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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

I guess I have some bad news. I noticed my stomach was getting larger even though I had no appetite lately. I had my sonogram on Monday and my doctor told me that I have cirrhosis with ascites, which means my liver is failing enough that it is forcing liquid into my abdomen. I also have gallstones, but the doctor said not to worry about those right now.

I gather I am going to have to go have a needle inserted to drain the fluid and then we will see if I am in end stage liver failure. I'll update as soon as I know more.

On the good side, my wife is almost fully healed from the mohs surgery. I hope to be back soon, but right now I am depressed and worried AF.

Gavin Newsom Wins Recall Election In Landslide

Time Lapse of night hikes on Yosemite's Half Dome


Kamala And The Mushroom Tip

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwwwaaaaahahahahaaaaa….as if you know the “truth”!?! I guess you forgot, you said truth and facts are for liberals. Conservatives have no use for either. Remember you said if the truth might hurt you, only a moron would be truthful, even under oath (defending Trump blatantly lying under oath to congress). When you gleefully supported lying even under oath, even from the person holding the highest, most powerful position on earth, you have abandoned truth and honesty completely.

….so. You’re giving up on the dishonest stupidity you’ve been trying to sell for 8+ months, that it was really all left wing ANTIFA and BLM activists posing as Trumptards (which would mean Trump’s rally was a massive failure because he didn’t have ANY supporters in the crowd?). You’ve finally decided to admit reality and try another tact, that it wasn’t criminal, just people voicing displeasure?! Jesus Christ, you will just say any stupid thing to avoid responsibility, won’t you. Trump taught you well (to ignore reality and spout insanity).

They attempted to voice their displeasure by violently overthrowing the government and murdering any representatives they disagreed with or police that tried to stop them you anti American traitor.

Thousands breached the walls with plans to hunt down and murder any representatives not fully on board with ignoring the election for Trump…up to and including Pence, who they erected a functioning gallows for.

Those caught aiding in the violent, deadly coup should be shot dead for treason, every single one who went one foot past the barriers, so anyone on the grounds…that’s over 10000 you traitor. Trespassing, a minor property infraction, is not what they did. They murdered and permanently disabled police as a group, both felonies. They intentionally did millions in damages to public property, felonies. They disrupted the function of the government, a felony. They attempted to murder multiple representatives as part of an attempted overthrow of the duly elected government, not just felonies but violent terroristic treason that calls for the death penalty. They should face a firing squad or worse, every one of them that crossed the barrier line is a traitor to America and a part of the deadly failed coup. Those that actually entered the building should first be stripped of citizenship, then they should be painfully and publicly executed in cruel ways (non citizens, no constitutional protections) and their estates all forfeit to the state in restitution. Their families should just be deported and stripped of citizenship.

Oh…so now you admit multiple Trump groups PLANNED a coup….but you’re going to pretend it was only 40 people?! Insane illogical utter bullshit. There were over 10 Trump supporting groups that coordinated the well planned attack, each with hundreds of members.

You are lying again though, they had specific written plans, pre determined targets to kill, specific items to steal or destroy, maps to their targets, broadcast updates on the location of targets, and a loudly and repeatedly articulated goal of stopping the certification of the election in order to install or retain Trump’s position despite the election results. Your “sources” are apologists that also think a trespassing ticket is appropriate but the same people who think supporting BLM should put people in prison for years, and marching with them should be a death penalty…people like you. Not having a good plan for your deadly violent coup doesn’t mean you didn’t try to overthrow the government, it just means you people are all dumb shits who couldn’t properly plan a birthday party for a 4 year old without adult help.

The prosecutors have been a major let down. This was a mob attack, everyone there should be charged with murdering a police officer, they were all part of that murder and the other 50+ attempted murders of police. To be consistent, they only need to file charges against the 10000 that went along with the 40 (and in reality there is mountains of evidence that there are hundreds that planned the attack, including Trump and his minions in congress that actively helped the terrorists during the attempted coup.) Those charges should clearly be treason and murder of a policeman at a minimum for anyone there. Anyone beyond the barriers was part of that mob, and knew it. Not one should ever see daylight again. Put one in front of me, they won’t.

I call for true patriots to find, publicly identify, and drive all these traitorous terrorists out of the country or 6 ft under. They are going to attack again, these minor tickets for attempting to overthrow the US government are invitations to try again. Only burning the terrorist’s houses and businesses and violent ostracism driving them and their families out of the country (I hear Afghanistan needs more people) might dissuade them from trying again.

To paraphrase you…if they didn’t want to be charged with treason and executed they should have complied with the police orders.

So…were you there Bob? You’re such a tool I know you wanted to be, but I suspect you’re too much a coward to walk the walk, you just talk the talk.

bobknight33 said:

Sad you dont know what truth is. It is not on cable news.
Jan 6 was much to do about nothing except a large group of people wished to voice their displeasure of the government.

Few actually wanted to breach the walls but even so didn't have a plan past that. So yo have a few who breached and many many just followed for a look ... Those who got caught should face their crime of trespassing.

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.

Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack.

Sideshow Bob in real life

Rescuers Surprised When Dead Body Is Just A Man Cooling Off

George Carlin explains American foreign policy

A brush with fentanyl almost killed this deputy trainee

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

JiggaJonson says...

You can do the inverse math to calculate the risk of the vaccine as well
(vaccine adverse event reporting system)

You can find more current numbers on the CDC site, but they're difficult to access and link directly to. This is simpler, but feel free to post more updated figures


"Event Category" "Event Category Code" Events Reported
"Death" "DTH" 5378 total reported as of right now.

out of how many vaccinations?
(i took the larger number because they still did get a poke in the arm at least once)



5378 ÷ 186,474,836 = 0.000028840352486

move the decimal

0.0028840352486% of death from the vaccine

Now, Bob, please, consider this.
Is a 2% chance of death MORE? or LESS? than a 0.0028840352486% chance of death?

Lets apply the numbers to the USA population

332,545,571 x 0.02 =
soooo 6.65 million WOW how close to the real number of deaths in the USA this is eh? WEIRRRRRRRRRRD right? durrrrrrrrrr

332,545,571 x 0.000028840352486 = 9590.7
soooo yeah, this is pretty close to the reporting incident report also

You know them liberals, they are so powerful they can manipulate basic multiplication and division.

newtboy said:

That 2% was enough that in the last year, life expectancy dropped ......

LAPD Intentionally Sets Off Huge Bomb In A Neighborhood

Fireball Meteor Explodes Over Taiwan 7/7/21

Ariel Sheep Herding - Timelapse

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