rougy says...

Texas is a big place.

Austin is nothing like the hinterlands.

East Texas is nothing like west Texas.

The problem with Texas is that there are actually intelligent, cultured people who live there, but the GOP constantly bows to the most ignorant and racist elements of its population.

blankfist says...

Laws like these asset forfeiture laws are too easy to abuse, and there are many like them. We should rethink the amount of laws we have. The Constitution, Bill Of Rights and the Declaration of Independence can all fit in a small pamphlet, but all the laws on the books could fill library after library after library.

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^blankfist:
Laws like these asset forfeiture laws are too easy to abuse, and there are many like them. We should rethink the amount of laws we have. The Constitution, Bill Of Rights and the Declaration of Independence can all fit in a small pamphlet, but all the laws on the books could fill library after library after library.

I think the problem is getting people to actually read them. There is a system of civil apathy when it comes to their own rights.

blankfist says...

^Yeah, but a majority of laws on the books are written in legalese instead of plain English which is what the Constitution, BOR and DOI were written in. They seem to be purposely misleading and verbose, and they tend to favor the authoritarian statist attitude where police and bureaucrats are given privileges the rest of us aren't afforded.

I doubt you'd see a cop get his assets seized, black or white.

quantumushroom says...

As bad as this is, is it worse than the vile, criminal antics of Kwame Kilpatrick, former mayor of Detroit?

I wouldn't be surprised if you knew nothing about him, as there's a near-total media blackout of this a--hole. Why? He's a Democrat and--wait for it--Black, aka African-American.

Isn't harm done to a major city caused by a major political figure more significant than some pissant Texas town's scam?

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