I don't think this is what they meant when they said you should not drive while tired. Who wants to bet that she said "But, I wasn't even driving" at some point when questioned about the accident(s)?
posted by newtboy 9 years 3 months 2 weeks ago • 1,328 views • 1:03Everyday Freak Show
Created: 1 decade 5 years 2 months 4 weeks ago
Updated: 4 years 1 month 1 week ago
Views: 7,109
Updated: 4 years 1 month 1 week ago
Views: 7,109
You are already going to hell anyway, so why not enjoy the spectacle that is humanity? This is a place where you can witness, and often laugh at, people who just aren't right in the head. Schadenfreude galore, with only a hint of guilt!