Your move VS...
Around 25 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute. It would take you approximately 1700 years to watch all those millions of videos. So good luck trying to find something worth watching on your lunch break., a new site from the guys behind Uncrate, is here to help. Using a scientifically technologically artificially intelligently awesomely robotically humanly system (we hand-pick every video on the site), Devour sifts out the best videos and posts the well-curated collection every weekday.
The problem with an AI that picks out what the average person is likely to like is that average people have bad taste. That is why Videosift was better back when it was smaller and more elite / early-adopter. One solution is to personalize recommendations like netflix, and the other solution is to only recommend stuff based on the opinions of an elite.
We'll we don't have an AI at VS but we have the mob mentality, I don't use that term in a negative way its just the best analogy I could think of. Devour looks interesting so far, I like the interface, organization and the fact that they try to get purely HD content.
Videosift I think should try and become more Reddit like in its nature of editing content. At Reddit you can view the entire site content, or personalize subredits you want to see or add to the frontpage listing.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
I've spent some time at Devour, and they actually have some really good stuff. Good fodder for submitting to VideoSift.
I've said it before- VideoSift is about the people who come here to participate, and the amazing videos that we get to see are just a pleasurable side effect.
Not to sound like a cranky old man, but I've also seen the rise and decline of hot young Sift type sites that don't focus on the community - ultimately they have all been corrupted by one thing or another. Over-commercialisation, porn, or just general neglect.
yeah took a look, agree w/ dag. why not take a look? As a grammar nazi that hates bad descriptions/titles, they do test my nerves a bit.
I agree Dag.
It's just that...
How do I say this?
Devour looks like BMW while we look like a Vauxhall Vectra....
>> ^Farhad2000:
We'll we don't have an AI at VS but we have the mob mentality, I don't use that term in a negative way its just the best analogy I could think of.
It's more like a clique mentality... Generally I'd favour the popular vote over editorially chosen content like on, but considering how broken the hot listing is and that the top 15 video threshold seems to be down to no more than 20 votes I don't think it's working particularly well on here (any more).
I agree. There has to be a very delicate balance to this, between contributors and editor control of content.
But I think sites like and and hell even have shown that you can have it with adequate restrictions on members. We have it in a similar form but a far more liberal system of P status.
>> ^campionidelmondo:
>> ^Farhad2000:
We'll we don't have an AI at VS but we have the mob mentality, I don't use that term in a negative way its just the best analogy I could think of.
It's more like a clique mentality... Generally I'd favour the popular vote over editorially chosen content like on, but considering how broken the hot listing is and that the top 15 video threshold seems to be down to no more than 20 votes I don't think it's working particularly well on here (any more).
I absolutely love the simplicity of Devour; its layout, colour scheme, refreshing absence of clutter. It's what I imagine to look like in the hands of someone with design-sense.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Ah yes, if only it was working like the good old days - when VideoSift was just a lad.
I'm generally pretty happy with the hot listing, it works for me in uncovering the new stuff.
I do agree that Devour is a cool looking site - and is a good way to consume video - but not the kind of place I'd hang out and participate. It would work great on something like GoogleTV.
>> ^campionidelmondo:
>> ^Farhad2000:
We'll we don't have an AI at VS but we have the mob mentality, I don't use that term in a negative way its just the best analogy I could think of.
It's more like a clique mentality... Generally I'd favour the popular vote over editorially chosen content like on, but considering how broken the hot listing is and that the top 15 video threshold seems to be down to no more than 20 votes I don't think it's working particularly well on here (any more).
>> ^Farhad2000:
Devour looks like BMW while we look like a Vauxhall Vectra....
To translate this for non-gearhead Yanks, he means a Chevy Malibu. The old one.
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