Ricky Gervais

Created: 1 decade 6 years 1 month 2 weeks ago
Updated: 1 decade 7 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 20,821

The genius that is Ricky, one of the reasons that British comedy is so damn good these days. The Office, Extras and any interviews, voiceovers or snippets with him in it, belong in this playlist.

Displaying 1 of the 330 videos in this playlist:

I watched the pilot the other day and if they commission it, I really think he has a chance of going back to his glory days with Derek. Set in an old people's home where Derek "works" it's beautifully... continue reading

posted by alien_concept 1 decade 2 years 8 months 1 week ago • 1,689 views • 3:38

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