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marinara (Member Profile)

GeeSussFreeK (Member Profile)

Tymbrwulf says...

Love the 1984 reference

In reply to this comment by GeeSussFreeK:
But we have always been at war with Eurasia?

>> ^NobleOne:

Get over the two sides story that shit is dead, both sides take oil money and it is a fact. The two side is only there for you to bicker about how your side is removed from all evil; when in actuality it is just there to separate you from others. Divide and conquer. If we continue to play this game they (corporations) will win.

isosceles (Member Profile)

ziggystardust (Member Profile)

Kreegath (Member Profile)

Tymbrwulf says...

And from his YT page:
This is a live (non-emulated) speedrun of Ghosts N Goblins for NES. I go through both rounds of 6 levels each without any deaths in 22 minutes 56 seconds. This video is of the current verified world record time.

Also check out my no-death Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts!

Maybe NOW you'll be impressed.

In reply to this comment by Kreegath:
Exactly who verified that this is the world record and what was the paramiters? Did he use an emulator (or whatever they're called)? If so, what makes the no dying and fast clearing parts of this loooong video special?
If the player indeed used an emulator, as I think he did due to the inhumanly timed jumps and accuracy with the lance in the six minutes I watched, then the whole point of bragging is lost, isn't it? It's almost like watching the computer play itself.

oblio70 (Member Profile)

Tymbrwulf says...

Made me look at my pharmacology book again.

Ketamine is employed mainly in children and young adults for short procedures. However, it is not widely used, because it increases cerebral blood flow and induces post-operative hallucinations ("nightmares"), particularly in adults.

I guess i "anecdoted" the "not widely used" into "not used anymore." Small, but important detail. Got my pharmacology exam coming up in a month and a half, so thanks!

In reply to this comment by oblio70:
^ Sorry Tymbrwulf, but you need to get your facts straight. Ketamine is, in fact, still used medically and frequently on children (it has been highly documented and has few contra-indications and you don't just abandon established and proven-safe medicines/procedures).

when you say "side effects", perhaps you are thinking about recreational uses.

True, that Ketamine is not the first anesthetic they would reach for, but it does have it's uses. Children sometimes have odd and inconsistant responses to anesthetics (developing brains and all), and as one loses efficacy, they start using a different drug (family).

For istance, morphine (opiate) has a limiting effect on my daughter now and just leaves her crazy-itchy. Lorazepam (benzodiazapene) has paradoxical results and leaves her frantically trying to climb out of her body. Ketamine is her current drug of choice (I am not being flippant here).

Medically speaking, you NEED many families of drugs to be still available.

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