Updated: 7 years 10 months 4 weeks ago
Views: 3,123

http://spiritspacemovie.com "What the Bleep do we know?" meets up with Life after Death. In this controversial yet inspiring film we investigate the big question we all face at one point or another: What... continue reading
posted by enoch
This is fascinating, an extended interview with Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung conducted by the BBC’s John Freeman in October of 1959, when Jung was 84-years-old. The format of this program, Face... continue reading
posted by Trancecoach
a fanatstic documentary on the groundbreaking and contoversial works Carl Gustav Jung.
posted by enoch
LSD - The Beyond Within. A BBC documentary on LSD.
posted by Duckman33
a over-simplified breakdown of the sepiroth and the 22 paths of spirituality.this video reveals the sacred geometry and how it is a metaphorical representation of the book of genesis.this video is filled... continue reading
posted by enoch
a short two part documentary on aleister crowley.the often misunderstood and invariably conflated with satanism or even worse..wicca.say what you will about crowley,the man pushed the envelope and found... continue reading
posted by enoch
a very short,and very simple explanation of what kabbalah is,and what it is NOT.i find kabbalah fascinating,it has managed to infiltrate every known religion in one form or another yet it is NOT a religion. ... continue reading
posted by enoch