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Pprt (Member Profile)

KnivesOut says...

Totally pointless and useless comment is totally pointless and useless.
In reply to this comment by Pprt:
Beyond reasoning with...
>> ^KnivesOut:

The end does not justify the means.
If we start forming special lines at airports for anyone that might be Muslim or Arab, who else should we be singling out for that treatment? What about Irishmen?
A very, very small % of the Arabs or Muslims in the world have actually blown up planes. There's 1.5 BILLION Muslims on the planet. How many have blown up planes? 20? Statistically speaking... how close is that to 0%?
>> ^Pprt:
Amazing that people like this can remember to breathe.. Just how far can we go into denying evident and verifiable facts so that we don't "offend" someone?
Half of AIDS infected Americans are Blacks, yet they are roughly 15% of the population.
White Europeans are more likely to be serial killers than any other ethnic group.
Muslims, mostly Arabs, are responsible for almost all transnational terrorist attacks in the past 20 years.
My guess is that most people are only "offended" by two of the last statements. Why must we completely ignore any racial data we have?
It's akin to directing half of breast cancer awareness efforts to men just because they're half the population. Yes, men CAN get breast cancer, but would it really be the most efficient prevention effort?
>> ^KnivesOut:
The logic goes like this:
Allan stole a loaf of bread.
Allan is a thief.
Allan is black.
All blacks are thieves.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:blah blah blah I'm a racist.

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KnivesOut says...

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