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USS Independence LCS-2

ghark says...

Anyone play Endless War?

Feels like it evolved into real life, I mean seriously, WHICH country is going to invade America and make the use of one of these actually necessary. England maybe? France? Are the Palestinians going to object to their illegal occupation and shoot some long range pipe bombs over the Mediteranean and Tyrrhenian Seas and the Atlantic Ocean so they blow up some seagulls on the East Coast? Maybe Mexico will forget that they are connected to NA by land and paddle boats around and storm America with a large shipment of Marijuana?

Can't let those hippies get high, gotta bomb those 'sea-Mehicans' with airspace-ships or we're doomed.

A Serious "Documentary" Defending Flat-Earth Theory

bamdrew says...

Wind idea: think of the atmosphere as you think of the oceans... they both flow around in patterns, wash up and around mountains, have layers, etc.. This is how a hurricane can build off the coast of Africa then swamp through the Caribbean and the U.S. Atlantic coast. And this is how you'll sometimes see lower clouds going one way and higher clouds going another.

The question of getting dizzy at the poles/equator... remember we're talking about something that rotates one time over the course of 24 hours. We get dizzy because our vestibular system orients us... the vestibular system is essentially tubes of saline with nerves arranged basically to sense the pressure of the saline in 3D space. Swinging your head around and then halting rapidly leaves this saline swirling a bit, and you get a vertigo-like sensation.
>> ^Contagion21:

>> ^Sagemind:
I'm convinced, without a doubt that the world is round.
But, the wind idea is interesting/facinating, and the question of would I get dizzy standing on the axis of the planet if I were used to standing at the equator, are all good questions.
Does anyone have a link that may discuss these phenomenon? ... Sometimes an explanation is more convincing that saying, "Well that's a stupid statement or opinion." Maybe someone schooled in this area (or who has more spare time than others)can guide us to some interesting reading on this.

It's a frame of reference issue.

Stunning timelapse of the Earth from the ISS

ulysses1904 says...

The description is a little confusing as they say they are listing the locations in order but the Amazon is way north of Chile, shouldn't be listed as last.

I had to watch this a dozen times before I figured out where everything is towards the end and I'm still not sure. The lake at :56 looks to be Titicaca by the shape (insert joke here) but what's confusing is that everything to the left of it looks as blue as ocean. But I can't find a lake on the Atlantic coast of South America with that shape, except for maybe Lagoa de Patos in the south of Brazil.

Any geography geeks here?

RT - Tripolis may or may not be about to fall to the Rebels

bcglorf says...

>> ^marbles:

@cheerleaders for Western colonialism and imperialism
This is what you support:
Get ready for the occupation force in Libya, the advance on Syria, and maybe even a confrontation with Iran.
This has been planned out for at least 10 years.
Gareth Porter: General Wesley Clark, who commanded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization bombing campaign in the Kosovo war, recalls in his 2003 book Winning Modern Wars being told by a friend in the Pentagon in November 2001 that the list of states that Rumsfeld and deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz wanted to take down included Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

And meanwhile you lament the loss of monsters like Saddam, Gaddafi and Assad. Well done.

RT - Tripolis may or may not be about to fall to the Rebels

marbles says...

@cheerleaders for Western colonialism and imperialism

This is what you support:

Get ready for the occupation force in Libya, the advance on Syria, and maybe even a confrontation with Iran.

This has been planned out for at least 10 years.
Gareth Porter: General Wesley Clark, who commanded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization bombing campaign in the Kosovo war, recalls in his 2003 book Winning Modern Wars being told by a friend in the Pentagon in November 2001 that the list of states that Rumsfeld and deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz wanted to take down included Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

Real Time With Bill Maher: New Rules: Socialism 7/29/11

EMPIRE says...

I have to agree with Chaosengine. Being Portuguese I can assure you our problems are not a direct result of a socialist agenda. In fact, it's the direct result of governments borrowing more than we can pay, and leaving the tab for the next guy like the assholes that they are, and spending money on completely moronic things.

Did you know Portugal is actually one of the countries in the world with the best network of roads? There are no more, no less that 3 different roads, in parallel connecting Lisbon and Porto (the two biggest cities). You have the A1 (the most important highway), then the A17 (a newer highway) and the old N1 (just a regular 2 lane road). WHY? We don't need it.

A few years back, the then Minister of Defence (who is now the foreign affairs minister, a disgusting weasel) order 2 fucking submarines from Germany. They cost 500 million euros each (1 billion in total). Now... It's true that Portugal has an absolutely huge area of the Atlantic to survey, control, and administer, but anyone with half a brain knows that you do that with frigates and fast ships. That 1 billion euros could have been used to save a big famous shipyard which is on the brink of bankruptcy, and could have easily manufactured hundreds of smaller vessels. (oh.. and that shit head of a minister, when he was the defence minister actually told the people who worked at the shipyard that they would be building what I just said. Of course, they never did)

The previous government insisted against EVERYONE that Lisbon needed a new Airport. Of course, that is now on the shelf, be cause it was completely stupid and it would cost several billion euros.

Oh, did I mention the TGV? (the high speed train). Porto and Lisbon are connected by a train called the Pendular, which looks a lot like a tgv, and is supposed to reach speeds of 250 km/h (which is great really. At that speed the trip between the two cities would take no more than 2 hours) the problem is, greedy incompetent assholes always get their hands on government funded programs, and they built the whole line between Porto and Lisbon (which is about 350km's in lenght) and the only place the train can achieve the top speed is between my city and another one to the south, in a journey of no more than 50km's (it's not a safety thing mind you, it's just the track wasn't built like it was supposed to) The rest of the time, the train hops along a 150.. 170km/h. WHY THE FUCK WOULD WE NEED A TGV between the two cities when the existing train is already great IF it had been properly built. Thankfully that's also in the shelf.

The European Championship of 2004... it was great. Portugal almost won the championship, which would have been great, since we were the hosts. And everything went great. Several new stadiums were built, the festivities were very nice, etc. The problem is, most of these stadiums are now a maintenance nightmare, because the ones left with the bill are the cities and not the government. My own city is 200 million in the red because of all this shit (a city of less than 80,000 people. although the whole district has a lot more people. About 600,000).

These are just a few examples, and not ONE of them is a result of socialism, but of stupid management and capitalism, and wanting to buy shiny things.

AND then we also get fucked nice and royally in the ass by most atrocious capitalist system in the world, the american one, which has the 3 most notorious rating agencies spewing nothing but stupidity, speculation, lies, and anything that gets their fuck buddies some extra euros or dollars. The United States was 2 days away from going into default, and only came up with a ridiculous temporary measure. Yet, none of the agencies touched the american rating. How curious! Portugal was bailed out by the IMF, it has a majority government, consensus from the people that sacrifices must be done even though they suck and in some cases are completely unfair, was actually going beyond what the IMF requested, and still Moody's slashed the rating to junk.

In short... this whole financial crisis was caused by over-consumption, really shitty management, and a lot of business practices that should, quite frankly be a crime!

Two brits explore WalMart

shagen454 says...

I think it's both hilarious and insane that you think Wal-mart simply re-arranges a local economy. A lot of Mom & Pop stores are niche market but make a lot of their profit off your everyday Joe & Jane buying garbage. That is probably the majority of consumer product in America - garbage. I remember I was really good friends with the owner of a record store in a small town but he made most of his money from larger "indie" rock bands on Atlantic records or some shitty metal band. 98% of everything else was underground punk, pop-punk, grindcore, power-violence, thrash, straight-edge hardcore, emotive hardcore, gravity style, D-beat, black metal etc etc. But, he made most of his profits from garbage. Don't think about anything folks, just work your shitty job and hope your wife doesn't cheat on you. Remember to pay your taxes. BLEH!

The other problem in my eyes is that a lot of middle-class & lower-class people inevitably shop at Wal-mart because of cheaper prices. I remember reading an article about how Wal-mart lost revenue last year but luxury stores (Neiman Marcus, etc) finances skyrocketed. The rich are now uber rich and they burned up the middle-class as well as their jobs so we could get them to new heights of wealth. Wal-mart and a lot of shitty huge corporate stores are VERY much apart of this topic & apart of the problem America faces. As long as there are huge big-box stores stamping out local business and selling product cheaper because they are such a gigantic virus-like company - local economies across the entire country will never get "well". Make these stores into Co-ops and maybe we'll get somewhere, we have to snuff out at least some of these greedy fucks.

It's still stunning to me that people are able to stick up for such a piece of shit company.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Wal-mart... crazy rant about how it kills your neighbors...
I've never quite understood this argument. Wal-Mart doesn't kill local businesses. It rearranges them and then creates more jobs. Every Wal-Mart that goes up has about 10 restaurants, 2 car dealerships, 1 Gamestop, a couple book stores, and a bunch of other ancillary businesses sprout up literally overnight right next to it once it opens. These places employ - that's right - your neighbors. It has been demonstrably proven over and over again that Wal-Marts increase employment and revenue in the communities they enter. Do they shake up the environment and force local shops to change it up? Of course. But for every guy that curses Wal-Mart because he had to close his Mom & Pop, there are 20 other guys who are cheering Wal-Mart as they take showers in new business money.

erlanter (Member Profile)

maddow-religious right and how birth control kills babies

ghark says...

America needs to split into two countries. The people who push for this kind of stuff can move into the beautiful and picturesque oceanic area otherwise known as the North Atlantic. The other people can share the remainder of the land amongst themselves. It will be a bit tough on the latter folk, a lot of late night comedy shows would have to be cancelled due to lack of content, but I think overall it would be fair.

Palin NOT INVITED to Rolling Thunder rally

Monopoly - Trailer

Dick Cheney Supports Obama and His Bush-like Policies

radx says...

"They" are a glutton for punishment, aren't "they"? Getting kicked in the teeth again and again (treatment of KSM and Manning cases as the latest entries), yet "they" remain loyal partisan voters. Is it really just the fear of what those nutjobs on the other side of the aisle would do if they were in charge?

It sure is interesting to watch though, from this side of the Atlantic, with binoculars. Then again, I don't even need binoculars to see Hungary, and they truly are on a fast track away from democracy -- equally interesting.

Catching Giant Tuna, WOAH!

dapper says...

From what I have read, the Atlantic Bluefin tuna is one of the most overfished and threatened species of fish on Earth.
"Thanks to 4 decades of overfishing, it has been driven to just 3% of its 1960 or pre-longlining abundance - a decline of 97%"

Traditions (however recent they may be...) are great, but we now have the knowledge to make informed decisions about these practices. To be honest, I am surprised that Nat Geo takes such a tabloid approach to mans'-struggle-against-uch-a-formidable-opponent...

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

alien_concept says...

>> ^nanrod:

To all those who think a cold shower is not torture, you obviously haven't experienced immersion in cold water where you couldn't just get out. We've all had reason to have cold showers, hot weather, horniness, hangover. I've done the sauna thing jumping thru a hole cut in ice on a lake. I've participated in a polar bear swim in the Pacific and
Atlantic. In all these things getting in and out is your choice. Not being able to get out can lead to a bone piercing agony thats unbearable and is worse if you have a small body mass like this child. Listen again to his screaming in the shower. That's not fear of the water, that's pain. Inflicting pain on that level is child abuse, certainly worse than anything I got from my father the Sergeant Major.
I can see this woman in 10 years, waking from a sound sleep to the feeling of her own child plunging a knife in her body.

Great point! Cold water feels like burning, we all know that. It doesn't matter whether it's causing any physical damage either, the child is clearly terrified. Another point that needs to be made to some of you thick-skulled people is that abuse is abuse. It doesn't matter what level it's at, how bad you think it is, it still had the capability of ruining the victim's life.

For instance, I spent a few years in a care home, I've seen young people who went through some terrible abuse, and some not so terrible. It doesn't change how that person is going to turn out, how they can develop patterns, kick up complex coping mechanisms, and end up with a life-long tendency for depression or much worse. If abuse has taken place - and there is no way that ridiculing a child, terrifying them, burning their mouth and dousing them with cold water isn't abuse by the way - then it will effect them, in small ways or huge, no one can know until often later on in their adult life.

Talking about how "well this happened to me and this is how I turned out" is completely pointless to the argument, because every person is different and will deal with childhood trauma differently, it's all relative. How about it doesn't happen in the first place and the risk is taken out of the equation, I like that idea best...

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

nanrod says...

To all those who think a cold shower is not torture, you obviously haven't experienced immersion in cold water where you couldn't just get out. We've all had reason to have cold showers, hot weather, horniness, hangover. I've done the sauna thing jumping thru a hole cut in ice on a lake. I've participated in a polar bear swim in the Pacific and
Atlantic. In all these things getting in and out is your choice. Not being able to get out can lead to a bone piercing agony thats unbearable and is worse if you have a small body mass like this child. Listen again to his screaming in the shower. That's not fear of the water, that's pain. Inflicting pain on that level is child abuse, certainly worse than anything I got from my father the Sergeant Major.

I can see this woman in 10 years, waking from a sound sleep to the feeling of her own child plunging a knife in her body.

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