Hey VS Art Hooligans...


 ^Not mine (I don't remeber where I got it)

I'm not too old here but I've noticed quite a few artists on this site, ranging in age and experience.  I am curious if any would like to trade some mail art around for fun.  Also, "non artist" are invited to participate...I'm not prejudice against stick figures (but they BETTER be funny)...



Whoever is interested just comment below.  Again, you don't have to be able to draw.  You can use any art form that can be mailed...collage, poetry, comics...anything is game.  I was thinking of some sort of random match up system...anyone got any ideas?  

lucky760 says...

Here's a shoddy vectorized, colorized version of your nice drawing (with a hint of a little homoerotic humor sprinkled in):

I've always loved to draw, but I don't really have anything on the computer as I haven't actually done much drawing in years (except for the stuff I've been doing for Tee Virus lately).

UsesProzac says...

I want to play, Lann! I'm a doodler, though. I've had pen pals, before. Would this be similar?

If it ups my artistic factor at all, I was expelled from high school for a stick figure. I'm so subversive.

Lann says...

Like I said before anything is game. Photography, doodles, objects...heck you can even slap a lable on a toaster. I guess if there isn't a lot of people with this I'll trade with everyone and they can trade with each other as they see fit.

peggedbea says...

i make quirky things with fabric when i have time. ive also been on a clay experiment lately. but i lost access to the kiln and im not paying shipping on clay. iv is a photographer. oh and i bake things. i want to mail you all bread and tamales.

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