Timelapse Selection
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 1 month 2 weeks ago
Views: 4,540
favorite timelapses, from any source.
"timelapse" means the camera records images at regular intervals, so the change in a moving subject appears accelerated or compressed.
lots of these show the natural world (storms, astronomy, animals), but some of the most interesting are mechanical or technology-related.

Well-done timelapse of a construction site. You can watch the building develop, or just watch the days pass and the seasons change. Minimal piano music is similar to Philip Glass' score for Koyaanisqatsi,... continue reading
posted by plastiquemonkey

Nine days timelapsed in 45 seconds. Amazing how fast they grow...
posted by plastiquemonkey

1500 frames in 7 minutes. Nice work from Deluth, MN.
posted by mlx
An animation in short movie form based on pics captured with DSLR from Paris. High framerates, beautiful shots. By Deyan Parouchev and Nikola Mihov.
posted by lertad
From the uploader: "I'm a big fan of time-lapse videos but didn't want to take years to make one. So I took a photo of myself every waking hour for seven weeks."
posted by dotdude
"a time lapse of the 15,193 road images captured once a minute by the windshield webcam. You will see almost every mile of the 16,748 miles we added to the car's odometer. Each frame represents one minute,... continue reading
posted by mlx
Beautifully made timelapse in infrared. Canon G3 digital camera and Hoya infrared lens, converted to black and white. Music: Pet Shop Boys
posted by plastiquemonkey
This is a very cool feat of concept, design, engineering and physics. More here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gateshead_Millennium_Bridge
posted by silvercord
This is a time-lapse of a gravity wave taken by the Tama, Iowa KCCI-TV webcam on 6 May 2007. Gravity waves form when buoyancy pushes air up, and gravity pulls it back down. Very cool stuff!
posted by silvercord
Overnight active lava flows from Hawaii, starts in the daytime and goes through the night.
posted by thesnipe