Happy Mardi Gras 2008!

So what’s the best way to catch a lot of loot at Mardi Gras? Just show your enthusiasm and the riders will reward you. Among the trophies caught by this group: a whip and a Peewee Herman doll. They partied next to my group today, Mardi Gras Day.

Happy Mardi Gras!

Happy Mardi Gras 2008!

gorgonheap says...

Ugh, the pee-wee Herman doll would scare me. I'd lay awake at nights nervously scanning the room to make sure he wasn't coming after me with a knife or something.

dotdude says...

You're the first one to say you had trouble.

I did look at the bulletin board and you left me TWO messages. Thank you for participating.

By the way there are other options besides just a corkboard.

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