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CAN I get Tom Scott to LAND a B737MAX, ALONE?!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump’s team won’t cooperate with their own special master by defending Trump, saying which documents they claim Trump declassified, because they’re saving that for trial….so his defense team is demanding he be indicted for espionage!?!

Of course, since there is no evidence he declassified these documents anywhere, and even the president can’t declassify documents without going through the declassification process and leaving a record they were declassified, this means that no matter what lies Trump spouts and who believes them, he’s toast, he committed treason, espionage, and theft of government documents. Caught red handed with nuclear secrets in his desk that he swore under oath to the FBI he didn’t have.

Also, Trump was indicted in New York today. His children are included in the lawsuits that seek over $250 million and to remove all Trumps from any leadership or controlling positions in any companies in New York State and bar them from any real estate purchases for 5 years.
More to come, because criminal complaints surrounding his “staggering” bank and tax and wire frauds have been forwarded by the NYAG to the IRS.

I wonder if his $3 million criminal defense lawyer has returned to Venezuela with his retainer yet, you know he’s going to before the feds try to recoup those ill gotten funds too.

BTW- the US Senate unanimously condemned Trump today for his public attacks against the FBI and for spurring threats of violence and death against the FBI, it’s agents, and their families including young children by his cultists who have followed through by trying to murder FBI agents and their families up to and including trying to plant dirty bombs at FBI buildings. Not sure why the media didn’t cover that one whit, but they didn’t. So much for the liberal media doing all they can to hurt Trump, right? This time they covered for him 100%.

Hilariously, Trump’s spokesperson came out today whining and complaining that the Biden whitehouse isn’t full of “leakers” like Trump’s was. How unfair that Biden hired trustworthy people and Trump hired sycophants only interested in their own personal gains.

Also came out today that Trump is pissed DeSantis “stole” his idea of shipping immigrants to blue states and Trump wants credit, but at least he didn’t go as far as Trump planned by hand selecting the worst violent criminal migrants to ship to “blue states and cities”, not deport, not incarcerate, but traffic them deep into the US.
Murder, rape, debauchery, death and destruction….the actual Trump plan.

Your Trump descriptor of the day- perfidious- deceitful and untrustworthy. Never has one word described Trump better.

I love it when a plan comes together. 😂

PS- because I know you’re confused, here’s what a real leader looks like. Notice he barely glances at his notes the entire speech because he actually knows what he’s talking about, unlike another president that could barely read a speech and never once read one 1/10 as coherent and thoughtful as Biden gives without assistance. So much for that theory that Biden’s mind is gone, sorry friendo, it’s a steel trap.

Edit: Ruh Roe…New York just revised its sexual assault laws to essentially remove statutes of limitations, meaning Eugene Carol, the woman he defamed by calling her rape claims lies and is currently sueing him for deffamation can now sue for rape, and she indicated she intends to file Nov 24, the first day the law is in effect. A new felony case for Trump every day. This is you guy? This is you pick? 😂

His poor overworked emotional support aides, hired to give baby snowflake Trump daily ego stroking and kudos for nothing by surfing the web to find any positive tweets or troths about him.

Bridge opening, ribbon cutting ceremony

newtboy says...

It looks like they just took 2 flatbed trailers and chained them together in the middle.

On second look, it also looks like the foundations both collapsed too. One split, one leaned over dangerously.

Better this happened now than in the wet season when it definitely would have failed and dumped people into the river.

They should name it Corsair bridge….unsafe at any speed!

Bridge opening, ribbon cutting ceremony

Body cam videos capture showdown at Muscogee County Jail...

newtboy says...

Cop egos shut down 100% of policing that night, because they refused to listen to the prison about overcrowding. No one available to stop a burglary, we’re too busy measuring each other’s dicks. Proves crime isn’t their priority, it’s you respecting their authority, your submission, and their power trips that are.

The prison requested a major crime sweep be delayed due to overcrowding, no room in the jail, but the police ignored them and did it anyway. The Sheriff then prioritized Sheriff prisoners and refused prisoners from the raid, triggering a standoff that nearly became a shootout.

This is how POLICE respond to police. Zero respect, non compliance, lots of “I dare you”, getting their rifles ready, etc. , then they still think they deserve respect and compliance from citizens. They deserve to be treated exactly like this daily until they get their shit together. Disrespectful egotistical assholes, every one there….meaning every single cop in the area.

Bidens Border mess

newtboy says...

I’m slow…so I just had the realization that Trump’s escape route into a life of luxury in Russia has also fallen apart. Putin is hardly in a position to offer that anymore. The walls really are closing in, and Trump’s friends didn’t build these walls so they’re sturdy.
I love it when a plan comes together.

surfingyt said:

Trump will soon being seeing a lot of finished walls.

Pool Dreams It’s A Waterfall

newtboy says...

Better yet, notice that the garage floor drops when the pool bottom hits. It’s going to be expensive to repair if it’s even possible.

I agree about rebar. If they used any, they didn’t use it correctly to tie separate concrete pours together. It is in Brazil…no surprise at all if they didn’t follow code.

luxintenebris said:

m a's gonna take a hell of a lot of flex tape to fix that.

story here: &

would question the clean edge and how the bottom fell out neatly (in one piece). shouldn't there be rebar or support beams?

Gay Frogs

newtboy says...

$4.5 million in compensatory damages for calling the Sandy Hook Massacre a hoax…another $45 million in punitive damages.
Compensatory damages can be discharged in bankruptcy, which Jones clearly plans to avoid payment, but punitive damages cannot, so the $45 million debt will stick with him for life.
I love it when a plan comes together. Bye Felicia.

Edit: Er Mer Gerd! Jones’s lawyers tanked his case by sending the prosecution every byte of data in his phone by accident, proving conclusively that Jones lied on the stand multiple times…but this is data the FBI and Jan 6 committee requested and was not supplied (likely he told them it had been erased like most of Trump’s cabinet’s phones, his secret service detail’s phones, and Trump’s own phones). Now they’re going to get it from the families of Sandy Hook victims Jones disgustingly harassed and slandered for years.
Jones was definitely involved at a high level and had conversations with others involved at high levels.
They say karma is a bitch…I hope this time she’s a pit Bull with bloodlust.

China's Catastrophic Oil & Gas Problem

Mental Health Care: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

noseeem says...

17:54 j u s t might point out a problem with the 'system'. A professional that can't think of ONE case other than the time it didn't matter anyway...really?

Healthcare. Health is promoted by those who can and do care.

Seems like a lot of us care about our's and others' health so why aren't we all in this together? Has to be some point where doctors can practice w/o being OVER REGULATED, yet still well compensated. Would start by looking at our countries' systems as our's are depressingly anti-change.

This is should be in the mindset of everyday Americans, especially when this
resonates with most Americans

“Don’t Look Up” in Real Life

newtboy says...

Reasontv, the network of the insanity from Stossel, with the stated position that “free market and deregulation is the solution to any and every problem imaginable”. That’s the best you’ve got!?! Then you’ve got NOTHING. You actually complain that CNN isn’t trustworthy, then you post from Reasontv!?! Er mer gerd! 🤦‍♂️ why not just post Beck or Jones?

They completely misrepresent what the report, and climate activists, and politicians have said with bad editing and lies here, no surprise, you posted it, it was guaranteed to be DISHONEST nonsense propaganda.

Land temperatures reached 1.3C above pre industrial norms in 2020. Every prediction made has come true well ahead of schedule. Temperature rise is accelerating, it’s not the flat straight line nor a slowing rate like they showed but an increasing curve. The last 7 years were all in the top 10 hottest ever, the last decade had 9 of the hottest ever, and we are experiencing a global drought never seen by modern man….but according to you, nothing burger, totally normal, chicken little.

There is one thing I agree with, the “12 years to stop climate disaster” notion (not what the science says btw) is wrong. We have -20 years +-. The CO2 we put in the atmosphere today will effect climate for hundreds to a thousand years, the nitrous oxide for about 120, methane around 10. We have reached the point where natural emissions will soon take over, adding more than humans ever did. Scientists estimate that’s at 1.5C, but every estimate they’ve made public has turned out to be optimistic in the extreme, so 1.5C is almost certainly wishful thinking and 1.25C is more likely the threshold. We can both mitigate the effects and slow the rate of change, but at this point staying below 1.5C is a pipe dream no one is actually even working towards.

I think the reality is that, using current models, assuming no surprises or feedback loops, we have (now 8 ) years before the adding these greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere will carry us well beyond 1.5C above “normal” with no additional emissions needed….not that we will definitely hit 1.5 by 2030 but we will be able to coast there even with zero emissions.
I know, math and science together, way too hard, better to just listen to the oil spokesmen who say “it’s a hoax, pay no attention to the cities reaching 130F, the unprecedented heat globally, the rapidly melting (or melted) glaciers that historically provide drinking water for 1.9 BILLION people, or the never before seen by man extreme global droughts, they’re all normal and natural and why are you still talking about it?”.

No surprise, one more undeniable, in your face disaster you simply deny exists….like Covid, Jan 6, Russian election interference, -3.5%gdp, Trump terrorism, etc.
Can we have your name so when the global food supply is insufficient we know who’s family to deny food?

bobknight33 said:

Silly nonsense

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Remember all those cities you (falsely) claim burnt to the ground in 2020? More and more, those fires turn out to be set by moronic Trumpsters like this one.

Can you imagine being so dumb you think BLM supports ANTIFA (hilarious fail on the anarchy symbol too) and both together support Biden? Oh wait, you do think that, don’t you? 🤦‍♂️

Just one more in a long, LONG string of Trumpists caught doing damage in the name of the left, blaming the left, and trying to profit from the destruction they caused. Typical, and caught dozens of times. LMFAHS!

Good parenting

newtboy says...

Are they disrespectful? Yes.
Is their behavior acceptable? No.
Will it hurt their future if not corrected? Absolutely.
Is that why I think YOU chose to post this particular video? No, I believe it’s because you think it reinforces your world view that includes sentiments like the one you quoted above….” I'm baffeled as to why people insist these creatures can live on equal terms with humans.”…you actually said you just think that MIGHT possibly be racist, it’s “iffy”, but I think you agree with the idea, and the others I listed above that you somehow inexplicably don’t find at all racist too.

There is a similarity in the people you single out as “the problem” vs those you excuse for similar actions…it’s not their behavior, it’s their skin color. It’s too consistent that you use non whites as examples of criminality and excuse whites for similar or worse actions to be coincidental. I think you really believe all non whites are just born criminals, and white criminals are mostly framed. I think you wear blinders that won’t let you see anything else.

Bad parenting….explain. Because their parents may need 3 jobs to pay rent and feed them, and they’re unsupervised?
Sounds like government sponsored daycare might be something you would support….but I bet you don’t.
Sounds like funding a variety of after school programs would save tons of money and stop crime, but I doubt you support them either.
Both together are insanely cheaper than police, prisons, and high crime.

@kir_mokum hit the nail on the head. You vote and advocate to remove all pathways to advancement then blame the needy for falling behind.

bobknight33 said:

I know that they are disrespectful.
You and @newtboy find this acceptable.

They will grow up and end up like this kid. All due to bad parenting.

Apparently you like this kind of behavior .. Your ok with it?

Biden and the June job reports

bobknight33 says...

I applaud the jobs #

But when you say *quality leadership, -- You are Sadly mistaken .

Putting Union back together -- you mean political payback for all the $ spent buying Biden / Democrats that Biden is now paying back the unions in favors?

So you are saying that You are in favor of big business buying our politicians and getting special breaks using American tax dollars.

What Trump damage. Went from a 0.2% GDP growth /yr to 2.5 + Growth. Obama touted that this0.2% was the new norm and Trump claimed BS. Trump said he wold crate jobs and Obama dumbly said how by waving a magic wand.

Trump, for all his BS turned America around and mad all of us better.

A strong work force is the only positive news of this Admin.

Biden and Democrat policies can make policies that help the American pocketbook but wont.

This biggest is the party stance on oil. Americans are getting poorer mostly from this fact alone. The party decided to cut out fossil fuels and go green. This decision is costing families hundreds of dollars extra, that they don't have every month.

Not just from the extra at the pump but also the extra cost to deliver goods and services .

Current media reports that this extra cost is running about 500$/month 6K$/year.

This is you man Joe, and his party's policies?

I just assume to keep Trump , mean tweets and all, and keep the $6 grand / year in my pocket.

newtboy said:

*doublepromote good news making Trumpster’s heads explode
*quality leadership, only took 18 months to repair the wrecked economy left by the ex pant pooper in chief. Putting the union back together may be an impossibility, the damage Trump did there seems irreparable.

No doubt, the anti America crowd will find a way to either deny these statistics or do mental gymnastics to say they’re still awful, and tangerine Palpatine would have done much better (despite all evidence to the contrary).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh-roe… Trump’s former White House Counsel Pat Cipollone testified to the 1/6 committee for 7 hours yesterday and didn’t plead the fifth and didn’t contradict other witness testimony.
Don’t know what he said yet, but those two together must have the Marmalade Prez. Charade pooping in his diapers. Not good when the guy you went to to help you plan crimes testifies for that long.

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