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Drunk German Dude Annoys Cop with Dildo. Yea.

Lawdeedaw says...

When you fire to kill a target, a weapon can go empty in a few seconds. So, three-four seconds and the clip is empty. You have five guys doing that and you multiply that by, the average clip, 15...X5, 45 rounds in seconds.

If someone survived that reasonable volley, I would have to think they were a zombie and get the flamethrowers out...

Also, it takes a murderer 1 second to draw a gun, and one second to put it to a cop's face and pull the trigger.

My point is, of course they are taught to continue firing--and why not? When a cop is in doubt, they try again. When they are in doubt and don't try again---they die. It is easy for us to gainsay them...

Away from the topic of reasonable training (In regards to lethal situations) I would say that the average American person would not understand why this would be assualt. They would think it fine---right up until they had it done to them. And then! OMG! What a violation of THIER rights...

>> ^csnel3:
>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^mgittle:
Moral of the story:
Poking a cop in the kidney with a dildo gets you instantly handcuffed.
Pretty sure that would be the case in any country/culture across the globe.

Except in america. Who'd like to speculate what an american cop would do if poked like that?

Ok, I'll go first.
Here in Portland Oregon (west coast, USA) the police would either Beat you to death, Taze you to death or, shoot you to death and then shoot you some more ( I believe they are trained to empty their weapons regardless of the results of the previous rounds). I hear In New York (east coast, USA) they would just sodimize you and drop you off at the ICU with the dildo in your rectum tamped in with a nightstick or broom handle.Not exactly "Death by Snu Snu", but close.

Drunk German Dude Annoys Cop with Dildo. Yea.

csnel3 says...

>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^mgittle:
Moral of the story:
Poking a cop in the kidney with a dildo gets you instantly handcuffed.
Pretty sure that would be the case in any country/culture across the globe.

Except in america. Who'd like to speculate what an american cop would do if poked like that?

Ok, I'll go first.
Here in Portland Oregon (west coast, USA) the police would either Beat you to death, Taze you to death or, shoot you to death and then shoot you some more ( I believe they are trained to empty their weapons regardless of the results of the previous rounds). I hear In New York (east coast, USA) they would just sodimize you and drop you off at the ICU with the dildo in your rectum tamped in with a nightstick or broom handle.Not exactly "Death by Snu Snu", but close.

TDS: Foreclosure Crisis

EmptyFriend says...

my parents are getting screwed by this whole situation right now.

they were in escrow on an east coast foreclosure property when GMAC called to say that they're putting the sale on hold. they can get the deposit back but already had to pay for inspections and plane tickets (from california) for the closing.

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer Overview

Matthu says...


This is an interesting topic to me as I like competitive games and played mw1 in a euphoric state for about 4 months straight 'till my xbox died.

1. 100+ ping is unplayable for me. Living on the east coast of Canada I am blessed in that I rarely ping more than 60. If I connect to a server where I'm pinging 100+ it's super noticeable and frustrating.

1.5 M/kb vs Controller has always frustrated me. I've actually read comments from people saying that you can be just as good with a controller. While you can be very good/great with a controller. It's super obvious to me m/kb is more accurate. For the longest time I never touched ps3/xbox fps' due to having been spoiled by my cs 1.6 days. I finally did accept the controller after playing halo, and then mw1, and seeing how fun those games were. I still wished for a m/kb combo for those games. But I guess I understand why they don't allow it...

2. I never played mw2, so I'll speak about mw1. I was never overly frustrated at imbalanced guns. Sure, the noob tube required less skill to get kills with but w/e. It also wasn't really a gun that allowed for great skill. So what I mean is that a highly skilled player using a noob tube wouldn't be much more effective than a noob using the noob tube. But a highly skilled player using an m4 vs a noob tube wouldn't usualy be frustrated. And the only perk I remember thinking was really lame was martyr. That was total bullshit.

3. Popping into a server and seeing those familiar faces, even if you never speak to them is great fun. Seeing how they play, knowing who's good and who's only decent etc. That's not something they should overlook as game designers imo. But regarding match making, halo 3 provided the greatest match making experience ever imo.

I really felt my skill was rewarded with mw1, though thinking back there were a few frustrating nade spots. But that was mostly faulty map design. There were a couple maps where you could nade close to the other teams spawn straight from the start. Getting hit by one of those straight away always got an xclamation of bushit from me lol.

How Canadians Drink Beer

We Should Be Back in Business (Sift Talk Post)

Taco Bell - A peek behind the counter: How the food is made.

EmptyFriend says...

>> ^shagen454:

I don't really have anything against Taco Bell, I used to eat there as a kid on the East Coast - there were no other "Mexican" food options. But, if you live in the vicinity of real Taquerias you have no excuse to eat this fake, small-portioned, overpriced shit. I've tried "mexican" food all over CA but I still need to try the famed San Diego burrito. Definitely, though, if all you've ever eaten is "mexican" food from Burrito Max or the Bell - you've gotta try the real deal. After I left a small city on the East Coast a mexican restaraunt moved in and yuppified this type of food. I'll admit it was good - but there is nothing like getting an excellent $4 veggie burrito with free chips and salsa.

I believe you're talking about the California Burrito, at least that's what it's called here in San Diego. Indeed it is quite delicious, and probably the item I get most at taco joints here. I've probably had taco bell about 5 times in the last few years. Partly because it's about the fastest meal I can get near my work (leave my desk, eat at TB, and be back at my desk in under 30 minutes), and partly because I have friends that pressure me into it. "You have to try the new _______ at taco bell!" Those items always suck though.

My favorite items at TB are: classic taco, double decker taco, crunch wrap supreme.

robv (Member Profile)

shagen454 says...

In reply to this comment by robv:
>> ^shagen454:

I don't really have anything against Taco Bell, I used to eat there as a kid on the East Coast - there were no other "Mexican" food options. But, if you live in the vicinity of real Taquerias you have no excuse to eat this fake, small-portioned, overpriced shit. I've tried "mexican" food all over CA but I still need to try the famed San Diego burrito. Definitely, though, if all you've ever eaten is "mexican" food from Burrito Max or the Bell - you've gotta try the real deal. After I left a small city on the East Coast a mexican restaraunt moved in and yuppified this type of food. I'll admit it was good - but there is nothing like getting an excellent $4 veggie burrito with free chips and salsa.

I agree with everything you said except that Taco Bell is expensive. That shit is cheap. If I'm resigned to eating fast food and I want as much food as possible for the lowest price, I go to Taco Bell.

In San Fran any of the specials are either $6.45 or $7.45+ tax. Most specials would be like Nachos Bella Grande + a taco / soda. I mean burritos around here are massive... usually nachos from a Taqueria are @ $5 and contain 3X the amount of food of any Taco Bell special, not too mention the ingredients are fresh and not processed into franken-food, cost less and contain more food.

Taco Bell - A peek behind the counter: How the food is made.

robv says...

>> ^shagen454:

I don't really have anything against Taco Bell, I used to eat there as a kid on the East Coast - there were no other "Mexican" food options. But, if you live in the vicinity of real Taquerias you have no excuse to eat this fake, small-portioned, overpriced shit. I've tried "mexican" food all over CA but I still need to try the famed San Diego burrito. Definitely, though, if all you've ever eaten is "mexican" food from Burrito Max or the Bell - you've gotta try the real deal. After I left a small city on the East Coast a mexican restaraunt moved in and yuppified this type of food. I'll admit it was good - but there is nothing like getting an excellent $4 veggie burrito with free chips and salsa.

I agree with everything you said except that Taco Bell is expensive. That shit is cheap. If I'm resigned to eating fast food and I want as much food as possible for the lowest price, I go to Taco Bell.

Taco Bell - A peek behind the counter: How the food is made.

shagen454 says...

I don't really have anything against Taco Bell, I used to eat there as a kid on the East Coast - there were no other "Mexican" food options. But, if you live in the vicinity of real Taquerias you have no excuse to eat this fake, small-portioned, overpriced shit. I've tried "mexican" food all over CA but I still need to try the famed San Diego burrito. Definitely, though, if all you've ever eaten is "mexican" food from Burrito Max or the Bell - you've gotta try the real deal. After I left a small city on the East Coast a mexican restaraunt moved in and yuppified this type of food. I'll admit it was good - but there is nothing like getting an excellent $4 veggie burrito with free chips and salsa.

Anderson Cooper - Govt Bans Press From Filming BP Oil Spill

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:

I've got a theory hypothesis.
They can't stop the oil spill, that's given. Now, given the government's actions they are preparing for the long-hawl. Going out on a limb, into speculation, I think the executive branch and its Plutocratic backing are worried that they won't be able to successfully drill a relief well. Or worse, the relief well doesn't work?
I just did a google search on "Will a relief well work?" Nothing but optimism. Blind optimism is no good, they need to be prepared for when that shit doesn't work. That begs the question, has anyone prepared for when the relief well doesn't work?
What if, in the process of drilling the relief well BP fucks up?
This video is an example of damage control, and the control of information. Someone in the Judicial Branch or Congress better fucking wake up. They need to reign the executive branch in, and smack 'em around a bit.

Ya, been reading about that too. Now estimates are potentially a year out for a relief well. Buy that time, the ecology of the entire gulf and the east coast of the united states could be dead, for centuries.

notarobot (Member Profile)

Jean-Michel Cousteau: Use of Oil Dispersants in Gulf

notarobot says...

The oil is all over the gulf. The gulf stream is not a local phenomenon. I expect it is only a matter of time before small particles of oil are spread up along the East Coast of the U.S., Canada, and to a lesser extent, even Britain and Europe.

Clip Art Makes Everything Shit

Shepppard says...

>> ^ulysses1904:

Thanks for clarifying the source of her accent in such a smug condescending way.
(cue donkey braying noises)
Maybe some day it will be VERY VERY CLEAR to "us guys" (????) how to distinguish the source of any foreign accent.

Get out more then, there's no reason that you shouldn't be able to tell accents apart unless you've made a point not to now that the internet has arrived.

And even then, go out, rent a monty python flick and crocodile dundee. you'll tell which accent is which in 4 hours.

The only ones you may get confused are Australian and New Zealand (and even then, they're not that similar)

Unfortunately, I agree with being condescending in this instance. This isn't a hard concept to grasp, it's just ignorance. You've been a member for almost a year, and a possible lurker for god knows how long before that. In that time.. have you never watched any videos featuring a British accent? Hell, top 15 right now, Dave Mitchell, QI, #1 and 2 videos. None of the people in them sound remotely like she does.

If you're an American (Which, I assume you are, as they make up most of the community of this site) then you'd probably be able to tell the differences between certain southern accents, and even west and east coast accents. If you're Canadian, then you'll definately be able to pick someone out from the east coast. And those are generally minute difference is comparison to Australian and British.

Who knows. Maybe the fact that I'm Canadian just gives a +5 to my foreign accent detection, but it's retardedly simple for even me.

Rachel Maddow - Iraq Plan B

burdturgler says...

Can't find a replacement. Here's the transcript in case some lonely wanderer wonders what this video was about:

Oct 14, 2008
"MADDOW: Coming up, Academy Award-winning director, Oliver Stone, joins us here in the studio to talk about his new film “W” or “double-u” if you‘re one of those east coast media elitists. Hopefully, I can persuade Mr. Stone to share his opinions about the life and career of President George W. Bush, but you know how shy Mr. Stone is. I will do what I can.

First though, it‘s time for a few underreported holy mackerel stories in today‘s news. Ready for the first one? Quote, “In the beginning of the timing of the laws, I said there is no difficulty‘s base.” What? Huh? What I said was, “In the beginning of the timing of the laws, I said there is no difficulty‘s base.”

Does that make any sense to you? Yes, me neither. And neither did it make sense to the judge, the military officers, or lawyers working one of the tribunals at Guantanamo recently, when an American paid Arabic translator dictated to them that nonsense sentence, as if it made sense in English.

Does the phrase “lost in translation” spring to mind? Five key defendants charged in conjunction with 9/11 are moving towards jury trials. The U.S. military lawyers assigned to defend them say that translation services have been done so on the cheap that they estimate about half of what a defendant stated in the hearing room was mistranslated and a ¼ of what was said in English in the courtroom never made it back to the defendant. There are standards for these sorts of things, you know, at, say, federal courts or the international criminal courts but at Guantanamo, apparently? Not so much.

Remember the case there about Osama bin Laden‘s alleged driver? That actual phrase, “bin Laden‘s driver” was repeatedly translated as “bin Laden‘s lawyer.” What‘s the difference?

And time is running out for American troops to be in Iraq legally. The United Nation‘s mandate that allows our troops to be there expires at the end of this year. What happens when that mandate expires? Well, the Bush administration has long expressed confidence that the Iraqi government and the White House could sign a status-of-forces agreement—a country-to-country, one-on-one plan for keeping our troops there.

But after months of a stalemate and trying to reach such an agreement, one of the Iraqi vice presidents this week finally said that he doesn‘t think it‘s going to happen in time. So, that means after December 31st, it will be illegal for American troops to be on Iraqi streets.

Karen DeYoung from “The Washington Post” reports today that American officials are looking for a plan B if the status-of-forces negotiations really don‘t work out. What is plan B? Apparently, the Bush administration might try to get that U.N. mandate extended. That would require a vote in the U.N. Security Council where Russia holds a veto and Russia, you may recall, would just love an opportunity like that to shove us our locker and steal our lunch money.

So that makes me think “B” in that plan stands for “bad,” as in if that‘s your only plan, that‘s a bad plan. Karen DeYoung suggests that a few other plan Bs might be in the works as well, though Plan B-1 - I guess we‘d call it. A plan B-1 would be, quote, “a simple handshake agreement between Bush and the Iraqi prime minister to keep troops around until the next president takes over and starts negotiating again.”

A handshake deal? You would ride 150,000 American lives on a handshake deal? Maybe I could suggest a plan C, “C” as in “see you.” If the Iraqi government doesn‘t want us to stay enough to sign a deal for to us stay, how about we leave?"

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