Guess the Dictator or Sitcom TV Character Game
I learned of this game a few years ago and lots of you have probably played it, but I thought I'd share it with y'all.
It's quite entertaining every time you play. This is how it works: Basically you just think of the dictator of a country OR a television character. Then you answer the Yes/No questions the game asks as if you are the person you're thinking of.
It will keep asking seemingly oddball questions until it finally guesses exactly who you are. And it will, almost every time. You just answer Yes if you're certain or No if the question doesn't apply or you just don't know.
Give it a go. Let me know how it went when you're done. Who'd you play as? Did you win? (I'd bet you didn't.)
Simple text version (preferred)
Fancy Flash version (slow)
It's quite entertaining every time you play. This is how it works: Basically you just think of the dictator of a country OR a television character. Then you answer the Yes/No questions the game asks as if you are the person you're thinking of.
It will keep asking seemingly oddball questions until it finally guesses exactly who you are. And it will, almost every time. You just answer Yes if you're certain or No if the question doesn't apply or you just don't know.
Give it a go. Let me know how it went when you're done. Who'd you play as? Did you win? (I'd bet you didn't.)
Simple text version (preferred)
Fancy Flash version (slow)
I played twice, as Saddam Hussein, the first time, the game thought I was Pinochet, the second time, Alex Trebek... wtf.
Really? That's strange. I just played as Saddam and here's my result:
That's a bummer.
I guess that you are Saddam Hussein from Iraq! Am I right?
after the last question I was asked:
Were you found hiding in a spider hole?
Perhaps you answered a question or two incorrectly along the way?
I did Hitler, of course. It tried to ask me if I was 'The Dark Lord' at one point. Voldemort was a dictator I guess?

It figured me out after like 30 questions. And it seems only 6 other people had tried to do Hitler at that point
I guess I am still unique
Impressive. I tried Apu from the Simpsons, but after it asked me if I believed in karma, I was finished. I still lasted for 30+ questions.
But they have no clue who Commodus is.
First try: Captain Picard. It guessed it!
Second try: Dr. Cox from Scrubs -correct.
Third: Milhouse - again correct. I knew it would get there eventually when it asked if I was yellow.
Lamont Sanford - was guessed
Ficus Pandorata from Quark - did not guess
I think they need to make separate tests for the dictators and tv stars, because one wrong answer and you can get stuck in a loop of law and order related questions... I think that is what happened to me, I answered one or two wrong, and got totally sent off track.
It got me on Isaac the bartender on The Love Boat, Larry on Three's Company, Hawkeye's shrink Dr. Freidman on M.A.S.H... but I GOT HIM on Ernest T. Bass from The Andy Griffith Show!
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I did it as myself and I most resemble Kim Jong Il. Onward glorious Sift comrades.
Yeah Dag, I tried that too. I got Marie Antoinette. Go figure
I knew it! Dag is Great and Glorious Leader!
I tried myself this time, it guessed that I was Endora from Bewitched!
Tried it as myself and it correctly (
) guessed I was Johnny Depp
It guessed me as Lois from Malcolm in the Middle but I stumped it with Lenny (sans Squiggy) from Laverne and Shirley, Mallory from Family Ties and Becky from Rosanne
it pegged me for Martha Stewart
holy frijoles thats a laugh...
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