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Maze Runner 3 The Death Cure Bloopers & Behind the Scenes

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Sharia Law In America...or is it?

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exurb1a - Bear and Goose at the End of Everything

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pencil inception

Vox: Why danger symbols can’t last forever

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What is Pantheism? What do Pantheists believe?

Falcon Heavy and 9 static fires - What you need to know!

Vox S1E24: The awkward debate around Trump's mental fitness

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Burger King | Whopper Neutrality

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Restored 1967 Footage Of Saturn V Space Rocket Launch

Restored 1967 Footage Of Saturn V Space Rocket Launch

bareboards2 says...

@ChaosEngine @Buck

My dad was in the Air Force. He was chosen for a particular program -- to be a Range Safety Officer on launches.

Once he got his Masters in Engineering at MIT on the government's dime, he was stationed at Cape Canaveral.

His job was to have his hand on the key that would blow up a missile when it went off course. The course was set so that if it went bad, the pieces would fall safely into the ocean. If it started to veer off course, you had to blow it up quick.

He was stationed at Cape Canaveral from something like 1958 to 1966. About that time frame. Early days, when they didn't know quite how to do a successful launch -- and he blew up a lot.

More than any other person -- and no one will catch up with his record, because it is no longer early days.

He got a Saturn. He blew up a Titan. He blew up a lot of Missilemen missiles.

He mostly worked on the unmanned launches. Only one launch (that I know of) was manned -- and he almost had to blow it up. He was sweating that one -- because of the stakes of blowing early or blowing late and no good result if you make the wrong choice. There was a wobble ... and he waited ... and it corrected.

But yeah. A Saturn.

After Cape Canaveral, he was stationed at Vandenberg Air Force Base, NW of Santa Barbara. The west coast equivalent of the Cape.

PM me your email, and I'll send you a SERIOUSLY cool cartoon that was a gift when he left the Cape. Sitting astride a rocket that has obviously been launched from Florida, with silhouettes of all the missiles he blew up -- with HASHMARKS for how many of each.

It is seriously cool.

Asmo (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Hard to have a discussion when the basic psychological concept that is endemic in society is not understood by one side of the conversation. Not really worth trying to dig out of that hole, in my opinion.

I do like your idealist view of how people SHOULD be. We aren't that way, of course. I wish it for all our futures.

Including men, and the internalized messages they get that warp their view of the world.

I have contended for years that men are in a much worse psychological state than women. We at least are encouraged to delve into our emotions, with varying degrees of success. Poor men are told to buck up and be "men". What a horrible thing to say to a little boy, or a preteen, or a teenager, or a young man entering adulthood, or a grown man dealing with a difficult world. No wonder men die earlier than women. The pressures they are under are enormous, with no way to relieve that pressure.

Generally speaking. There is a movement that has been gathering steam that is encouraging men to become more fully themselves.

The hike was great, albeit too short. We don't have great big waterfalls here on the Olympic Peninsula. It has been raining a lot lately. The waterfall that we visited was THUNDERING. I have never seen a thundering waterfall here.

Then again, I don't normally hike in the winter.

As for the weather... some Norwegian told a friend of mine -- There is no bad weather. Only bad clothing.

My clothing was fine, aided by the fact it started raining after we headed back home.

Asmo said:

I don't doubt there are some people who exhibit an absolute psychological subversion to an ideology or person that is detrimental to their general good, ie. Stockholm syndrome, but to conclude that this is representative of even a significant minority of people who eschew victimhood in favour of responsibility for ones own situation is a long bow to draw. This is in the context of the last 20 years. Going back further to the time pre the women's rights movement or the abolishment of segregation, there are more empirical examples of internalisation.

Internalised whatever is a diminished capacity argument, limiting or removing entirely responsibility for ones actions and placing the blame elsewhere. An argument I find holds water if you're talking about blacks under Jim Crow where it would have been more desirable to either be white, or be closer to white, to escape oppression. Essentially a hostage situation.

It's a concept that loses steam as society becomes more accepting over time. Women now have the might of legislation + a significant chunk of the media behind them. They no longer have to be willing victims (although as #metoo showed, many were willing to be victims or at least silent via payout/nda when it served their purposes). If a woman is an equal to man, she must have the right to make her own decisions and the responsibility to be held accountable for them.

Hope the hike goes well. I imagine it's pretty chilly this time of year?

Primitive Culture: Easy to Catch Fish

A Crazy 1882 Rodent Trap Design. "The World's Luckiest Rat"

What Mormon Missionaries Talk About Before You Open the Door

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