Updated: 1 decade 5 years 6 months ago
Views: 235

A man steals the get away car of crooks who are breaking into his house...
posted by sfarias40k

This really is a great movie, and has one of my favorite movie endings, as Otis B. Driftwood, Baby Firefly, and Captain Spaulding go out guns-a-blazin' ala Bonnie and Clyde... kinda makes ya tear up despite... continue reading
posted by raven
I love time lapse imagery like this, and the music sets the mood perfectly. Video by Till Credner. Music: "Túrána Hott Kurdís" by Hasta La Otra México!
posted by kronosposeidon
You can see all kinds of crazy hidden images on US money by folding it a certain way!
posted by ltbishop341b
I'm tagging this as a Viral because I assume it's related to the T-Mobile ad: http://www.videosift.com/video/New-T-Mobile-Advert-Liverpool-Street-Station vtm is credited at the end, a TV station... continue reading
posted by rogueWRX
John Romero apparently just posted this nifty little video of the offices at id Software just before Doom came out.
posted by Sarzy
A video montage of our planet.
posted by eric3579
Montage of over 2000 photos taken at 6 second intervals. Actual trip time 3 1/2 hours.
posted by maatc
In my opinion the best sketch from Chappelle's Show.
posted by rasch187