All things doggy
Updated: 3 years 5 months 4 weeks ago
Views: 6,626

Now that-sa an effective ad!
posted by Mordhaus

He surely knows what he wants!
posted by bjornenlinda

Kobi the Alaskan Klee Kai tried his best to get the bone! Good try though, little guy! We gave him the treat afterwards.. Source: Kobi the Alaskan Klee Kai
posted by b4rringt0n
These kids stopped me on their way home from school and asked me if they could "pet" Harry. They got more than they asked for! While Harry loves kids and has never hurt a kid, his shear size tends to... continue reading
posted by newtboy

Brodie was barking at a possum in the apple tree at 4am When we got up Brodie was stuck up in the tree and the possum was gone Somebody needs to tell Brodie he's doing it wrong.
posted by newtboy

"Today at a bbq I met a small poodle x named Coco Hammond that has figured out how to open empty 2 litre milk bottles and drink the leftovers while laying on her back holding it like a baby with a bottle.... continue reading
posted by ant
Buddy, our rescue dog, LOVES to play piano and sing along! Buddy has captured the hearts of many music fans around the world in a short time! Thank you for all the love and kind words! Buddy loves entertaining... continue reading
posted by Mordhaus
I've Got Faith ~ Canine Freestyle Routine
posted by BSR