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Turbo-Encabulator - a training video "must see"

The Template 2

Payback says...

>> ^spoco2:
OK, I just watched the first 20 seconds and my bullshit meter blew up.
There is no science in this, not with that technobabble that started the video.
Holy crap, I just went to their website and read "It will be the degree to which we are able to translate and utilize this light code that will allow us to break the barriers of illusion set by this dualistic paradigm and the genetic modifications that are in resonance with it. It is because of this light influx that we are now able to answer the three most fundamental questions that define us as conscious Human entities: “Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here?”"

FAKE! No way you watched 20 seconds of this.

soulmonarch (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Have you tried adjusting the flux capacitor with a nadion pulse? That should fix it right up.

In reply to this comment by soulmonarch:
Apologies, sir.

...My Heisenberg compensator was obviously malfunctioning. >_>

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Way to break my joke.

In reply to this comment by soulmonarch:
For what it's worth: Black holes very well MAY work that way, at least in relation to tachyons.

A tachyon is a theoretical particle that has no mass, and may therefore exceed the speed of light (or possibly escape a black hole.) That's why you always hear them used in relation to black holes, gravity anomalies and FTL travel.

*shrug* So what if tachyons may not exist? That's part of the fun of fiction.

>> ^gwiz665:
>> ^Ornthoron:
He left out the episode where they are trapped inside a black hole, and use a tachyon beam as a crowbar to force a hole in the event horizon so they can get out.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

soulmonarch says...

Apologies, sir.

...My Heisenberg compensator was obviously malfunctioning. >_>

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Way to break my joke.

In reply to this comment by soulmonarch:
For what it's worth: Black holes very well MAY work that way, at least in relation to tachyons.

A tachyon is a theoretical particle that has no mass, and may therefore exceed the speed of light (or possibly escape a black hole.) That's why you always hear them used in relation to black holes, gravity anomalies and FTL travel.

*shrug* So what if tachyons may not exist? That's part of the fun of fiction.

>> ^gwiz665:
>> ^Ornthoron:
He left out the episode where they are trapped inside a black hole, and use a tachyon beam as a crowbar to force a hole in the event horizon so they can get out.

soulmonarch (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Way to break my joke.

In reply to this comment by soulmonarch:
For what it's worth: Black holes very well MAY work that way, at least in relation to tachyons.

A tachyon is a theoretical particle that has no mass, and may therefore exceed the speed of light (or possibly escape a black hole.) That's why you always hear them used in relation to black holes, gravity anomalies and FTL travel.

*shrug* So what if tachyons may not exist? That's part of the fun of fiction.

>> ^gwiz665:
>> ^Ornthoron:
He left out the episode where they are trapped inside a black hole, and use a tachyon beam as a crowbar to force a hole in the event horizon so they can get out.

The Top 10 Star Trek Technobabbles

NetRunner says...

People have already pointed out that #3 was a self-deprecating joke, but I'd like to point out that #5 was literally Data verbally inputting a password, and that #2 was entirely composed of real scientific concepts like gravity and pulsars...

Most Trek technobabble from TNG was pretty well done, and while some of it was science word salad (e.g. subatomic fluctuations with lepton and meson activity), it's usually a lot more comprehensible than computers in 24.

I'd love to see someone put together a compilation of crackpot shit that they've said or done with computers in 24.

The Top 10 Star Trek Technobabbles

soulmonarch says...

For what it's worth: Black holes very well MAY work that way, at least in relation to tachyons.

A tachyon is a theoretical particle that has no mass, and may therefore exceed the speed of light (or possibly escape a black hole.) That's why you always hear them used in relation to black holes, gravity anomalies and FTL travel.

*shrug* So what if tachyons may not exist? That's part of the fun of fiction.

>> ^gwiz665:
>> ^Ornthoron:
He left out the episode where they are trapped inside a black hole, and use a tachyon beam as a crowbar to force a hole in the event horizon so they can get out.

The Top 10 Star Trek Technobabbles

soulmonarch says...

The guy who created this video is apparently unfamiliar with the works of Schroedinger, Heisenberg and Planck (among many others.)

There are series that abuse technobabble and fake technology, but Star Trek really wasn't one of them. The beauty of Star Trek (specifically, TNG and onwards) was that all of their science was theoretically possible, based on our current knowledge.

Of course, once reason that it sounds a bit like "technobabble" is because they attempt to dumb down the ideas enough to fit into the episode. It wouldn't do any good for them to launch into a technical description on quantum reality and n-dimensional physics during a one hour episode, now would it? I mean, then we wouldn't have any time for the actual fiction part of the show.

The Top 10 Star Trek Technobabbles

HenningKO says...

I have to agree with most of the comments and not upvote because of the narrator's dismissive tone. This is some really well-done sci-fi technobabble... most of it is even plausible. This guy has not read his Stephen Hawking.

The Template 2

spoco2 says...

OK, I just watched the first 20 seconds and my bullshit meter blew up.

There is no science in this, not with that technobabble that started the video.

Holy crap, I just went to their website and read "It will be the degree to which we are able to translate and utilize this light code that will allow us to break the barriers of illusion set by this dualistic paradigm and the genetic modifications that are in resonance with it. It is because of this light influx that we are now able to answer the three most fundamental questions that define us as conscious Human entities: “Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here?”"

The obviously subscribe to the school of thought of 'Use lots of big, impressive sounding words that actually mean nothing in an attempt to pull the wool over people's eyes'.

If this isn't just utter, utter, utter dribble, I don't know what is. SO does not belong in the science channel AT ALL.

I completely agree with volumptuous's channels.

Man, I have to not read any more of their website. They are a CULT plain and simple. Next group of people to commit mass suicide anyone? Either that, or just trying to be the next Scientology and scam as much money out of people as possible.

Zonbie (Member Profile)

The Top 10 Star Trek Technobabbles

The Top 10 Star Trek Technobabbles

gwiz665 says...

And number three was intentionally extra fucked up, because it was made to make fun of technobabble. Seems like the commenter is actually an active football fan and not one of us at all. He may even have a girlfriend! What a jerk.

The Top 10 Star Trek Technobabbles

The Top 10 Star Trek Technobabbles

flechette says...


>> ^westy:
yah the avn is a nob nothing in star trek is confusing ore over you head ore anyone head its all very simplistic. yes there is alot of BS and invented things but that dose not make them hard to understand the "scientific" concepts within are star trek are all very basic. The fact is if u going to have something that's for a large audience you would fail if you steped beyond the most basic of established popular science.
another good example of this is big bang theory, the science dialog contained within the show is all very basic and probably known by anyone who has evan the smallest passing interest in popular science , but the piont is the interactoin for the characters is why people watch it not the Quite frankly pore science speech.
It would be nice if you could watch big bang ore star trek ore maby star gate and learn something new. but oh well it seems that scifi writers are bigger on philosophy than they are science. i guess philosophy dose not require any for knowledge by an audience ore infact thay could not understand ore notice the philisiphy at all and yet still enjoy whats hapaning. where if something was to use science it would have to be corect and understood and if it wasent it wud just fall apart for the majorty of the retarded audeance. that in the end buy the shit products advertized in the brake. that ultimatly funded the program int he first place.
Might as well just kill myself

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