The Boy (Blog Post)

The Boy turns 8 in a couple of days....

I made this clip using "Face Video" it's a new feature of Google's Picasa photo editing and logging software.

Music: Radiohead - No Surprises

Teaser I made for Amy (Blog Post)

Tattoo artist Amy Nicoletto is setting up a web presence at

Shot on the Canon 7D with a 50mm 1.8/f lens.

Metro Hand (Blog Post)

I've been traveling around L.A. via the Metro more than my car for the last month. I wanted to document some of the journey.

Shot with the Canon 7D using a Tamron AF18-270mm.

All footage was shot at 720p60 then conformed down to 24fps.

Edited in Adobe Premier CS4, with some color work in After Effects CS4.

Music is "Smokey Joe the Dreamer" from "The Hanged Man" by Bullet

The start of my e-bike (Blog Post)

I purchased my first bike in nearly 10 years yesterday, a fine bike from Electra Bike Company the Townie 7D. I have also purchased a Electric or "E-Bike" kit from Ampedbikes to upgrade the front wheel of the bike with a hub motor driven wheel, includes the throttle, brakes and so on. I also ordered a Lithium-ion (LiFePO4) Battery Pack as the power system for the bike.

SOOOOO in the next few days the parts will arrive and I will set up my new wheels and make my carbon footprint just a smidgen smaller. I will post on my progress.

Bell Jellies (Blog Post)

A collection of bell jellies at the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific, the largest of these jellies is the size of a half dollar, most are the size of a quarter.

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