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Unedited Christine O'Donnell:What's the 1st Amendment Again?

Drachen_Jager says...

And I suspect she's hurting the other TP candidates on the way... She's receiving national attention and probably more coverage in Nevada than Sharon Angle for instance. I think if people look at Angle and see O'Donnell they'll either stay home or vote against this kind of lunacy.

After all, Angle is only O'Donnell with enough years to know when to shut her pie-hole.

>> ^Truckchase:

>> ^Skeeve:
This woman needs to be stopped...

Don't worry; she's stopping herself.

Unedited Christine O'Donnell:What's the 1st Amendment Again?

kceaton1 says...

>> ^lantern53:

She is correct. The amendment prohibits the establish of a religion, not the separation of church and state.

Congress shall make no law respecting AN establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (Catholic school?)(federal/state schools means...); or abridging the freedom of speech , or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Re-read the bold part and post back when you know the answer.

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

jwray says...

>> ^direpickle:

>> ^shuac:
I'm getting a new passport ready just in case the 2012 election goes from "Entertaining as the 2008 Election" to "Holy Shit, I've got to leave this country now."
Can anyone make a good suggestion of where I can go? I don't really speak any other languages. I took some French in high school and I know a little German (he's sitting over there <- awesome Top Secret reference).
Seriously though. Any ideas?

Don't be one of those guys, man.
Also, you're probably fooling yourself if you think there's anywhere better. Corruption is a huge problem the world over. The UK is a nanny state, surveillance state, and general purpose Orwellian nightmare. It sounds like much of mainland Europe is being flooded with Fundie Muslims, and the governments are kowtowing before all of their demands (hence all of the anti-heresy laws). Oceania is going crazy with their Internet Filtering and whatnot. Canada's far too easily influenced by the US.
They're all bowing before the American Intellectual Property Juggernaut.
You will pretty much never be able to become a citizen in most of Europe. The Japanese government is corrupt, and the people will never accept you as one of them. I'd be leery of settling in in most of the rest of Asia. North Korea and South Korea could go to war again at any moment. China's not exactly the place I'd go to flee from an insane government. Maybe India, Nepal, something.
Maybe there's some amazing place in South America or Africa.

Bogus. UK is just as free as the USA, if not freer, with the exception of libel laws and traffic cameras. And you're not goinh to move to any other european country just because of the few percent Muslim minority that has emigrated there? Racist.

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^pavel_one:

A "separation" of "church" and state would prohibit Muslim lawmakers breaking for prayer 5 times a day and so possibly missing a potentially crucial vote. The "free exercise" words specifically allow for this.

No, it wouldnt, thats exactly what its there for, there IS a separation, which means you can ask for extra breaks citing religion, (assuming you are employed by the govenrment/state), but the government is under no obligation to give it to you, and it cant pass a law that says "the establishment of islam requires extra breaks in the workplace" because that would be unconstitutional, because congress shall pass no law respecting.. and so on. As I tried to explain this sentence DOES separate church and state, as in what we mean when we say "Separation of church and state."

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

BicycleRepairMan says...

/calling cyberpolice!!/
>> ^gwiz665:

Despite all evidence to the contrary, your mom actually has a slender frame.
>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, evolution never happened.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, climate change isnt real.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, teens can abstain from sex.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, homosexuality is a "threat to the family".
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, a fertilized embryo and a person is the same thing.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Bush was an excellent president.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Obama wasnt born in the US.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Obama isnt a Democrat leaning center.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Obama is actually a muslim.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Obama is actually a marxist.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Obama is actually a socialist.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, the 1st amendment doesnt separate church and state!

So, I guess we've found the latest in reality denial now.

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

gwiz665 says...

Despite all evidence to the contrary, your mom actually has a slender frame.
>> ^BicycleRepairMan:

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, evolution never happened.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, climate change isnt real.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, teens can abstain from sex.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, homosexuality is a "threat to the family".
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, a fertilized embryo and a person is the same thing.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Bush was an excellent president.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Obama wasnt born in the US.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Obama isnt a Democrat leaning center.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Obama is actually a muslim.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Obama is actually a marxist.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Obama is actually a socialist.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, the 1st amendment doesnt separate church and state!

So, I guess we've found the latest in reality denial now.

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

EMPIRE (Member Profile)

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

KnivesOut says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Are leftists really upset every conservative candidate doesn't have the Constitution memorized when they disregard this 'inconvenient document' at every turn?
Good luck with bald, White obama Jr.

Because she claimed to be a constitutional scholar, and yet doesn't know what the various articles mean... yes.

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

NetRunner says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Are leftists really upset every conservative candidate doesn't have the Constitution memorized when they disregard this 'inconvenient document' at every turn?

There's a difference between memorizing it, as in being able to recite the exact wording from memory correctly, and knowing it, as in being able to give a paraphrase of what it's about. In particular, when you're part of a political movement that's calling for the repeal of said amendments, you should have some clue what they do when people ask if you're in favor of repeal.

Also, the left doesn't disregard the Constitution. On the contrary, you guys on the right are the ones who ignore it, or pretend that when you disagree with Supreme Court decisions, your own interpretations supersede theirs.

You guys can pretend that the Separation of Church and state is some sort of liberal myth if you want, but in reality, it's just plain incorrect to say it isn't a real concept with a great deal of force in our actual legal system, whether you agree with it or not.

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Are leftists really upset every conservative candidate doesn't have the Constitution memorized when they disregard this 'inconvenient document' at every turn?
Good luck with bald, White obama Jr.

Its not about having them memorized, its about understanding what they mean. For example the phrase "Separation of church and state" doesnt appear there, but thats because such a phrasing would be too vague to have any legal meaning. The phrase is a simplified description of the intention of whats in there. Lets pretend for a second that it instead used the phrase "separation of church and state"

1) Original version:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion

2) Fictive version "There shall be a Separation of Church and State"

Now, lets say you wanted to put some commandments outside the courthouse. How does 2) help you decide anything here? does it mean a physical separation of buildings, does it mean the two entities should just generally be kept apart, does it mean that you cant have churches in the state at all?

1), on the other hand, could not be clearer. Since you are pandering to the will of a specific religious group, you must be following a law that permits such behaviour, but look! Congress shall not make laws like that, so if they exist, they are unconstitutional, so so is the mixing of commandments and proper law.

This is the way all "separation" issues end up, because the authors of the 1st amendment used very specific, very conscious wording when they wrote that sentence. Not only does it separate church and state, but it explains HOW they are separated. All in a single sentence.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Samurai Cop - "Now I'm telling these son of a bitches"

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

Pantalones says...

No, it doesn't say "keep Church and State separate". But the entire document is a living gray area. That's why we employ 9 people to constantly apply the document as appropriate. Currently, that is the piece of the Constitution that supports it. 100 years might change this, but Christine, and the rest of us, live now. It's certainly unreasonable to say the first amendment doesn't hint at the idea of separation, which is what Christine seems to do during the debate. Right or wrong, it shows a complete disregard for, or ignorance of contemporary civic issues, and a poor point of contention for her jump on in that forum.

In short, Christine O'Donnell FAILS at politics.

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

NetRunner says...

Two points of clarification here.

First, Christine O'Donnell never said the word "phrase". Had she said "the phrase 'Separation of Church and State' isn't in the Constitution" she'd have been right, but it would've been a total non sequitor, since the larger conversation was about whether public schools could legally teach creationism. To address that, you have to talk about the legal principle of Separation of Church and state, which Coons and the audience correctly note derives from the 1st amendment.

Second, this is the law of the land, according to several Supreme Court decisions, and honestly, according to even the most basic understanding of the words that make up the 1st amendment itself. Even arguments about "original intent" (which are questionable to begin with) fall flat here, since we have plenty of historical evidence that shows the framers intended that there should be a separation of church and state.

If you want to watch the longer, unedited version, you can see her asking the moderator for what the 14th, 16th, and 17th amendments did, because she didn't "have them memorized". To emphasize that, she didn't need help with the exact wording, she was at a basic loss to be able to describe in any way what those amendments did.

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