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You're F*ckin' High

dannym3141 says...

If they think that people are starting to lose interest in the main parties, they will spend the next 4 years highlighting war, terrorism, uncertainty and scarcity so that people are less likely to take any kind of risk. They will also highlight the uncertainty of voting for anyone else - i.e. these third parties are inexperienced, they don't understand, they are weak and/or sympathetic towards our enemy.

It's basically what they've done with Corbyn over here. "They" control the press so they also control the national will.

I think the only way we progress beyond this profit for the few, managed decline for the rest phase is to destroy the stranglehold that the media moguls like Murdoch, Barclays (the brothers, not the bank), etc. have over mainstream media.

They are literally peddling falsehoods and distractions so that people will target anyone other than those responsible.

MilkmanDan said:

If the election is "spoiled" one way or the other by 3rd party votes, it would send a pretty clear message to both parties: give us better choices, or face the consequences. Then again, maybe I'm being overly optimistic about the parties actually getting that message... Democrats should have been highly motivated to push for getting rid of the electoral college and/or considering a push for ranked-choice voting when Gore "lost" in 2000, but failed to do either.

How Battlestar Galactica Can Totally Ruin your Life

ZappaDanMan says...

It's good sci-fi. Follows a serialized format with a story arch lasting the season. The allegories are really good (Iraq war, Terrorism) which I think was season 3.. and of course everyones favourite Cylon who you want to frak (sorry, nerdy BG joke).

The problem with the show for me, is that they didn't know where they were going with the stories. Running into the same problem that 'Lost' did with many loose threads, making season 4 (the final series) the worst by far, ending with an un satisfying conclusion. There were also some heavy religious beats throughout the series which I didn't care for.

But the video is accurate, at the end of every episode "Awww you can't leave my hanging on that, let's watch the next one".>> ^zombieater:

So is it good?

Tom’s War on Terror

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'war on terror, short film, cute kittens' to 'war, terror, short film, tom, bus stop, backpack, bomb' - edited by MrFisk

Newswipe - Scary News

MilkmanDan says...

That was excellent!

I'd like to dedicate this post to my extreme luck at having miraculously been able to survive to my current age without ever falling victim to:

AIDs, nuclear war, terrorism, salmonella, rabies, penis removal by a jealous lover, carpal tunnel syndrome, H1N1, hostage crisis, arson, skin cancer from global warming / ozone layer depletion, nanotechnology attack, killer bee stings, school gun violence, erectile dysfunction, guerrilla insurgents, sex-crazed porn addict serial killers, wrath of God / Muhammed / Shiva / Buddha / Flying Spaghetti Monster, testicular cancer, flesh eating bacteria, sticky pedals or exploding gas tanks in my car, stingrays piercing my heart, earthquakes / tsunamis / hurricanes / tornadoes, cellphone brain tumors, prostate cancer, anal probes (except to prevent prostate cancer), fundamental loss of reality due to playing video games, spontaneous human combustion,

Obama Reaches Out To Iran

GITMO Guard "I Felt Ashamed Of What I Did"

vaporlock says...

I am a veteran of the Gulf War and I traveled extensively inside Iraq and Kuwait while I was active. My experience is that it is not the "horrors of war" that are mind boggling, but the fact that the horrors are so quickly forgotten and then made normal. This constantly ups the possibility of abuse, and ethics are thrown out the window. In fact it is true "freedom" from ethics, in a very scary sense. People become what they truly are, and it is usually not pretty.

While in Iraq, we played cards with dead Iraqis laying just a few meters away, guys placed water bottles on bodies where their heads used to be (just to be funny), and some even shot dogs for fun. I heard first hand stories of guys using 50 cals on surrendering, white flag waving, Iraqis. We saw little children with their legs blown off from cluster-bombs (note: children where all over the battlefield). Extreme stuff by any standard, but normal during a war. Even after seeing the "Highway of Death" (google it) the most scaring thing for me was the fact that so much effort could go towards pure destruction. Travel to Mars, eliminate world hunger, cure cancer, NO. Destroy the people and infrastructure of a captive nation. YES!


The James Miller Shooting in Rafah by IDF

Another Great Video of US Soldiers Spreading Democracy!

President Bush Lied About Giving Up Golf: Video Proof

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Bush golf lies Iraq war terror lies bogey bunker Olberman Countdown birdie' to 'Bush, golf, lies, Iraq, war, terror, lies, bogey, bunker, Olberman, Countdown, birdie' - edited by lucky760

Jesus Camp : Kids Worshipping to a George Bush Picture

Farhad2000 says...

That's all well and nice Daphne, Swampgirl and Theo. But for every kid that escapes indoctrination and actually wakes up there will be others that won't and usually thats the majority.

Further more this bible camp is just one part of a chain of Educational systems that spread well into college and university. If indoctrination is allowed to occur from an early age right up to and until maturation. They want these kids to then take office in the goverment, lord forbid you get someone completely off it who wants to destroy the entire middle east because israel has to exist for the apocalypse to occur.

I mean all they are doing is creating people with closed minds, the same people who quite frankly I believe voted Bush for a 2nd term in office. Because these camps don't create free thinking individuals, they create copy cats who seek leaders to lead them. How else do you explain the fact that during the 2nd running for the president seat, somehow the republican party managed to take the shift away from the iraq war, terrorism and the economy and center it on moral issues and gay marriage? Closed minded people just made homosexuality illegal. Something that quite frankly would never ever affect you unless you are homosexual yourself.

These kinds of organizations create people who are closed minded, rooted in their beliefs and oppose any other stance that might be presented. And especially here, where the camp wants to create spiritual warriors even saying that this is the same thing that happens in other nations of faith.

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