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Woman Slips Out Of Handcuffs And Shoots Police

luxintenebris jokingly says...

officer training?

"stand over by the car and watch her."
"okay! all eyes on her chief."
"- - and don't let her touch anything!"
"got it."

...and sometime later a city administrator asks, "what is this $40,000 for 'officer vigilance coordination' ?"

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aren't you going to crow about how presidential Trump is, working so hard even at the hospital? Come on, you have the pictures. I'm begging you, tell us all about it.

Aren't you going to point to his humanity of riding around the hospital to personally thank the crowd there for him?


I know his staged "look, I'm working" pictures, they were too stupid to check the meta data, those staged fake photos were under ten minutes apart, just enough time to redress Trump and switch rooms. He wasn't working. Need more proof? They're also so moronic they just gave him a blank piece of paper to be "working" on. You can see it in the picture with nothing but his signature.
I also know why you aren't talking about him going all out to thank those at the hospital....they were mostly PROUD BOYS. The vigil was actually organised by the proud boys founder, who was there. Pretty certain that was planned with Whitehouse approval, they sure as Fuck know who they are by now, and Trump put secret servicemen at high risk and a minimum of 14 days away from work and family to thank the proud boys again.

Then, to top it off, first thing he does back at the Whitehouse is remove his mask knowing full well he's highly infectious despite the medical cocktail of experimental drugs and steroids he received that no one else on the planet could possibly get, but not his precious hydroxy, even he's not stupid enough to take that poison, intentionally exposing every person in the room behind him, and there were many.

But wait...there's more! Because baby Loanspurs doesn't want to admit he wore a mask ever, he then reportedly took a camera crew outside to reshoot his reentry at the Whitehouse with no masks. That will be the official video now, not the real video with masks.

Pillar of honor and responsibility he is not.

Cops Cause Accident And Instantly Arrest Victim

newtboy says...

A cop not being a dick one time doesn't make him a good cop. A cop going on a speaking tour getting applauded over a minor example of humanitarianism pretty much erases the humanitarian part and it becomes a pure self serving PR ploy.

How many criminal cops has he turned in and testified against? That's the test, daily vigilance against his buddies abusing their power, not singular instances of charity he then milks for public relations points.

Pablo Escobar gave tens of millions to the poor. Was he also a good cop? According to your metric, he would be the greatest person ever.

Edit: I'll make it simple for you....any cop that allows fellow officers to get away with breaking the law or abusing their authority is a bad cop, even if they otherwise are above reproach and never abuse their own authority in any other way.

bobknight33 said:

You only post negative Cop videos. Maybe you have a chip on you shoulder towards Cops.

Cheer up little buddy there are good cops.
Here is 1 for you bud.

The Cat That Thinks He Is A Chicken

Buttle says...

Barn cats are fed for a purpose, just like the chickens and turkeys. That purpose has nothing to do with lazing around in big kitty love-ins. They should be well-dispersed, vigilant, active, ornery. Nobody cares if they spray the barn walls.

These people obviously like their cats. For one thing they're remarkably tame. For another, they do fix the females -- the cheapest and easiest method of cat population control is just to shoot the excess every once in a while.

Fairbs said:

well how about you get the males fixed so they don't fight as much? and also stop them from fighting when you can

When you forget to strap in your hang gliding passenger

Sniper007 says...

Labeling the pilot as an idiot may not be a good way to ensure things like this don't happen again. As mentioned above, the same exact thing happened to a highly experienced, highly decorated hang gliding trainer. It seems to be a momentary lapse in judgement in what (to them) is a routine so ingrained as to be automatic.

Maybe they should implement written checklists like pilots. For hang gliding, it could be something both the instructor and the passenger need to physically sign off on. I imagine it wouldn't be too burdensome since it is likely to be very short (at least compared to pilot checklists).

Baring checklists, the safest hang gliding instructor in the world is likely to be this gentlemen following this incident. I recon his vigilance is sky high at the moment. (Assuming he didn't quit altogether like his BC counterpart.)

Car pulls out of rest area without looking

AeroMechanical says...

That rest stop is very poorly designed. An on-ramp onto a freeway should be long enough to give merging traffic enough distance to accelerate to the speed of traffic on the freeway. Also, there should be signage to indicate there might be merging traffic.

To me, this looks very much a case of poor driving all around. The truck driver obviously wasn't paying attention to the on-ramp. He had six seconds to react and did nothing to avoid a collision for five of them. I imagine the letter of the law says that it's the merging car's responsibility to merge safely, but if you're driving in the outside lane past an on-ramp, you ought to be watching for merging traffic. Just having the right-of-way doesn't excuse you from being vigilant about avoiding accidents.

Man saws his AR15 in half in support of gun control

newtboy says...

Well, in the Ukraine the 'revolutionaries' are backed by a major super power, indeed the civil war was started by Russians, so that example is an outlier unless the anti federalists decide to defect. Not impossible, but I hope unlikely, although Trump is certainly moving his people in exactly that direction. We should be vigilant against more Russian interference in our country, they aren't our friends, they're our enemies.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Yes, people should be able to have the same weapons their local police have. If a weapon is too powerful for the public to have, the cops don't need it either. If the shit gets too hot, call in the national guard. As far as spawnflagger saying active military or SWAT owning an AR15, why wouldn't they just train with it and keep it at their department? There's no need for them to own it themselves to be able to use it.

A big part of any overthrow of government is getting the police and military to defect or refuse to fire on the resistance. Peaceful revolutions work much better for this than armed ones, although it seemed to work in Ukraine.

16 seconds: The Killing of Anita Kurmann

newtboy says...

When I used to ride 30+ miles a day, I came damn close to being ended in the same type of accidents repeatedly. I learned quickly that trucks won't see bicyclists, even when they can see them, and so they demand your close attention. In this case, the truck had it's blinker on well before she passed it. She should have paid closer attention to traffic around her for her own safety.
That's not to say it's her fault, just that, as the one who will be injured or killed in an accident, it's prudent to be vigilant looking out for others driving unsafely.

All that said, since the driver knew he hit someone and drove away, only calling for police/ambulance later from another town, it should be manslaughter at a minimum, I can't fathom no charges being brought. WTF?!

Senator Ernie Chambers The "N" Word at Omaha Public Schools

newtboy says...

Where did these white people get that idea about "nigga" being a term of endearment?
Black people.
This is what you get for fostering a double standard. Telling a black child to hit white children if they use a word, but not hit a black child if they do....who's the racist?
When the black child says nigga, expel them, then maybe you'll get somewhere.

This dude probably thinks he's fighting against racism by being pretty damn racist. All he said was "white"..."black"....."black"...."white"...."white". I get his anger, but you cannot fight injustice by suggesting injustice, you cannot fight racism by dividing people by race for separate treatment.

Rule of thumb, if those you find to be disgusting sub humans would be wrong to use your words with black and white reversed, you're being a racist.
If you become what you despise in your fight, you lost.
Those who fight monsters must be ever vigilant against becoming one.

When Windows 10 makes you racist

MilkmanDan says...

To be fair, prior to the Windows 10 upgrade spam "updates" in Windows 7, one could generally trust Windows updates to be in the best interest of the user to install.

Then those came around, and suddenly Micro$oft got caught doing blatantly shady things and passing them off as "critical updates". "Get Windows 10" nagware, telemetry, "genuine advantage", etc. that snuck in by being as vague as possible in KB entries, sending the updates multiple times, and/or unnecessarily combining elements that users might have legitimate reasons to NOT want along with updates that actually were actually important.

I was running Windows 7 and made an informed decision to avoid Windows 10 (because I didn't want telemetry, don't approve of the "cloud" / seeing the OS as a licensed rental paradigm vs owning it, trend towards walled garden, etc.). Then one day I got the "GWX" Windows 10 update nagware through an update. I discovered how to disable / remove that, and started to scrutinize the updates more closely, but a while later it snuck back in and made me aware of M$'s attempts to hide it and get it on to ALL Windows machines.

For a while I continued to run Windows 7, while attempting to be vigilant about picking and choosing updates to keep those things I found undesirable out. After Windows 10 came out, in some ways that got even harder because they started trying to backport the telemetry etc. into 7. Eventually, I gave up and turned off updates altogether.

By that point, I had gone from checking in with Linux as a hobby once in a while to using it as my daily driver for all mission-critical stuff, along with any computer usage that generates personally identifying data (web browsing / banking / etc.). I keep Windows around purely for games that don't run well or at all in Linux. So, I don't care much about any vulnerability to ransomware or whatever as a result of not updating. All data that needs to be protected is on an ext4 Linux partition on a different physical drive and/or machine that Windows has no access to, so worst case scenario I lose saved games and have to reformat and reinstall Windows for games.

I wouldn't want to be doing important, work-related stuff like rendering on an un-updated Windows machine like the guy in the video, but on the other hand a big chunk of that is Micro$oft's fault for abusing the whole update process to put in stuff that benefits THEM rather than USERS.

ChaosEngine said:

To be fair, this isn't actually a problem, unless you're an idiot like this guy. I've been running Windows 10 since it came out and never once HAD to shut down in the middle of something to install an update.

That said, you shouldn't switch from OSX for the same reason I won't switch TO osx.... change cost.

Even these days, switching to another ecosystem is still going to cost you weeks of time, so unless there's an incredibly compelling reason to switch, there's just no point.

Meryl Streep on the Press, the Arts & Empathy. Vivisection.

enoch says...

ya know bob,at some point you are going to look back at these comments,or someone is inevitably going to bring them to your attention in the future,and you are going to be forced to eat a slice of humble pie.

i am not disagreeing with you in regards to corporate media bias,and that some people consume only those outlets that appeal to their own prejudices and biases.

as this election has made abundantly clear:both those who identify as democrat and republican are guilty of confirmation bias,and had fallen into the trap of their own personal echo chambers.

so many supposed "news" outlets were aught red-handed pandering,obfuscating and sometimes promoting outright propaganda.

the latest outlet to get caught in this fuckery is the washington post,and i suspect there will be many many more.

my point is simply this.
propaganda works,and it is an effective tool to control attitudes and opinions,they do not even have to "win" the argument,they just have to make a person reconsider their position by postulating possibilities,make one go "well,maybe..that could happen"...and they win.

so you are right in regards to fake news that appeals to the more "liberal minded" but do not think for a second that there are also corporate "news" outlets that appeal to the more "conservative minded".

we all,each and every one of us,are susceptible to this tactic.we all can be manipulated by appeals to emotions,our sense of justice and fairness,and of course..our prejudices.

the only way to combat this tactic is by remaining vigilant and do our due diligence.this starts by listening to people we may fact checking and discussing with one another to test the veracity of the claims by certain outlets.

speaking only for myself i dumped corporate media years ago.

it is still an imperfect system i use,and i have posted fallacious content (not intentionally) and been called out for it's bullshit.

i didn't like being called out,and felt shame for my laziness and the fact i posted because it adhered to my own preconceptions,but i was the better for it.

so be careful when you make declarations of certitude by using corporate media outlets as a source,because more often than not,that information has been manipulated to appeal to a certain mindset and attitude.

liberals have known for decades the FOX news is a corporate media propaganda machine,but they have also been just as much a victim of the very same tactics by such outlets as MSNBC and CNN.

american conservatives are not the problem,nor are american liberals.

it is the corporate media who is beholden to those who wield power and influence,and seek to manipulate the opinions of the american people in order to retain THEIR power and THEIR influence and therefore diminish the cohesive community of the american people.

ok..i really don;t know where i am going with this..i had a point somewhere.

basically stop using corporate media as your references bob,otherwise you are going to be pantsed in public,and that is an ickly feeling.

The Rage is real - gamer smashes monitor

They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse in Your Soul

eric3579 says...

I'm your only friend
I'm not your only friend
But I'm a little glowing friend
But really I'm not actually your friend
But I am

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch
Who watches over you
Make a little birdhouse in your soul
Not to put too fine a point on it
Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet
Make a little birdhouse in your soul

I have a secret to tell
From my electrical well
It's a simple message and I'm leaving out the whistles and bells
So the room must listen to me
Filibuster vigilantly
My name is blue canary one note spelled l-I-t-e
My story's infinite
Like the Longines Symphonette it doesn't rest

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch
Who watches over you
Make a little birdhouse in your soul
Not to put too fine a point on it
Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet
Make a little birdhouse in your soul

I'm your only friend
I'm not your only friend
But I'm a little glowing friend
But really I'm not actually your friend
But I am

There's a picture opposite me
Of my primitive ancestry
Which stood on rocky shores and kept the beaches shipwreck free
Though I respect that a lot
I'd be fired if that were my job
After killing Jason off and countless screaming Argonauts
Bluebird of friendliness
Like guardian angels its always near

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch
Who watches over you
Make a little birdhouse in your soul
Not to put too fine a point on it
Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet
Make a little birdhouse in your soul

(And while you're at it
Keep the nightlight on inside the
Birdhouse in your soul)

Not to put too fine a point on it
Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet
Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch (and while you're at it)
Who watches over you (keep the nightlight on inside the)
Make a little birdhouse in your soul (birdhouse in your soul)

Not to put too fine a point on it
Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet
Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch (and while you're at it)
Who watches over you (keep the nightlight on inside the)
Make a little birdhouse in your soul (birdhouse in your soul)

Not to put too fine a point on it
Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet
Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

As usual you are confused, a secular country is not an atheist country. A secular state is a concept of secularism, whereby a state is or purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion NOR IRRELIGION. We have atheist politicians. I'm sure many more are closeted or deists or not as well known. The mayor of the major city I live in is atheist. The United States is the model of a secular nation in that we invented the idea of a separation between church and state. Secular doesn't mean religious people can't hold office. Also, secularism doesn't mean that the wall between church and state doesn't require constant vigilance to uphold.

newtboy said:

slickhead said: Christan politicians of various denominations from various churches holding office in a secular country with a godless constitution

Seth Meyers on Orlando and Trump

harlequinn says...

In contrast to the implication from Myers, saying "I don't want congrats, I wan't toughness & vigilance" is not spreading bigotry or misinformation.

I'm in favour of firearm regulation. But there are plenty of countries with ready availability of AR15s to vetted people showing that it is the vetting process and the demeanor of the populace that are the major factors in criminal activity with legal firearms (illegal firearms used in criminal activity being a different thing). Focus should be on regulating firearms away from criminal and crazy people.

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