Why I'm an atheist
Updated: 2 years 8 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 9,556
Religion was once important for civilization, as we tried to figure out how the world worked when we didn't have the knowledge to understand anything. That time is long over, delayed by at least a millennium because of religion. Now we see that it's divisive, illogical, ignorant, and demonstrably false. Here's why.

Seth takes a closer look at President Trump freaking out about the Democrats running for president.
posted by simonm
A gang of kids from Kentucky's Covington Catholic High School attending an anti choice rally decided to surround and block, taunt, and threaten a native American veteran performing a ceremony at the end... continue reading
posted by newtboy
posted by Mordhaus
Pastor Rick Wiles warns his audience that if the Democrats win, they'll slaughter tens of thousands of Christians and Pastors. "You better get ready, you better be prepared, if these people ever get power,... continue reading
posted by RFlagg

Courage. Bravery. Strength.
posted by C-note
FFRF Director of Strategic Response Andrew Seidel discusses why it is time to quit the Catholic church. Three hundred predatory priests, 1,000 child victims, 1,400 pages, two million documents, including... continue reading
posted by Joe Motion
An American missionary spreads the love of the church in Uganda. I certainly hope he's been excommunicated, anything less is the church actively promoting this behavior. Granted, this is pretty mild... continue reading
posted by newtboy
With humor and piercing observations, Dawn Smith sheds light on growing up in a religious cult and what it takes to leave everything you’ve ever known. This poignant story will make you cry and laugh... continue reading
posted by Joe Motion
Rick Wiles warns that Rachel Maddow had recently signaled that we're just 72 hours away from a coup during which Trump will be beheaded on the White House lawn.
posted by Joe Motion
Yes, many intelligent people proclaim a belief in God and necessitate adherence to a particular religion. Is this their argument that their faith’s validity is because they are smarter than you?
posted by oblio70
Key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this clip, End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles warns that leftists "will carry out targeted killings of Republicans"... continue reading
posted by Joe Motion
From http://www.reddit.com/r/Cosmos/comments/8jghwt/cosmos_possible_worlds_official_trailer/ ...
posted by ant
Are fundamentalist Christians a dangerous religious cult? Possibly. The controversial author and religious scholar Reza Aslan posits that President Donald Trump has much of his evangelical fan-base believing... continue reading
posted by ChaosEngine
Jim Bakker says that God has given humanity two scientists who would have found the cure for cancer, but they were both aborted before that could happen.
posted by Joe Motion
"For decades Hollywood studios needed to follow a strict set of moral guidelines if they wanted their movies to get made. ... From 1934 to 1954 every Hollywood movie needed to follow a strict set of... continue reading
posted by ant
A man tried to 'save' Jesus Christ from the crucifixion on Good Friday with a helmet. During the staging of the Passion of the Christ in the city of Nova Hartz, Brazil, at the time of greatest commotion... continue reading
posted by newtboy

"… Tony Perkins has forgotten his own theology and instead replaced it with a theology of revenge on people he disagrees with politically."
posted by Sagemind