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Extreme Amnesia - Less Than 30secs Memory

KJay489 says...

Reminds me of the movie "50 First Dates" with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. Barrymore's character only held memory for a day at max...and some other guy only had 10 seconds of memory. I used to think it was exaggerated until seeing this clip.

Star Struck by Star of Homemade Internet Lip Sync Music Video? (Sift Talk Post)

Star Struck by Star of Homemade Internet Lip Sync Music Video? (Sift Talk Post)

LadyBug says...

long story, but i will *try* to make it short ...

i used to work at this greasy-spoon hamburger joint (just a small shack on the side of the road). it has been in business for over 60yrs and hires high schoolers during the season. clamps (aptly named after the original owners) is on the way to a more affluent part of the scenic country life (in connecticut) and rakes in the business.

one weekday afternoon a red head stops with her young son and nanny in tow. she looks sooooooooooooo familiar, so i give her 'that look' and say, "can i ask you a question?" she quickly responds with, "yes, i am!" i laugh and told her that i had no clue who she was. she replied, "i guess it will remain a mystery" we laughed some more and then she took her food and went to sit down at a picnic table.

i figured she someone in one of the many soap operas i watched at the time ... i had my own apartment senior year and had basic cable (12 channels), so it was soap operas, sitcoms, and my boyfriend's STNG video tape collection.

she came back to get an ice cream for her son and i couldn't resist, "can you just you just tell me your name?" she obliged with, "gates mcfadden" i shrugged and she just smiled and walked away.

moments later it hit me!!!! dr beverly crusher from the star trek enterprise ... i nearly bolted out the door for her autograph before being stopped by the owner. he told me one of the reasons they are so popular is because they treat celebrities like 'normal' people! UGH!!!!

she was walking to her car to leave and i yelled, " goodbye dr beverly crusher!!" she laughed and waved!

that was my most memorable meeting but there have been others that i've just seen around my hometown. i've spoken to kyra sedgewick, oscar de la renta, gloria vanderbilt, the kissingers, dustin hoffman, mia farrow, michael bolton ... i worked for the local answering service in high school so they REALLY weren't talking to me ... more like leaving a message for a client!!! i used to keep their phone numbers ... like i'd EVER call one of them!!! hahahahaha

i've invited adam sandler over for a 'home cooked meal' he filmed mr deed's in my hometown and i met him on the green (center part of town). i had nothing on me but my checkbook so i had him sign that and then gave him a deposit slip and circled my name and addy!!! *slaps forehead* winona ryder is beautiful in person!

anyway .... i said i would try to make it short, but i'm a girl and it didn't work! so there ya go ...

Mel Gibson's SIGNS (of antisemitism)

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