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Robert Jeffress "There Is Not A Racist Bone In His Body"

newtboy says...

Racism isn't seated in your's in your mind.
There is a racist mind in his body.
It's clear to everyone which side of this white power struggle he's on, there's no question at all. He is firmly in the camp of the people that believe reverse racism is a bigger problem than racism. He's in the camp of people who stand for preserving statues of traitors to the United States because they also stood for racism. He's in the camp of people who stand arm in arm with violent Nazis holding torches and shouting hate speech, but he calls them peaceful quiet protestors calmly preserving their heritage.
He doesn't seem to understand that racism comes in shades of gray, not black and white. You don't have to wish all black people were dead to be racist, believing they all have less self control, intelligence, and/or morals does the trick just fine.

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

newtboy says...

I've seen enough footage, and come to my own conclusion based on the totality. I really don't need any prompting to come to the conclusion that Nazi/fascist=shitshow/violent mental defective.
Unorganized and unaffiliated doesn't mean impromptu or peaceful....or unarmed. Edit: The counter protesters were not all peaceful, but it seemed none of the Nazis were peaceful, and the Nazis weren't locals, they were an armed gang roaming the streets attacking people repeatedly.

After all the violent marches they had before their permitted rally, the permit was again rescinded (according to the police). There was a route cleared to the event by police before hand, but the Nazis ignored instructions and insisted on taking multiple unsecured paths to the event through the counter protesters, and the event was canceled by police 30 min before it started because they were again starting riots and fights and ignoring legal commands.
Could/should police have done more? Maybe, but city hall should have the right to deny permits to designated hate any that advocate genocide of another race/culture.
Nope...these assholes don't represent "whites", this was absolutely not a "white=shitshow" narrative, most of the counter protesters were white, far more white counter protesters than white Nazis. It's about how 99% of the planet thinks "Nazi=shitshow". Clearly you are in the 1%. Congrabulations!

Easy to see them as Trump loving Nazis, but make no mistake, they labeled themselves Trump loving Nazis, not me or media. When they wear swastikas, shout hiel Hitler, hiel Trump "Jew will not replace me" and a dozen other Nazi slogans, illegally march through campuses with torches and clubs threatening passersby, etc. it's pretty hard for a rational person to think differently. Are you denying all of those things happened, because I've seen plenty of footage of it, hours, without the slightest effort.

Asmo said:

You obviously haven't been watching too much of the footage then, and you've bought the narrative hook, line and sinker.

The "anti protestors" showed up with bottles of quick dry cement, balloons filled with urine and feces, fireworks, glass bottles, mace, hairspray cans used as impromptu flamethrowers etc. Plenty of signs advocating the scalping/punching of nazi's of course. But yeah, totally impromptu and they were totally peaceful... 8 |

After the ACLU stepped in to get the permit reinstated for the right wing rally, the police the next day were ordered to stand down, leaving the rally attendees with zero protection and access to the event required passing through the anti-protester crows, which precipitated rapidly in to violence. Funny that, right? Almost like the powers that be set the whole thing up to guarantee it turned in to a riot... And then there's the grandstanding afterwards by the (D) mayor about those horrible racists... /grin

This has been documented by many left, right and center sources for anyone who bothers to look for it. It's less to do with Trump and more to do with the constant narrative that white = shit and how people are getting pissed off about it.

Far, far too easy just to label them all Trump loving nazi's than invest even the slightest bit of effort in to trying to work out what's truly going on, eh? \= |

hate speech laws & censorship laws make people stupid

enoch says...

context matters and i think being a decent human being plays a large role in that dynamic.

people tend to attempt to break down complex ideas and/or ideologies into more easily digestible morsels.this "twitter speak",in my opinion,is largely responsible for the decay of human interactions.

we all are biased.
we all hold prejudices,and preconceptions based on our learned experiences.
which are subjective.

we see the world through the lens of our own subjectivity and even the most open minded and non-judgemental person,when trying to sympathize/empathize with another person, will use their own subjective understandings in order to understand that person.

this tactic,which we all employ,will almost always fall short of true understanding.

so we rely on words,metaphors,allegory etc etc in order to communicate fairly complex emotions and experiences.

what brendon o'neill is pointing out,is that when we start to restrict words as acceptable and unacceptable,we infantilize our interactions.

words are inert.
they are simply symbols representing a thing,action or emotion.
it is WE who apply the deeper meanings by way of our subjective lens.

i am not trying to make something simple complicated,but bear with me.
a rock will always be a rock,but a cunt has a totally different meaning here in the states than in britain.(love you brits,and cunt is a brilliant word).

the problems of culture,region,nationality or race all play a role in not only how we communicate but how that communication is received ...and interpreted.

so misunderstandings can happen quite easily,and then when we consider that the persons intent is by far the greatest metric to judge the veracity of the words being spoken,and just how difficult it is to discern that intent....this is where nuance and context play such a major role,but we need to have as many tools in our language box to express oftentimes very difficult concepts,multi-layered emotions and complicated ideologies.

and,unfortunately,there are attempts to legislate speech.

of course well intentioned,and reasonable sounding,but like any legislation dealing with the subjective nature of humans,has the possibility of abuse.

case in point:

a new canadian addendum to their human rights statute.on the surface this is a fairly benign addition to canadas already existing human rights laws,but there is the possibility of abuse.

a psychology professor from university of toronto was critical of this new addendum,and has created a flurry of controversy in regards to his criticism.

which you can check out here:

now he was protested,received death threats,there was even violence and a new internet star was born affectionately labeled "smugglypuff".


i agree that free speech cannot be viewed with an absolutist mindset.absolutist thinking leads to stagnation and a self-righteous fundamentalism,so we NEED the free flow of ideas...even BAD ideas..even offensive and racist..because this brings all those feelings/thoughts/ideologies into the market of ideas to be either absorbed or ridiculed and ultimately ostracized for the shit philosophy they represent.

i WANT to know who the racists are.
i want to know who is bigoted or prejudiced.
i want to know who is holding on to stupid ideas,or promoting fascism dressed up as nationalistic pride.

and the only way to shine a light on these horrendous and detrimental ideas is to allow those who hold them openly state who and what they we can criticize/challenge and in some cases..ridicule.

we should be free to say whatever we wish,but we are not free from challenge or criticism.
we can say whatever pops into our pretty little head,but we are not free from consequences.
we are also not free from offense.

i know this is long,and i hope you stayed with me,and if you did,thanks man.i know i tend to ramble.

but we can use the banning of gorillaman as a small microcosm of what we are talking about here.

i felt that we,as a community,could take gorilla to task for his poor choice in verbiage "nigger prince" and i attempted to make the case by using his history,dark humor and bad taste to add context to his poor choice of wording.

bareboards felt it was a matter for the administrators to deal with.i am not saying her choice was wrong.just that we approached the problem from different perspectives.

now gorilla decided to become the human torch and flame out.which threw my approach right out the window.

but the point i am making in that case,is that bad ideas,bad philosophies,bigotry and racism will ALWAYS reveal themselves if we allow that process to ultimately expose bad ideas/shit person.

the free flow of ideas is the proverbial rope that ultimately hangs all shit ideas.

thanks for hanging kids.
love you all!

dag (Member Profile)

enoch says...

sorry you had to be summoned to deal with gorillaman.i tried mate..i really really tried.

but some people just have that compulsion to become the human torch.

Kids Cover "46 and 2" By Tool and Kill It

MilkmanDan says...

Nice promote @eric3579

I try to keep the torch alive on this one by incorporating the song (specifically this cover) into English classes for my high school age students in Thailand. Made a worksheet where students try to fill in the blanks, order phrases in the chorus in the right sequence, etc.

The Thai students usually enjoy it -- even the ones that are generally more into Lady Gaga / Justin Bieber. After filling in the worksheet I play the Tool original, but the students find it much easier to hear and identify the words in this cover.

How a country slides into despotism (from 1946)

poolcleaner says...

Liberty is the answer. You have to convince Americans that they don't stand for simple freedom, they stand for motherfucking liberty; which accounts for all people, not one people or the other.

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness...

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Clinton, Stein, and Trump supporters smoke weed together

poolcleaner says...

What a liar, dude. He lit, dragged, and succinctly pulled to clear that bong quite well for someone who supposedly doesn't know how it works. He even lit to the side to avoid torching the bowl...

I have introduced a lot of noobs to bongs and they usually look mildly retarded and awkward even after finally figuring it out. He didn't vote for Trump and he knows how to smoke that bong.

BARBARIC Dakota Access Oil Police Cause Mass Hypothermia

song77 says...

Not condoning the action of the Police, but i hate hearing just one side of a story, the protesters are wearing googles and masks as well and using laser or high powered torches. Would like to know more about this and see some of the injuries.

Removing rusted nuts using a candle and a lighter

CrushBug says...

I have to disagree. Changing tires is probably one of the most mundane things you can do to a car, short of refilling washer fluid or the gas tank. This is something anyone can do, usually because all the tools to do it come with your vehicle. I swap my wheels each winter/summer change and I certainly don't have a torch or penetrant. I do have a lighter and candles, though. Thankfully, I haven't ever hand this problem.

olyar15 said:

Wow, talk about pointless.

Anyone who does any work on cars will have a torch and a can of penetrant. Those work far better and faster than a candle and lighter. Seriously, use the proper tools for the job.

Removing rusted nuts using a candle and a lighter

Mordhaus says...

It works, but I used a little butane torch when I tried it a while back. I don't see how the lighter was able to get it hot enough to trigger the capillary action.

I could see how someone who was a mechanic might give this as a tip for the average Joe who might not have a torch and wd40 handy.

Removing rusted nuts using a candle and a lighter

olyar15 says...

Wow, talk about pointless.

Anyone who does any work on cars will have a torch and a can of penetrant. Those work far better and faster than a candle and lighter. Seriously, use the proper tools for the job.

A-Rah (Member Profile)


eric3579 says...

I don't get it. What's the point of torching a piece of glass/plastic? I find peoples fascination with cell phones annoying. Why so fascinated? I don't get it. Maybe i'm just old.

End of rant.

Next leak will lead to arrest of Hillary Clinton – Assange

MilkmanDan says...

For a moment, assume for the sake of argument that Assange is right. Next round of emails gets released, there's damning evidence of criminal actions or other behavior that are sufficient to arrest or at least force Hillary to drop out of the race. What would happen if that does come to pass?

Would the Democrat party be able to name Bernie as their candidate, since he got the second highest number of delegates? He has already endorsed Clinton and officially returned to being an Independent instead of a Democrat (or at least says that he would return to the Senate as an Independent). In light of that, would they pass the torch to Tim Kaine as Hillary's VP pick?

It's all pretty weird and unprecedented. I can only think of the Nixon resignation as setting any sort of example; but maybe there have been Governor candidates disqualified due to criminal activity in the middle of a race before?

I must say, it seems to me that it would almost be a blessing for the Democrat party if it *does* come true and they revert to Sanders for the nominee. I tend to think he'd easily beat Trump in the general election (although having endorsed Hillary could be damaging), and we'd all have the benefit of having someone with actually positive favorability ratings on the ballot...

Probably all wishful thinking on my part as a Sanders fan. But still interesting to contemplate.

Stephen Colbert Is Genuinely Freaked Out About The Brexit

radx says...

I know it's Colbert's shtick and I never really got into it, but still...

"I have friends who live and work in London. They said "don't worry,we're very sensible people."

What's sensible for people in London might not be sensible for people in Salford. Or Boston. Or Wolverhampton. London, or the South-East in general, is as representative of the UK as the East/West Coast is of the US.

The hinterland has been drained at the expense of the center, on both a global and a national scale. If you live and work in the City of London, things might look quite ok, and whatever issues there are only need some reforms to no longer be an issue. But if your factory, the factory that provided jobs for the people in your home town, closed down ten, twenty years ago and now the best you can get is zero-hour contracts, then no, things are not ok.

People up top keep telling you that the economy is growing, that everyone's gonna be better off, that it's ok for multinational corporations and rich individuals to optimise their taxes, while they cut your welfare. Banks get a bailout, you get to pay the bedroom tax.

So no, your sensible friends, if they exist, live in a different universe than many of their countrymen. That's the disconnect we've been talking about.

"The British economy is tanking. The pound has plunged to its lowest level since 1985... The Dow lost 611 points."

Again, so what? If the economy is growing and it has no effect on you, why should you give a jar of cold piss about the value of the pound or the stock exchange? Arguably, a drop in the exchange rate of the pound makes it easier for you to export your goods and raises the prices for imports, thereby encouraging you to produce the shit yourself. The UK does have a sovereign currency, unlike the Spanish, the Greeks, the Portuguese or the Italians who have to suffer internal devaluations, because Wolfgang Schäuble says so.

"Equity losses over $2 trillion"

Why should that matter? QE has pushed up stock prices beyond any resonable level, so what meaning do these book values hold? Not to mention that a lot of people made a shitload of money by shorting these stocks, including George Soros against Deutsche.

"There'll be no more money"

QE never trickled down anyway, makes no difference. Corbyn's people call their version "QE for the People" and "Green QE" for a reason: the previous version was only meant to prop up banks and stock values.


On a more general note, the hatred, the racism, the xenophobia... in most cases, it's a pressure valve. You leash out against someone else, you need someone to blame. The narrative is that we're living in a meritocracy, which makes it your fault that you didn't inherit an investment portfolio. So you start blaming yourself. You're a fuck-up. You worked hard and not only didn't climb the ladder, you actually went down. There's depression for ya. Guess what happens if someone, a person of perceived authority, then comes along and tells you it's not your fault, it's the fault of the immigrants. That narrative is very appealing if history is any indication. Even the supposedly most prosperous country in the EU, Germany, has the very same issue in the eastern parts, where there is no hope for a meaningful job.

People need work, meaningful work. Wanna guess how many of those "xenophobes" would be out in the street protesting against immigrants if they had a meaningful job with decent pay? Not to many would be my guess.

So the likes of Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson are providing the narrative. But the lack of social cohesion is a result of market fundamentalism, of Thatcherism, of Third Way social-democrats leaving the lower half of the income distribution to the wolves. You can't exclude large swaths of the population from the benefits of increased productivity, etc. Social dividend, they called it. It's what keeps the torches and pitchforks locked away in the barn.

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