Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were committed in Iraq? They are just some of the victims... continue reading
posted by bl968 1 decade 7 years 7 months 1 week ago • 2,562 viewsDrug War
Created: 1 decade 6 years 11 months 3 weeks ago
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 2 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 2,388
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 2 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 2,388
This isn't about getting high, it's about the drug war and associated costs. The streets, gangs, militarization of the police, prison and war are all fair game if directly linked to our drug war efforts.
If I'm missing a good one please point it out.