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RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas

newtboy says...

No, dummy, learn to read…YOU need a narrative of which the graphic visual death is just an incidental part to not be in flagrant, intentional violation of sift rules.

I personally posted the no snuff rule to your profile page, you know undeniably that you are intentionally violating it because you want to show Muslims acting horrifically and pretend it’s happening in a vacuum by offering no other information besides graphic murders.

You should be banned, you only want to ignore guidelines to try to post your false narratives, usually failing miserably.

That you are fighting to keep this snuff propaganda posted (despite it now being age blocked) despite multiple attempts to ban you for intentional violations of sift rules proves you only come here to abuse and are thumbing your nose at the entire community and our rules.

Again, you should be banned…I’ve never said that before, but you have completely lost your shit and all self control since Trump was indicted.

Without a newsworthy narrative, this is pure unadulterated rule violating snuff.

Even YouTube put it behind an age and graphic warning wall, and they allow anything.

I see the underlying narrative…Israeli=innocent victim / Palestinian=murderous monster. By posting the one sided propaganda put out by the Israeli Defense Force it was blatantly obvious to those of us who can think, and conspicuously absent at the same time.

You know full well I think for myself, unlike you who needs any bit of (miss)“information” you’ve ever thought you had fed to them by hyper biased outlets to even grasp the nonsense you believe. You cannot, not once ever, answer a question about any one of your random claims unless the MAGA machine provides you one…and those are always 100% incorrect twaddle. That’s why you disappear in shame at least once a week unable to defend or even explain your utter insanity.

Yes Bob. I learned to form my own opinions and think for myself in first grade. Critical thinking was taught to us quite young. My school was quite advanced and we won the national academic championship in almost every category every year.
You have yet to try. Take your own advice and learn to think…you need to leave the cult FIRST.

@dag and @lucky760…please add my name to the siftquisition request…this is now undeniably intentional. Rules must matter.

bobknight33 said:

So you need a narrative to tell you what to think.

Sad that you do not know how to think about such a topic unless some spin from a new outlet tells you how to think about this.

Learn to form you own opinions-- you will be better for it. Hell you might even take you head our of your ass and actually see the light.

Street Harassment Of Women In New York - An Art Project

Hiddekel says...

The bigger the city the more you need to leave other people alone. the press of humanity is maddening. people construct their own villages within the city, and the people they choose can compliment them.

Megyn Kelly on maternity leave being "a racket"

newtboy says...

Damn it, I don't know how to break up the quote so nicely, so I'll just have to answer in order and hope you can follow. Apologies.
Agreed, I was wrong when I said per capita, that can be misleading in both directions, debt/GDP is a much better measure. I don't understand your math however, our debt is well over $14 TRILLION, and our GDP is less than that today (I think by far, but I can't find current projections, it was $14 trillion in 09). That makes our ratio 1/1 at best, or 100%, not 60%. That only takes the 'on the book' debt into account.
Thanks for the EU lesson, I really didn't know. It sounds like ditching your own currency is a bad move, huh?
OK, raising interest rates is LIKE re-valuing the currency, but not the opposite of how they often devalue it, by simply printing more. That's why the gold standard was good, it made it illegal to just print more without the gold to back it, making hyper inflation less likely.
Yes, hyper inflation is the fear. If, because we have obvious insurmountable debt, we become more of a credit risk and no one will lend us money (like happened to Greece), that's the only option left, isn't it? We don't have union partners tied to us with a currency chain, and we are too big for any 'partner' to bail out anyway. We're left with paying debts by printing money, which leads to hyper inflation. That's what could happen if they don't get hold of the debt, by spending cuts AND tax increase.
And that leads to the next point, I have repeatedly said it is BOTH under taxing AND overspending. You seem to not read the part where I say it's also under taxing, repeatedly. It's imperative we get BOTH under control and in balance, in my view.
It's true, you can balance the budget at 100% of GDP if you live in a socialist society, that's a way to go. In a capitalist society, you need to leave enough for commerce to continue in order to generate MORE revenue for next year. I don't think 50% quite cuts it in most cases. 75% probably would, and would give the feds a huge fund (3.5 trillion per year) to both pay our debts and pay for services, if those services are curtailed to a reasonable level (and that's the rub, what's reasonable to one is not to the other). It's absolutely true that maternity leave by itself poses no problem whatsoever, it's the hundred thousand other iterations of similar programs combined that make it impossible to do anything properly. I absolutely agree that we should generate revenue (taxes) at least at the same level as our spending. I don't think that's quite possible at the level of spending we have now, just as it's not possible to continue under funding the budget that exists and floating larger debt (creating more spending with no service because of larger interest payments, another reason large debt is BAD). We need to thoughtfully prioritize our spending AND raise revenue in my eyes. Keeping priorities straight is not a strength held by most Americans, and certainly not our government, so I have little hope this will happen.

The Sift, Thoreau, and Civil Disobedience (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

thepinky says...

Rougy, this is why you "butt heads" with people so often. You take everything personally and you assume the very worst. You may have felt personally attacked, but I wasn't personally attacking you. I made a comment about your comment, not about you as a person. And you called me a shithead. That's a personal insult and I don't appreciate it.

I have been humbled countless times on this website, and I've tried to learn valuable things from people who make thoughtful arguments against me. It's becuase I'm very young and I have a lot to learn. I know for a fact that I am very often wrong, but I'm here trying to learn something and to have good conversations. If you can't handle people disagreeing with you without feeling personally injured to the point that you need to leave the country, why do you come here?

P.S. I'm pretty sure that I was joking about the Reagan thing, Rougy.

>> ^rougy:
>> ^thepinky:
Rougy, to me it seems like you sat back, assessed the situation (at least partly from the comfort of your computer chair), and decided that the US is a lost cause and that we might as well just leave. What a cop out.

Call it a cop out if you want. I've been butting heads with people like you for the past 26 years, and I've had it.
Even though I don't agree with most of the opinions on the Sift, I would rather have you doing something productive with your energies than whining all of the time.
You think this is all I do and all that I've done? I'll admit, I haven't been a heavy-hitter in the activism department, but I did a hell of a lot more than most people did.
My "productive energies" have been wasted over the course of 26 years trying to talk sense into people like you, to no avail.
One time you said something here about how Mitt Romney could have been "the next Reagan." Now do you really think I want to waste any more of my time talking to somebody like that? I'll bet you were still in diapers when Reagan was fucking up our country. You don't know the first thing about all of the harm he has caused us, and others.
I accept your apology above, but I still think you're a little shithead.
I've given this country the best years of my life and nothing that I said or did stopped or changed anything. So I'm putting my "productive energies" into selling everything and moving to a country that I can identify with, and I will do everything that I can do be the best countryman that nation ever had.

Siftquisition of Member UsesProzac (Siftquisition by burdturgler)

burdturgler says...

You have to take the person being harassed into consideration as well .. and if you want to actually be impartial you need to leave your own views behind. It's because of pinky's religious beliefs that this image was sent. NOW .. you don't have to share her beliefs .. but this is the very definition of harassment.

As much as I want to get into that .. I'm honestly still struck by the lethargic reaction here. Are you people so numb that images like that just don't affect you anymore? Are you honestly oblivious to how hateful and sick UP's remarks were? Do you really admire this and want it here on the sift? How can you defend it?

You think I need a new hobby Rasch? I'm starting to ask myself why I even give a shit.

How to disqualify US job applicants (so they can hire H1-B)

joedirt says...


Personally I think the rules are crazy. Our education Visas say that you can come get an education, but you need to leave the country when you are done. HUH? Wouldn't we rather have all the brightest people in the world come and live in the U.S.? The solution to this particular problem is to fix the system, not blame the symptom.

I agree it is stupid for all the tax dollars that go into higher education, most of the technology grad students are foreigners, many have fellowships and grants... and why not encourage them to stay in the country and improve the ecomony. Look at many silicon valley ventures, google, ebay, etc. But instead we pay corporate welfare through NAFTA, restructuring, tax breaks, etc. to corporations to move jobs overseas.

Intel won't hire Chinese grads anymore because when they can't get a job here, they work for Intel in China. It is a joke.

(And student visas get a 1 yr work permit after graduation which they need to convert to H1-B or other status)

How to disqualify US job applicants (so they can hire H1-B)

vermonter says...

One reason that companies do this is because they want to hire someone who is already working for them and has a visa that is expiring, or they have a relationship with someone with a different visa (say a graduating Masters student). Personally I think the rules are crazy. Our education Visas say that you can come get an education, but you need to leave the country when you are done. HUH? Wouldn't we rather have all the brightest people in the world come and live in the U.S.? The solution to this particular problem is to fix the system, not blame the symptom.

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