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Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu (Blog Entry by persephone)

MarineGunrock says...

Oh, the Bentos we had were in some remote town on a southern island near Oita. Maybe we just got some particularly nasty ones. I don't know. What I do know is that I loved me some Japanese food. And yes, I ventured off base.

The first day we were able to leave the base, me and two other guys walked from Camp Hansen (The town of Kin) to Camp Foster (Ginowan). That's normally about a 40 minute bus ride, so NOBODY walks it. We were hungry, so wwe stopped at this tiny restaurant.(The point being, it wasn't meant to cater to our undeveloped American palate) It probably seated about 25 people. No one spoke English but thank God those Japanese put pictures up on the wall for menus. We all just pointed to something and awaited our food. When it arrived, it was the most massive quantity of food I'd ever seen served to one person, and all for about $7. Needless to say I could only guess as to what I was eating, but we all thoroughly enjoyed it.

So it's not that I only ate chow hall food. It's just that the box actually tased better then then food in them.

And I love me some Yakisoba.

The Corporate Media

spoco2 says...

Look, I'm ENTIRELY for bashing the media, they are horrendously skewed in their presentation of things, they have their own agendas to push etc. etc. I also completely agree that the violence of the police is overlooked.

But maybe, just maybe, this is not the best way to get your message across? I just couldn't watch the whole thing it was the same things being said the same way with no thought as to how things might actually play out.

If you're TRYING to get your message to the LARGEST number of people, PERHAPS it would be a little smarter to NOT do things that put the VAST majority of people off what you're saying straight away:

* The whole wearing black and the bandannas over the face thing: Sure you say it's because you don't want your identity to be used against you etc. but to the majority of the populous you've given yourself an enormous handicap right off the bat. People don't want to listen to a masked individual. If the old ladies could be there unmasked, surely you can?

* Swearing and screaming: Again, just makes you sound angry and bitter, not rational and sensible.

* Not talking to the media: Of course the media is brilliant at chopping and changing what you say, but maybe, what with all your own gazillion cameras, you could film the interview yourself, and if the media tries to distort what you say you can put on youtube what you really said. (much like the WWE vs CNN video I posted here on the sift) Ranting and raving, and then not actually telling anyone what you're ranting and raving about is just plain stupid.

Sorry, but you're not going to change ANYTHING by acting in this way, and in fact you're more than likely going to turn people away from your cause.

As such I can't rightly upvote this video, it's not helping anyone.

Zombie prank

WHO Your Daddy?!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Arnold Schwarzenegger Naruto cute hot linkin park wwe cats' to 'ban, Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions, ban Naruto, ban inappropriate tags' - edited by MarineGunrock

Super Foam Inventor Takes Shovel Blows to the Head

A cruel but very funny prank

viewer_999 says...

Have to agree with those calling fake. The acting in the stands was about as bad (and choreographed) as WWE. The whole staged 'war' is for <edit> obviously just for </edit> publicity.

I think things would've gotten a lot uglier, had her behavior been genuine (and that may be read two ways).

How to Ruin a Wedding- Kung-fu Kick to the Bride's Stomach!

bamdrew says...

Looks staged to me, with stunt people, very WWE... a US audience would have stormed the stage after seeing impotent security doing so little to curb and then 'scold' (a.k.a. 'choke-the-shit-out-of'...) someone whos beating on a lady so seriously. I've seen some crazy audiences on Jerry Springer.

How to Ruin a Wedding- Kung-fu Kick to the Bride's Stomach!

Didn't Know Your Husband Was Banned?

joedirt says...

Can we start a list of SLEAZEBAG "digital media specialists"?>??

I want a list of all the marketing companies trying to push crap on to people.

"ElectricArtists is a digital strategy and online marketing company located in NY. Visit our website at
Clients include The History Channel, A&E, WWE, USA Network, Starz Entertainment, Sony Music, 4Kids Entertainment, etc."

Anyone find is insane that media companies are busy with DMCA takedowns AND at the same time paying sleeze to push their same videos out there and to make "viral buzz". Why not just quit removing your videos from YT instead of paying fake users to upload them and paste urls everywhere.

Kane does a darn fine impersonation

Kane does a darn fine impersonation

If the HorrorShow had its own wrestler...

WWE Wrestlemania Shavedown

Teddybears - Cobrastyle!

mt256 says...

I'm sure you'll recognize this song from about 2389720 commercials...

From :

"Cobrastyle has been used in the following places:

* by Heineken in their Meet You There advertising campaign, which debuted worldwide in Singapore.
* featured in the popular video game FIFA 06
* played at New York Giants games at Giants Stadium
* advertising for the soft drink Tab Energy
* on an episode of HBO's Entourage
* on an episode of ABC's Grey's Anatomy in November 2006
* as an official theme song for WWE SummerSlam 2006 pay-per-view event
* featured on the Employee of the Month soundtrack
* appears in a television commercial advertising the film called No Respect
* appeared in an episode of the American reality show Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County
* appeared in the 2006 film Man of the Year starring Robin Williams.
* appears in a trailer for the film Epic Movie
* appears in the new television commercial for a FOX Network series, Bones.
* appeared in the 2004 film After the Sunset starring Pierce Brosnan.
* appeared in the 2006 film The Benchwarmers starring Rob Schneider.
* appeared in the 2005 film The Honeymooners starring Cedric the Entertainer.
* appears in American Eagle Outfitters Stores promotional store music playing on the TV.

It's quite fun though!

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