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Confederate Flag Parade in Georgia. Wait for it....

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

"Rape" van?!? Jesus, newt, that's a bit much... and yeah, it was cooler. They turned the damn thing into a freaking tank half the time. Also, no confederate flag painted on it and not named for a general on team slavery, therefore cooler.

I will admit that the respective token women on the A-Team weren't a patch on Daisy.

Finally, what's with this nonsense about the A-Team being bad shots? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to fire an assault rifle at someone on full auto and not accidentally hit them? Look at this picture. Any idiot can hit the black section, but it takes almost superhuman marksmanship to unload a full clip into the white section!

The A-Team are like Batman. They could easily roll in and murder the hell out of everyone, but they choose the hard path. Want more proof?

Here's Murdoch (the least combat capable of the team) hitting a tire on moving target from a chasing car.... with a handgun and in one shot! And he does it in such a way that van does an epic roll and everyone inside is still ok. That's not just good, that's god like.

And while we're recapping 80s shows, Knight Rider was also better than the Dukes. </stirring>

Also, I love that this has turned into a discussion on the A-team vs Hazzard. It's exactly as much respect as those confederate flag waving douchebags in the video deserve.

newtboy said:

Oh, you had me until your arguments WHY A-team was better.

Lets 'rape' van better than a high flying, 'street legal' racing Charger? I respectfully disagree.
Better theme song, not to my ears, but both are good.
Peppard, better than Uncle Jesse, depends on the episode to me. Mr. T, OK, he's better than any single Duke character...but Murdock wasn't 1/4 the comedy relief of Roscoe P Coltrane, Enos, and Flash....and the Team had nothing to answer Daisy!
"I love it when a plan come's together", great line (I still say it all the time), but then again, so was "Luke, how come you didn't stop for me?" asked by Bo after diving in the window of the General at about 30 mph!

Then you have the military supermen that can't hit a person-ever VS the country boys that can hit moving targets from moving targets with arrows wrapped with dynamite and moonshine Molotov's! COME ON!

But all that said, 9/10 episodes of Hazard were basically the same story, Boss Hog is stealing something and the boys need to escape the crooked law to stop him. At least A-Team had more story variation, more explosions, and just as many car flips/jumps. Kind of an apple/orange thing to me. My 12 year old self was glad they were not on at the same time, no DVR back then.

Confederate Flag Parade in Georgia. Wait for it....

newtboy jokingly says...

Oh, you had me until your arguments WHY A-team was better.

Lets 'rape' van better than a high flying, 'street legal' racing Charger? I respectfully disagree.
Better theme song, not to my ears, but both are good.
Peppard, better than Uncle Jesse, depends on the episode to me. Mr. T, OK, he's better than any single Duke character...but Murdock wasn't 1/4 the comedy relief of Roscoe P Coltrane, Enos, and Flash....and the Team had nothing to answer Daisy!
"I love it when a plan come's together", great line (I still say it all the time), but then again, so was "Luke, how come you didn't stop for me?" asked by Bo after diving in the window of the General at about 30 mph!

Then you have the military supermen that can't hit a person-ever VS the country boys that can hit moving targets from moving targets with arrows wrapped with dynamite and moonshine Molotov's! COME ON!

But all that said, 9/10 episodes of Hazard were basically the same story, Boss Hog is stealing something and the boys need to escape the crooked law to stop him. At least A-Team had more story variation, more explosions, and just as many car flips/jumps. Kind of an apple/orange thing to me. My 12 year old self was glad they were not on at the same time, no DVR back then.

ChaosEngine said:

Dude, better theme music, better vehicle (a team van > general lee), Mr T and George freaking "I love it when a plan comes together" Peppard!

Confederate Flag Parade in Georgia. Wait for it....

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

Dude, better theme music, better vehicle (a team van > general lee), Mr T and George freaking "I love it when a plan comes together" Peppard!

Payback said:

Seriously? You're going with that?

Dude, the A-Team is worse shots than the Empire's Stormtroopers. At least the Empire was able to hit a planet.

A-Team couldn't hit a bullet with the side of a barn.

Our Incredible, Microscopic World

3-piece teen girl cover of Enter Sandman

poolcleaner says...

Fuck true metal? It's mostly a joke, dude, not a sense of entitlement. You want to read entitlement and serious judgement in my comments? By all means, chaotic fool, use it as a platform for your Internet social gain. But I'm speaking from the perspective of someone with years of knowledge passing it down. I cited songs which Metallica wrote and played which are hard and fast, raw and powerful, exuding the youthful energy of their best albums, which are for some reason blacklisted and instead we hear the songs that the recording industry WANT you to hear because they're marketable. The songs I listed are awesome and considered by some to be the real gift Metallica left us with, like Van Halen's first 4 albums.

I bestowed a gift, and you saw me being high and mighty for my gain? Sounds like YOU have some problems to deal with.

I dont only listen to metal. I played sax, guitar, bass, and drums, but now mostly play percussion -- I like hitting things. I was in a rolling Stones and velvet underground cover band, played some gospel folks stuff for a while. I provided my perspective on metal because I thought it beneficial. For the music obsessed, hearing something over and over on the radio for the remainder of your life, when there is better material from the band and the idea of popularity as some sort of higher value than the subtleties you pick up on when you have standards, it's all very silly to read. You are a jerk and now I'm sad.

Thanks. Gift horse doesn't like staring contests.

ChaosEngine said:

And here we see one of the reasons I stopped listening to metal for a while.

Fuck "true" metal and anyone who says they know what is or isn't "real" metal. You go down that path and you end up listening to nothing but Manowar.

It's either a good heavy song or it isn't.

Sandman's pretty far from my favourite Metallica track, but it's a decent tune and a good "gateway drug" into heavier stuff.

Tina, 14, destroys Paganini 5th Caprice

ChaosEngine says...

Dem sweeps!

Tina, 14, destroys Paganini 5th Caprice

Instant Karma-Road Rage

15 year old girl shreds Through the Fire and the Flames

ChaosEngine says...



15 year old girl shreds Through the Fire and the Flames

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

Lawdeedaw says...

Okay, if this seems angry it is because it is. My wife and kids were hit head on by a car (Who sped up to get around the car she was passing...,) in a new van we just purchased, by a lady with no insurance. In Florida we get fucked for it (Thankfully they are alright...)

So here goes. You work for a bunch of cum guzzling money grabbing fuckfaces. It is a shameful job, unappreciated because your bosses want the most money at the expense of those who have just been through a terrible, horrible ordeal.

Insurance companies donate billions to lawmakers to keep these fucking stupid laws up. Florida's You-Pay-for-Uninsured-Motorist's laws are proof-fucking positive about that. "I am responsible so fuck my asshole wide please."

And the scare tactics of god damn claims adjusters?! Holy fuck, that shit would be considered assault anywhere else. Congratulations if you are one of the rare ones that don't threaten or low-ball...

Of course your company would charge it as 50-50 (or 70-30.) They would do it in every situation they could. Because it's all about the money to those anal-warted motherfuckers.

HadouKen24 said:

So, I am an auto liability adjuster. I do this for a living--I take statements from drivers and witnesses, review damage and, when it's available, I watch videos of car accidents to see where fault lies.

In this particular accident, it seems pretty obvious that both parties contributed to some degree or another. The VW's driver was obviously making an unsafe lane change. However, the trucker had the last clear chance to avoid the accident, and from the audio in the cab was clearly distracted by a cell phone. The truck thus contributed by failing to maintain driver attention.

So we're going to need to assess partial negligence on both driver's. So, how much will we need to assess, and what does that mean for how much each person might or might not get paid?

In terms of negligence law, Texas is a Modified Comparative state under the Not Greater Than rule. What this means is that in order to recover money from the other party, you cannot have more responsibility than they do in order to recover any money. But you can only recover the percentage that the other party is at fault. So if it's 50/50, each party gets half of their costs from the other party. If it's 51/49, one person owes the other guy 51%, but the other guy doesn't owe a dime.

In this case, 50/50 would be a likely and attractive option for the insurance companies. Both parties clearly contributed, and each party had equal opportunity to avoid the loss, so each insurance company would pay the other 50%.

The gross negligence of the driver of the pickup is such that I don't see less than 50% negligence on that driver. However, I can see the car's insurance company arguing for a higher responsibility on the truck.

When the car puts on the signal and starts moving over, there is clearly room to move over without striking the truck. The car starts moving over, and the truck starts to overtake the VW. The trucker was closing the distance with the traffic ahead. The VW appears to hit their brakes as the traffic ahead is slowing down--but the trucker doesn't, and appears to be accelerating.

Moreover, as the driver of the larger vehicle, the trucker has a greater duty to maintain driver attention and avoid accidents, as a mistake on his part has greater likelihood of causing more serious physical damage, and severe bodily injury or death.

I believe that it would be justified to put a slight majority on the truck, 60-70%. This would be my preference. So they would owe for 60-70% of the VW's damages. The trucker will have to go through his own insurance or pay out of pocket for his damages.

A Power Rangers for the rest of us (rated R version)

ChaosEngine says...

And fucking Dawson!

This whole thing is incredibly confusing. On of the list of things I don't give a shit about, Power Rangers, James Van Der Beek and dark gritty reboots are pretty damn close to the top.

And yet that was awesome!

Retroboy said:

Holy SHIT is that Starbuck?


Why Do Aussie Trucks Have Bullbars?

bremnet says...

The camper van we rented in Brisbane to drive to Darwin had a bull bar and a downward deflecting heavy screen just along the bottom of the windshield. We wondered why until we got to the other side of Longreach and saw the aftermath of a big red kangaroo going through the windshield of a panel van, still alive and kicking - kicking enough in its panic to kill the driver as it thrashed about trying to get away from it's predicament. The down angled heavy screen is to 'deflect' the road vermin down away from the cab and windshield. Not as much fun as hitting a moose, but fun nontheless.

Jon Stewart leaving The Daily Show.

poolcleaner says...

I don't necessarily disagree with you. My opinions, while oft contrarian, are really just open ended processes without judgement or declaration. They are hardly even opinions, as I almost always simultaneously believe and hold dear multiple conflicting ideas about particular subjects. An enlightened doublethink as it were. Everything is a theory worth pondering. Thanks Socrates. Thanks for making me not know anything.

Now while tenure certainly holds clout, it can also blind us to the moments in time which were shorter but sweeter than any of the fine tuned complexities of empire. The Internet as we know it, with youtube and Facebook, for example, may be the fixture but I'll always think kindly upon those early 90s, when it was the awkward but mysterious world wide web.

So, cool, yay for fixtures, but I'm a founders man, not a member of the club after its maturity. The Thomas Paine -- Cool, the revolution is over, now fuck yo couch. Where's the next one?

Other examples where the fixture isn't necessarily the only method to decide value by: Van Halen's prolific career versus that first, highly exceptional, fast and heavy album. Or the short but sweet years Ronnie James Dio or Glenn Huges sang for Black Sabbath -- Ozzy is the fixture, but those short moments of time where something strange and magical was created with other diverse geniuses, prior to or after the bread winners, those are the moments of fascination.

I love Jon Stewart but this ain't no thang. My interest was already piqued and held years ago, before him. He's great though and far better than a single television show.

direpickle said:

Kilborn did the show for three years. Jon has done it for 16-17 years. That's about half my life, whereas Kilborn's stint was a little blip. I think a lot of people are in the same boat. We may have liked Kilborn's version of the show (I did! But I was in Jr. High, so what the hell do I know) but it was never the fixture that Jon Stewart's version became.

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