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Alan Grayson: The Republican Plan is to Punch Me in the Face

Alan Grayson: The Republican Plan is to Punch Me in the Face

Alan Grayson: The Republican Plan is to Punch Me in the Face

How kronosposeidon and Blankfist Met -

Drunk Guy Shotguns a Beer Then Pukes On Friend

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'party, frats, bros, brosephs, brohams, bromance' to 'party, frats, bros, brosephs, brohams, bromance, brolarious, brotastic' - edited by JAPR

Brad Pitt For Mayor Of New Orleans?

The Daily Show 7/20/09 - Brian Williams

mintbbb (Member Profile)

In 'N Out (and not the fun kind) (Blog Entry by kronosposeidon)

Siftquisition of Member UsesProzac (Siftquisition by burdturgler)

blankfist says...

>> ^dag:

I for one think UP's silence is more than acceptable. I don't think she needs to defend herself in order for the rest of us to remain impartial. First, she didn't embed the image, instead she linked to it. That's exactly what kulpims did in my link above.

Secondly, I doubt this creates a precedent for posting dead babies. And if it did, I think we'd all love that, no? Oh wait, shit. Sorry. I'm the only one that likes dead babies? Okay, scratch that.

Thirdly, I'm glad our bromance is still on, burdturgler. I am so fucking you tonight... and I promise you can eat my abortion from my butt.

Siftquisition of Member UsesProzac (Siftquisition by burdturgler)

Start Spreading The News: Dystopian Future Today! (History Talk Post)

Start Spreading The News: Dystopian Future Today! (History Talk Post)

Guys Succeed in Making a Palace Guard Laugh

Worst Rap Battle Ever

zomgunicorns says...

I've been watching this video alot and everytime I find something new that I missed that was funny. Which makes me wonder if this is actually staged because, comedy wise, this was executed so perfectly.

Obvious examples are the host bromance massaging the judge, Eli's long pause after he says "I'm the best mayne, I did it" (timed perfectly), horrible and dated camera work and effects.

But what makes this so good are the little things which you only notice after multiple viewings. Such as, white text being overlayed on top of Marv-O's white T shirt make it impossible to read, Envy's erratic "hiphop" hand jestures, Eli's multiple view split screen and picture-in-picture (which is pointless since its of the same person,lol), the quick camera tilting upward due to bad camera man and LOTS of perfectly awkward pauses before camera transitions.

And so much more, not to mention the freestyle lyrics and general banter making this the perfect storm of comedy.

So it makes me wonder, is this pure comedic genius or really just some mentally challenged kids putting on a rap battle show?

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