Religious Rants
Views: 3,319
"Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?" - Douglas Adams (1952-2001).
A playlist of religious Sifts, mostly from my anti-theist / agnostic beliefs...

This is a 'science' documentary created by Ramtha School of Enlightenment (a cult-like movement). It's a bizarre film mixing real science with un-proven mystical experiments, through the story of a really... continue reading
posted by benjee
This is the story of Hardeep Singh Kohli discovering the philosophy of Scientology outside the official church traveling to Russia in his pursuit of knowledge experiencing Scientology first hand. Includes... continue reading
posted by benjee

A fantastic documentary on the making of Monty Python's Life Of Brian and the incredible reaction to its release by Britain's bigots and fundamentalists. Part Two http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jJekQmH9W8 ... continue reading
posted by benjee

This is PART 2!! Part 1 can be found: http://www.videosift.com/video/Atheism-A-Brief-History-Of-Disbelief-BBC-documentary-59m And the long awaited Part 3: http://www.videosift.com/video/Jonathan-Millers-Brief-History-... continue reading
posted by PostMortem
Love is what we are. When there is no fear, we are at our true potential, and that is what they are afraid of.
posted by LadyBug
Distinguished comics writer and magician Alan Moore discusses his views on religion, fundamentalism, and the Roman snake god he has chosen to worship. From a TV show hosted by Stewart Lee.
posted by Spiff
A documentary presented by Anglican priest Pete Owen Jones, which explores the huge number of ancient Christian texts that didn't make it into the New Testament. Shocking and challenging, the books describe... continue reading
posted by benjee
An interesting three part documentary by Professor Robert Winston analysing the history of religion and its various gods. He travels throughout the world talking with people ranging from hindus, muslims,... continue reading
posted by benjee
A documentary by Mark Kermode (a BBC film critic) which studies Mel Gibson, his family and films - plus the devout Catholic connection throughout them.
posted by benjee
From the 1981 BBC TV series.
posted by redthing
This is a video of Dr. John Hartung speaking at the Skeptics Society Conference on Evolutionary Psychology and Human Ethics. He's a entertaining speaker and a fascinating lecturer. Part Two... continue reading
posted by rembar
Louis Theroux recently aired a special on BBC about "The Most Hated Family in America" - The Phelps Family. I have collected a few clips of this bizarre family over the past year and I must agree they... continue reading
posted by Fedquip
From series 2 episode 5 of Michael Moore's TV Nation (1995) - this 10 minute mini-doc by Louis Theroux follows the various religious groups fanatical about an apocolypse on the (then) upcoming milllenium. ... continue reading
posted by benjee