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KVUE Austin TX Closed Caption labels Child Victim as Monkey

newtboy says...

Ahhh, snidely doubling down on the dumb. That's certainly a tactic.
So physics is racist too....light skin being more reflective than dark skin is a function of bigotry.

I guess I should just ignore or contradict your cries of racism now rather than back you up, and assume you're always just crying wolf.....again.
You've just erased all credibility you had with me with that tactic. Bravo!

newtboy (Member Profile)

Reps. Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz on FISA abuses

newtboy says...

I've seen this game countless times. Make iniquitous , but non specific accusations of nefarious activities, claim to have excoriating soon to be released but currently inaccessible evidence, rant about upcoming mass prosecution of political enemies, move on to the next charge.

No email needed to see the obvious, and I go to sleep at 3am anyway.
Republicans and Faux News (the original fake news) are the boys who cried wolf to the extreme, all credibility long gone. Remember, you gave them explicit permission to lie to you, don't be surprised that they are.

bobknight33 said:

Its starting already with your fake news analysis and we have yet to see it in full.. Newt how long have you been getting your 4 am daily fake news narrative email?

Like a Deer in the Headlights

entr0py says...

I do like that move at 0:40 where it spins around and falls over twice. You just feel sorry for it, I can imagine a wolf seeing that and just shaking it's head and walking away.

The Game that is pissing off the Alt Right

Briguy1960 says...

Love how these idiot reporters never get the history of the games right.
So forget about all the other wolfs it just went from wof3d to this did it?
Also it would have been a more entertaining video if that that furry mammal on reporters head lept back and forth from his head to the bald chicks head.

Anyway Die Nazi Scum!!!!!

What happens when a wild wolf approaches a pet dog

TheFreak says...

I think this narration makes a lot of assumptions.

That wolf was never domesticated. Domestication is a genetic adaptation that involves retaining juvenile traits that allow an animal to overcome the boundary that would instinctively cause them to flee or fight. This would take many generations. You can imagine how that adaptation would be advantageous to animals that benefit from living at the edges of human settlement.

There's no way to know why that wolf interacted the way it did but it was wild and posed a potential risk due to it's instinctive programming.

Happy that it remained an uplifting story. But it's not responsible to spread the narrative that you can domesticate a wild animal.

CNN begs for forgiveness, Project Veritas plays its Zapruder

newtboy says...

Well, since it's a Project Veritas thing, I'll assume it's more total faked bullshit.
If ever there was a media organization based in fake news, it's them. They're the bullshit artists that cried wolf, I won't be suckered again by them....If only I could put a source of videos on ignore, Veritas would never darken my screen again.

All I've seen about this is someone saying their channel thinks ratings are every other media organization. That doesn't make the story fake, it explains why they stick with it and ignore more important, but less sensational news.

Coming from the people that believe Alex Jones, Faux, and Veritas itself, this is the pot calling the dirty glass punchbowl "black". Need proof? Benghazzi....birth certificate....pizzagate.
Member those? I member.

kir_mokum said:

is no one seeing the spectacular irony? russia's propaganda news organization putting on over the top theatrics to revel in a non-story that they think blows the legitimacy of CNN wide open. talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Oliver Stone on how the US misunderstands Putin

vil says...

I dont get it, how does the US misunderstand Putin?

Probably have to watch these interviews. Putin always says well what he wants to say. He can outlast a smart US president and he can take advantage of a dumb one.

Putin is occupying large parts of a sovereign country in Europe, basically getting away with murder, but for Oliver he is a nice friendly guy, willing to be interviewed, with an interesting outlook on world peace. Wolf among sheep preaching vegetarianism.

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

newtboy says...

Yes, that's where we differ, because she sure didn't seem to be trying to leave to me, just had an inability to stand still under stress, like many 15 year olds. (And as I've said, it's the macing a handcuffed, secured girl that's out of line imo, the manhandling was just more than needed and was certain to escalate problems rather than solve them, so not smart but on the low end of the scale of acceptability, the macing was a pure assault in my eyes, for no good reason beyond sadism. It was not the right way to get her in the car.)

Keep in mind, she gets on her bike and rides (slowly) with ZERO complaint from the officer she's right in front of, he LET her do it, then got pissed off that she did it. WTF?!
Again, this could have been solved with a simple command to sit down, a command they did not give. Also, detained is not under arrest. You are under zero obligation to submit to detention. If they thought she was leaving the scene, they should have arrested her. Instead, they said repeatedly that they were detaining her for 'cooperation of investigation' (not a crime) and a medical release (something they probably need for their own liability purposes, but not something they can arrest a person for as far as I know).

Yes, the little girl was in the wrong...did my saying exactly that confuse you?

Yes, I absolutely think that if an officer pepper sprayed another officer's child for something the first officer screwed up (like failing to put her all the way in the car) the parent would go ballistic and matter how their child had acted. Rude behavior is not a threat, the only legitimate reason to use force. I don't think they would see it like you do if it was their child.
Yes, they would also probably reprimand the child too, but bad manners do not excuse assault with a weapon on a handcuffed detainee.

There was no reason to use mace, the proper response is to pull her into the car from the other side.

Your analogy only works if the wolf hounds go after the sheep when there's not a wolf in sight.

Hours? Really? Try an extra 10 seconds to avoid 15 minutes of battle and days of court. "Sit down" doesn't take even that. If they don't have the patience to verbalize the instructions they want followed, they should quit. Deescalation is their job, and they absolutely failed, as they often do.

Remember, they repeatedly say they're only detaining her because she may need medical treatment, then they treat her in a way that ensures she needs medical treatment. If they were really trying to help her, they failed so utterly miserably that they all should quit today...but we know that was bullshit lies, right?

I'm guessing you've never had a gun to your head and a knee on your neck face down in a gutter because an officer made a mistake reading your licence plate and had zero patience for the car thief he was taking down, followed by threats of retaliation if you report them. You might give them less cooperation and leeway if you had.

bcglorf said:

We really do see an entirely different world.

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

bcglorf says...

We really do see an entirely different world.

What I see originally happening here is a dispute/conflict between two citizens. The driver and the cyclist. There was a collision that damaged the car and maybe the cyclist. The cyclist is a minor, and the only account we get on video is the driver fairly insistent they were the ones that got hit when the cyclist ran a traffic sign. Blame on that doesn't matter to the video though because the police aren't meant to address blame and never attempt to.

Do we agree on the above preamble view of what happened at least? I think we do, so I'll pick up with that assumed.

The cyclist does not want to cooperate with the required exchange of information for insurance and liability purposes. So presumably the driver got the police get involved. This is exactly what I think we all should want. Rather than expecting the parties involved resort to their own use of force, we want to defer that to trained police officers. This is preferable for either party to simply being victimised with no recourse for injury to the cyclist if the driver's at fault or damages to the car if the cyclist is.

I again would hope we are still on the same page at this point, lets call it point B?

If I understand right, we now diverge in that I believe when office says come here to the cyclist, the cyclist is in the wrong for instead dodging around the officer and trying to take off on their bike. When the officer immediately stops them from that physically and tells them they are being detained, the cyclist is again wrong for actively resisting for the entire remainder of the video.

You seem to think the officers would be angry to see their child in the video, and we agree on that. We disagree on whom they would be angry with though. I'm pretty sure the officers would angry with their kid for consistently resisting the officers and would likely be telling their kid they are lucky the officers were as gentle as they were because they absolutely didn't need to be.

I don't know who to credit the analogy to, but this feels to me like an instance of the police being the wolf hounds protecting the us sheeple. Their use of violence and force looks scary to us and we just wish those mean, nasty and violent wolfhounds would be replaced with more mild mannered sheep. It's not until an actual wolf comes along that all of sudden we wonder were those hounds are because we went to get as close under their shadows as we can.

The reason it comes to mind is because having 3-4 officers spending hours begging, pleading and otherwise trying to non-violently persuade a cursing, kicking, resistant teenager to take accept pretty basic instructions is not what I want. I get the impression you would prefer that, but I do not. I want the officers sitting at nearby coffee shop bored and eating donuts instead. When they come to deal with this incident, I want them back to those donuts as quickly as possible. The reason being, when a wolf somewhere starts up a domestic dispute, or starts beating up someone in the street, or breaking into somebodies home I want the police unhindered and ready to their 'real' jobs.

newtboy said:

In America, you have every right to ignore them unless they give a lawful command, which you must obey. They cannot arrest you for silence, or for ignoring a request. I'll take my brother's expensive lawyer's advice over anyone's, and he said the only answer allowed is "ask my lawyer", and to do what they command, but not what they ask.

The girl wasn't aggressively pushing to me, but she also wasn't complying with a lawful command. If the audio is any indication, she was trying to get her phone out of her pocket while lying down handcuffed. She should have complied, but they also should have put her all the way in like they're trained to do, not 3/4 of the way. It's easy and safe to open the other door and pull her another foot into the car where she can't block anything, and that doesn't result in a lawsuit and more public distrust, but that wouldn't teach her a lesson. Pepper spray is not as safe as that by far.

It's not cool to hate cops, and I really wish they would stop getting caught doing things that foster hatred. I want them to act in a way the public can always support, not the least patient and most aggressive they can legally justify in every situation. It would be good if they could be thinking 'how would I feel if someone did this to my daughter/son under the same conditions.
I doubt any of them would be ok with that happening to their child, tantrum or no. They could have been worse here, but also could have defused it all with a single simple command to sit at the beginning. Don't expect an irrational, young, scared girl to act like an adult...that's beyond the capabilities of most adults.

You can humbly submit to authority if you wish. My forefathers fought and died to secure my rights to not answer questions or submit to the every whim of authority, I'll not disrespect their sacrifices by waiving those hard won rights for authority's, or my own convenience.

It would be nice if 15 year old girls were civil, but few I've known are when cornered. I think that's the real reason for the spraying, but not an excuse imo. To me, the cop's pride needs to give way to reason and logic, or we'll keep paying out multi million dollar judgements.

Little Girl Turns Up and Dabs to "Jesus Loves Me"

How Nature Documentaries Are Fake

sanderbos says...

Link to article referenced in the video:
(but boo, reading, yuck)

So they can edit in plottwists.
So yeah, bambi lives.
But then cut to: White wolf goes back starving kids. Camera goes slowly to dark as one of the wolf pups exhales for the last time.
But then cut to: A large family of maggots has been waiting for this moment, rooting for bambi in the earlier scene.

How Nature Documentaries Are Fake

Nephelimdream (Member Profile)

Mother Of The Year

Mordhaus says...

From the comments, it is a wolf fish. All species of which are considered of concern or threatened. I wouldn't give that woman another rare fish to kill or her money back to buy one from another place.

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