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dag (Member Profile)

TDS: Mis-represention of tax situation

Katy Perry's face gets slimed

jiyanibi says...

Stupid Viacom. I don't even think I can call *dead since it's not published or pqueue'd yet. Anyway, MrSid, try this embed below, since Viacom's not likely to rip down a feed from E!News. It's cue'd up to skip some of the intro garbage.

In the meantime, everyone else can check out "the blast" here, as long as you don't mind getting some Youtube on ya.

Elijah Wood - Numa Numa dance (serious WTF)

Race driver celebrates his victory... too soon

Viacom snatches The Daily Show and Colbert Nation off Hulu (Terrible Talk Post)

Viacom snatches The Daily Show and Colbert Nation off Hulu (Terrible Talk Post)

dgandhi says...

>> ^lesserfool:
I don't know where micro-payments are a good fit, it is hard to beat "free" psychologically.

But we have been paying, we have been paying with our time. The economic absurdity is that my time is worth more to me than it is worth to an advertiser, I like the shows I like, I would be happy to pay for them to be made. I would happily pay more than advertisers will pay for my eyeballs. When we do the math I think most people would be happy to do the same, if it is made simple, and pleasant, and the pricing is somewhere around what my eyeball-time is worth to somebody else.

I'll drop a quarter in a parking meter when I need to go in somewhere for 5min. I do this both for the ease, and for the protection from the liability of a parking ticket. I would be happy to do the same, drop a quarter or less, for a half hour of easy to access programming, instead of bothering with, or risking the litigation from, torrenting.

i-tunes sells these shows for what a buck a piece? That's many times what they are worth to advertisers, I think knowing that is what tips the balance and makes free-but-risky a better proposition in most peoples minds. I viscerally agree with that math, but I think there is a happy medium, the transaction friction has been dropping for a long time now, I think it about time for micro-payments to test the waters, these two shows would be the perfect test bed.

Viacom snatches The Daily Show and Colbert Nation off Hulu (Terrible Talk Post)

dgandhi says...

Now is the time for somebody with a half decent micro-pay model to walk up to viacom and offer them a sweeter deal than running their own half assed web-streaming servers.

I would happily pay $0.10 - $0.25 for 3-5 day, ad free, viewing rights to an episode of a show, and $0.05 - $0.15 for back catalog shows, I'm willing to wager that viacom makes much less than that in ad revenue per view/episode.

Hulu, is a beach front in the internet IP wars, it made watching stuff easy, and the experience was pleasant enough that we watched ads, and figured it was a fair deal, when we could just be torrenting this stuff for free.

I think Hulu understands that it is competing with free, I don't think viacom got the memo yet.

Unfortunately viacom is holding all the cards, I'll be watching on their site, but I would wager that they will not get even half the traffic hulu got, and will end up with less money in their pockets at the end of the day. Unless viacom intends to try to compete with a broad hulu like service, I think they will find that they just shot themselves in the foot.

Man Show Boy wants sex

Dislike the way the front page regurgitates old videos (History Talk Post)

choggie says...

Ok fanboys and girls aside, highdileeho's post got me to thinking that perhaps we should all take a bit of time like our pal eric827364982374, and go through the sift and do a bit of house-cleaning-

For some of you, who tend to post in a linear fashion from some of the major news organizations, and lack the spark of creativity that sets us apart from the beasts and foul, and who have a particular world view that is parroted by most of those who have been spoon-fed the sheit from television for so long that your limbic system is so much Rupert Maddock's bitch.....

(by the way, we should boycott the following top 20 list of Infotainment Fucks)
1. Time Warner Inc.
2. Walt Disney Company
3. Viacom Inc.
4. News Corporation
5. CBS Corporation
6. Cox Enterprises
7. NBC Universal
8. Gannett Company, Inc.
9. Clear Channel Communications Inc.
10. Advance Publications, Inc.
11. Tribune Company
12. McGraw-Hill Companies
13. Hearst Corporation
14. Washington Post Company
15. The New York Times Company
16. E.W. Scripps Co.
17. McClatchy Company
18. Thomson Corporation
19. Freedom Communications, Inc.
20. A&E Television Networks who fancy Kieth Overmanned'S deaditorials might want to check your viddies.....I got tired of "deading" after 3 pages of THIRTY-THREE FUCKING PAGES OF FUCKING KIETH FUCKING OLBERMANN VIDDIES!!!

Yeah dag, poncy fanvid crapola, is clogging up your site!!

Stephen Colbert Calls Sarah Palin A F*cking Retard

Stephen Colbert raps "Empire State of Mind"

Comedy Central & Canadians (Canada Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Actually it seems that ALL Viacom networks (Comedy Central, MTV, Spike, etc.) are blocked in Canada. That's why you, a dirty Canadian, also can't see any MTV music videos unless you're using a VPN. Word on the street is that videos from Viacom networks are also blocked in the UK now. Another blow for total access.

Given the situation with Viacom, Hulu, AdultSwim, and other video hosts, all I can suggest is what dag already suggested almost a year ago: Start using a VPN. I don't like that it's come down to this, but unless you're not bothered by seeing video after video being region-blocked, a VPN is probably your best bet.

dotdude (Member Profile)

BoneyD (Member Profile)

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