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One Bad Ass Squirrel

One Bad Ass Squirrel

KILLER whale trainer KILLED by KILLER whale at Sea World

xxovercastxx says...

I thought the same thing. How would she know the whale was agitated?
>> ^osama1234:
I am not trying to undermine the witness, but unless she's been at multiple shows and works with whale, i'm not sure I'd believe her. I just think that she's probably not capable of telling the difference between a normal whale that is playing vs an agitated whale.
She might be right, but I dont think the reporter should have shown her testimony.

robbersdog49 (Member Profile)

On Porn and Other Matters (Sift Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

dag, since this is really your rule and since what is and isn't porn varies from person to person, you're ultimately going to have to define this. Here's some suggested language, though.

- Graphic depictions of human masturbation are not allowed.
- Graphic depictions of human sexual intercourse are not allowed.
- Frontal nudity should be limited to comedic, artistic or educational context.

I'd avoid using the word "titillation" since we've got plenty of stuff that could be titillating but is clearly not porn.

The Best Fight Scene EVAR!

lavoll says...

i voted up before the horses came on
ive worked on a film with horse stunts, and ive talked with horse trainers with some serious blockbuster credits.. and i promise you, the horses in this clip are indeed hurt.

sssh!! Quiet!! Listen to the First Electric Commercial Plane

westy says...

Nice . defently want one . only problems with this is that its pretty much a glider with a motor on it , meaning that it will be far more sensitive to weather conditions so its not that practical if you were planning on using it alot to get from a-b having said that there are a huge number of people that just fly for fun and would only go out on sunny days anny way so for them be pritty good , allso i emgin as a trainer craft could be pritty good.

why by a glider that requires a toe when you could just get one of these.

Psychologic (Member Profile)

Lodurr says...

Tedium's not so bad when you're working with good people, and you get some reasonable variety to your work. If a company puts you on a riveter all day, they're condemning you to some kind of repetitive stress disorder years down the line. A smart factory or jobsite would rotate your tasks during the day to prevent that from happening. At my old job, we'd frequently change our "position" between onloads and offloads of aircraft, and each task even had a lot of variety.

Most people don't do the things they know they should be doing. I guess there are some supermen and women out there that have no trouble fitting in their needed exercise, social contact, and intellectual challenge in every day of their lives (assuming they have the free time). But the majority of society does what their environment leads them to do, as bad as it may be. Using myself as an example, I know exactly how to eat right and how to exercise from the couple years I spent seeing a personal trainer twice a week, but now I'm always doing a poor job of staying in shape. I'm in-between remodeling projects right now and have tons of free time, but precious little of that time is spent being productive or doing something really beneficial.

This is similar to some of the discussions I've had about religion here on VS, because both religion and physical labor jobs offer you what your body is built for in complete packages. Surely a secularist can be part of a supportive social group, spend time quietly reflecting on his life, and be at peace with his environment; and someone with lots of free time could engage in communal activities, get regular physical exercise, and challenge themselves intellectually. It's just that doing all that stuff piecemeal is much more difficult for the average person, and it's more likely they'll play WoW and eat pizza instead. It's easier to get a job swinging a hammer and go to a church once a week to achieve all those same things. I think Eastern philosophies have been aware of this for a long time, because their religious scholars focus on things like maintaining gardens rather than sitting in comfy chairs and reading books.

I was out of work for about a year before I started my remodel project, and I remember telling an unemployed friend of mine how much more I could appreciate my free time when I spent 8 hours that day working. Work and accomplishment is a necessary part of life, and separating out the physical from the mental work is not the same as when the two are united. That's why I'm working on a house remodeling project instead of putting my degree to any use. I decided that if I have to choose between success and money or a fulfilled life, I'll choose the latter.

In reply to this comment by Psychologic:
I can't speak for chilaxe, but for me it's the tedium rather than the physicality I'd like to avoid. I can't see much of a health benefit from filling envelopes or scrubbing septic tanks. One could argue that it "builds character", but so does learning advanced physics or training for a marathon.

There are many jobs that people would rather not do if their livelihoods weren't dependent upon them, and many of those jobs could (or soon will) be performed by robots rather than people. I don't think that situation, in itself, is a bad thing. I'd rather spend my time improving myself both physically and intellectually, but I also have to eat so that means I need my jobs (I have three currently).

I do agree with you on the value of physical work, but if we end up in a world where people can choose their own methods rather than choosing those that pay well then I believe we will benefit from such a world both individually and societally.

Australian Magazine Features 7ft Tall Model On Cover

Payback says...


About Amazon Eve - 6' 8
Amazon Eve is a personal trainer and an astonishingly beautiful tall, powerful amazon. She is an experienced dominatrix. She says, "I am more than willing to overpower men and wrestle or box them if requested. I want my session to be fun yet challenging with the guys, and a memorable session that doesn't cause injury."

The Cove: Sundance Film Exposes Japanese Dolphin Slaughter

Zenyatta - Amazing Comeback Win at the Breeder's Cup (2009)

westy says...

"this -is un-b-livable"

not something I find particular interesting sum one bred a strong horse well done.

I don't know how it brakes down 60-70% breeding 20% training 10% jockey ?

granted it dose appear in this race that the jokey spurred the horse on at the right time but this is really rare iv watched a fair bit of horse racing and 90% of the races are pritt much predetermined by breeding or complaty random factors outside of the jokey and the horse owner and trainer.

Its like F1 its just a case of who has the most money to buy the most expensive kit/horse the rider/driver is quite negligible so long as they are up to a reasonable skill level.

I can see how people can get worked up when wanting a horse /car /dog to win and the dynamics of the position changing and expectation of who will actually win, but its exactly the same as rullet or simply rolling dice.

The Xmarter TIBCO Architect-What is Enterprise Messaging?

Smartest Parrot Ever???

handmethekeysyou says...

What Alex lacks in looks he makes up for in brains. I mean yikes! What a bad lookin' bird.

Also, what a hack job at the end to make it look like he got that block thing right. Previously there was a story of a horse that could "count". It couldn't actually. It was picking up on cues from its trainer about when to stop. Wouldn't be surprised if something similar was going on here.

Returning to how bad lookin' that bird is, are his wings cut? Anyone else picturing that woman as Kathy Bates from Misery?

Raaagh (Member Profile)

Neil Armstrong Ejects From Lunar Lander Testflight

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