
Created: 1 decade 7 years 6 months 1 week ago
Updated: 4 days 15 hours 5 minutes ago
Views: 19,856

Ants, duh!

" Ant colonies can descend several metres underground, house millions of insects and last for decades, despite being made without the benefit of machinery and reinforcing material. The secrets of these... continue reading

posted by ant 3 years 5 months 3 weeks ago • 116 views • 1:03

"... Having bones is pretty cool. They make our blood, let us hear, and keep us from being just a squishy puddle on the floor. But for every species with bones, there’s at least 20 species on Earth with... continue reading

posted by ant 4 years 6 months 3 weeks ago • 46 views • 8:50

"I’m super excited to share my adventures in the land down under with you guys! My first stop was one of my favorite groups of ants: Myrmecia! Myrmecia or “Bulldog” ants are among some of the largest... continue reading

posted by ant 4 years 8 months ago • 24 views • 10:52

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