. We're quite proud of the film.

eric3579 said:

Looks like someones got a crush on you.

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