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schmawy (Member Profile)

critttter says...

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
>> ^MycroftHomlz:
Hey lets do a song! What do you say KP?
How about I start it off. You do the next line and then send it to someone else. You have to include the other parts of the song. Here it goes... a one, a two, a one two three four-
When you were here before,

Couldn't look you in the eye,

Your homely pinafore,

On the bed of some other guy.

You laughed when I undressed,

And went and made a snack,

Cheeseball with staples, cheeseball with staples,

schmawy (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

E_Nygma (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

critttter says...

I still had to login in on the official log in page- an ad was pasted across the log in window. So far so good, let me play with it at work tomorrow...can't wait for the day Apple let's me watch Videosift too!!

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Hi critter-

Please see below. Oxdottir says you have an iphone. If you ever browse the Sift on it, can you let me know if all seems to work okay. Specifically, the things listed below.

Have you already tried browsing VS on your iphone? And did you have any trouble?


In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Oh, great. Thanks for that bit of info.

Yeah, the pop-up channel window would be one thing except that we don't have it popping up any more, but things of that nature.

E.g., expanding videos in listing, the pop-up login/register forms, commenting, etc.

Thanks very much. I appreciate your assistance.

In reply to this comment by oxdottir:
I would love to. What should I look for? I know I won't be able to click through, but should I be able to use the channel panel, etc?

By the way, Crittter also has an iphone.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Hi Ox-

I just made some changes that should hopefully fix any outstanding issues with Ajax in the Safari browser. Just wondering if you wouldn't mind giving it a whirl and letting me know if everything seems fixed or if you notice any continuing problems.

Thanks heaps!

schmawy (Member Profile)

bleedingsnowman (Member Profile)

critttter says...

Hey, thanks much for your contribution to my economic stimulus chat. I haven't recieved my stimulus check yet, but I've already spent it on things like , well, bread and coffee.
I am indeed in Chicago, are you? I don't get the impression that Chicago is particularly active on the Sift.

In reply to this comment by Bleedingsnowman:
Critttter, I was checking out the sift map and I just saw that you are in Chicago. You are my nearest sifter! Exclamation points are in order.

bleedingsnowman (Member Profile)

jwray (Member Profile)

critttter says...

Hi jwray. Once again, apologies for my abruptness.
I guess the point I was trying to make is this.
I'm sure those women sincerely, heartfelted-ly believe everything they are saying. The problem is, this is what O'Reilly is completely intent on exploiting them for.

There's a much bigger picture here that I hope nobody misses...this is the beginning of the Republican onslaught to divide the democratic party. I foresee a long summer of this sort of crap, because the Republicans are expert at this. (A Karl Rove tactic, and simply the old school 'divide and conquer' tactic...)These women don't really figure into the big picture, any more than the Gay marriage issue does, they are just pawns in that they keep the focus off of the real fight...McCain verses Obama.
And people react to them and waste energy worrying about what kind of power this kind of thinking holds, which, frankly, only empowers this kind of thinking further.

I appreciate and respect your opinion, sorry about the confusion. Hey, and I am not demanding you agree with me, just telling you how I see it...

These women aren't the issue. Don't let your focus be swayed. Democratic defeat of McCain is the issue.

In reply to this comment by jwray:
debating someone's statement != validating them
believing someone believes what she says != validating her

How can you know they didn't believe what they said?
I take every debate seriously.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
^jwray, are you always so gullible?
(edit) I owe you an explanation on this comment - I thought you were actually taking these two even slightly seriously. On second read I see that you weren't actually validating them by considering their extremely misguided opinions. Apologies.

jwray (Member Profile)

critttter says...

^jwray, are you always so gullible?
(edit) I owe you an explanation on this comment - I thought you were actually taking these two even slightly seriously. On second read I see that you weren't actually validating them by considering their extremely misguided opinions. Apologies.

schmawy (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

critttter says...

BTW, the serious kitty in uniform - really works for ya, you can pull up at videos and say things like, "nothing to look at, shows over, time to go home..." I'm just saying...

schmawy (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

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