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lucky760 (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

jonny says...

It works for me. It's 4:26 in duration, with Jim talking about the inspiration for the song before playing it. Yours is a subset of raven's, from the same broadcast.
In reply to this comment by lucky760:
I'm confused on a couple counts:

1) You flagged it *notdead, but the embed is not loading at all; it's just a blank space.
2) You stated that Jim talks about the inspiration of the song, but that information is not present in my video, which makes mine sound like it's not a dupe.

For the moment I'm going to re-*dead raven's post and invalidate your *notdead invocation to prevent an overzealous Sifter from invoking *isdupe.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
I think yours is a dupe. I think the first fix might have been incorrect, because Jim does talk about the inspiration for the song, as raven described.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:

Same song, different, live version here:

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Axelaris (Member Profile)

youdiejoe (Member Profile)

Truckchase (Member Profile)

jonny says...

I think you're on to something there. Just a guess, but I bet you deleted all of the "</em>" at the end of the quoted text. That might screw up how the resulting html is interpreted by the system. That's a pretty significant bug that @lucky760 should be aware of. I think a few test cases should figure that out. I unchecked private so lucky might see this. I'm too tired (and loaded) at the moment to verify, but I'll follow up this weekend.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
Would it have anything to do with having deleted the latter embed code (my original quote) in the quote HTML that came up? Perhaps that could cause the post target to get screwed up somehow? I'm pretty sure I posted by clicking "Profile Reply" under your post on my profile, which if I'm understanding right that should still be posted to your profile correct?

In reply to this comment by jonny:
ummm.... that's your own profile you replied to.
In all seriousness, I think we need to do something about that. It's really amazing how many members reply to comments on their own profile. There is clearly something counter-intuitive about it.

As for dupe finding, I wouldn't ever rely on the possible dupes provided after filling out the submit video form. It's always best to do one or two quick searches with a significant word or phrase first. You'll still hit a dupe every once in a while, because the original was never tagged or titled intelligently, but it will happen a lot less often.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
>> ^jonny:

The five "possible dupes" on the confirm submission page are generated strictly from tags, I think. Your submission didn't have any tags in common with the original.

Ahh that makes sense, I'll be more careful. /me thanks you sir!

Truckchase (Member Profile)

jonny says...

ummm.... that's your own profile you replied to.
In all seriousness, I think we need to do something about that. It's really amazing how many members reply to comments on their own profile. There is clearly something counter-intuitive about it.

As for dupe finding, I wouldn't ever rely on the possible dupes provided after filling out the submit video form. It's always best to do one or two quick searches with a significant word or phrase first. You'll still hit a dupe every once in a while, because the original was never tagged or titled intelligently, but it will happen a lot less often.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
>> ^jonny:

The five "possible dupes" on the confirm submission page are generated strictly from tags, I think. Your submission didn't have any tags in common with the original.

Ahh that makes sense, I'll be more careful. /me thanks you sir!

Truckchase (Member Profile)

jonny says...

The five "possible dupes" on the confirm submission page are generated strictly from tags, I think. Your submission didn't have any tags in common with the original.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
Damn; is something broke with the "is this a possible dupe" function? Seems it worked fine a few weeks ago but tonight it came up with a bunch of vids without any of the words from the title @ all...

Phreezdryd (Member Profile)

Haldaug (Member Profile)

arvana (Member Profile)

arvana (Member Profile)

qualm (Member Profile)

jonny says...

I have a curious inquiry into the downvote of my comment. Was there something inappropriate that I wrote? Something factually wrong (perhaps the 40% extrapolation?). Just to be clear - nowhere in that comment nor in my personal beliefs do I necessarily agree with everything that Brand says. I tried to explain his position without explicitly advocating it. I do think much of what he says is correct, but I take a very different view on it.

qualm (Member Profile)

jonny says...

For someone with as much apparent wisdom as you have, you sure let choggie get to you, huh? Perhaps your avatar is a joke - some sort of inside humor on the failing of modern philosophy that I can't comprehend. I am dumbfounded. I am enfeebled. I suppose that's why I like the Grateful Dead so much. On the other hand, maybe you just ingested too many mushrooms and stuck your hand in the fan. The consolation is that your hand is not yours. Nothing to worry about bro.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
^ It's the Postmodern Sift Talk Generator....oh fuck!! Get some rags and some ice!! Choggie stuck his hand under the lawn-mower again!!!

solvent (Member Profile)

jonny says...

My apologies for trying to act like a bully - I was drunk and already pissed off about a number of other comments.

While I may have found your comment personally offensive (no I'm not Jewish), it hardly comes close to any sort of bannable offense. I don't want to get into a discussion/argument over your apparent problems with Jewish people, but I did want to point out that BreaksTheEarth's initial comment was not "anti-white". It was antiestablishment. If you feel that the establishment is primarily controlled by Jews, I'm not going to try to change your mind. I'll just note that a certain Austrian used exactly that logic in a fervor of nationalistic hatred some 70 years ago, with obviously horrific results.

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