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Mad Max: Fury Road

SquidCap says...

Unbelievable.. Just stunning.

Of course since it has two of the most important pieces from the original two films (Thunderdome does not exist in my universe): Director/Creator and the Car.. He even does his own stunts, meaning the real lead actor, the Car aka Pursuit Special.

That is just super cool, i mean, the original Pursuit Special has to be considered a museum piece, an object too valuable for being damaged, a price collection article. So it's kind of same as T. Cruise doing stunts: if something goes wrong it's gonna be bloody expensive.

And this is probably the second time in my life i want to watch a trailer second time.

Israel bombs U.N. school shelter, murdering children

billpayer says...

Absolutely correct. Well put.

Using precision guided missiles and mortars to kill innocent children playing on the beach.

News reports obsess over the number of rockets fired from Gaza, comparing them to Israel's missile response. Never mentioning that Israel's missiles destroy entire city blocks and whole families whilst Gaza rockets (fireworks) have had nearly no effect on Israel whatsoever,
The hypocrisy of stating Israel is under attack, yet it's safe to holiday there, there has been nearly no impact from rockets whatsoever, and how dare any airline stop flights, is stunning.
The numbers speak for themselves. Gazan death toll is over 1000, 80% civilian. Israel is 30-ish, and that is 90% soldiers due to their ground invasion.

newtboy said:

Also, the US sends Israel BILLIONS of dollars and they spend quite a bit of it on rockets that actually blow up hundreds of Palestinians....
Palestinian rockets are basically large fireworks that can only kill with a direct hit on a person, Israeli rockets are high tech, guided rockets with high explosives that have repeatedly hit known civilian targets sometimes killing hundreds in a single shot, and this kind of rocket almost NEVER misses the target they're aimed at....sooooo.
(Oh, and then there's the system the US gave Israel, but not Palestine, that shoots down 99.95% of the 'rockets' that exceedingly rarely actually kill anyone on the rare occasions when they do manage to hit ground)
Ya' don't care much about that shit though.

Cops Owned By Legal Gun Owner

newtboy says...

Something does not have to be illegal for it to be suspicious. If you are found to be carrying a hammer and a towel down a residential street at night, you will be stopped and checked out to be sure you aren't using them to steal from cars or homes. That doesn't make hammers illegal, it makes someone carrying one at night suspicious.
A gun on your hip on a public street is more suspicious than a hammer, and at the least should give the officer the ability to stop and identify the person carrying it. In most jurisdictions, you must identify yourself to an officer when asked, (but nothing more) and they can 'hold' you until your identity is known.
As mentioned before, he could be a felon, therefore committing another felony by carrying a gun...therefore it's legally suspicious. Or you might be a known suspect in another crime...suspicious. Or you might be about to use that gun for a crime...suspicious. Or you might be selling crack and using the visible gun as a deterrent other crack dealers....also suspicious. So yes, anyone intentionally visibly carrying a gun on main street (where there's no need for a gun to protect yourself from anything) is suspicious, just as anyone carrying 15 legal knives would be, or someone with a samurai sword, or handcuffs, a blindfold, and a stun gun might be...none of them illegal but totally suspicious.
His actions were suspicious, more so when he won't identify himself. The officer could have said he 'met the description of a suspect at large', which he (and nearly everyone else on earth) does, there's lots of suspects at large of every description, and as I understand it he could have held him until they identified him. (really I would see that as harassment, but as I understand the law it would be allowed, I was held for 'meeting the description' of a vandal once, and the person eventually arrested turned out to be a 25 year old 6 foot black man, while at the time I was a 13 year old, 5 foot tall white boy).
Yes, people who act in a way that 'freaks normal people out' will likely be stopped and inspected if they're reported. We have all tacitly agreed to that long ago.

silvercord said:

My guess is this: It's not that this was a suspicious person. It's that this was a person with a gun. And in someone's mind that made the guy suspicious. (In actuality, for many people, anybody with a gun becomes suspicious.) It isn't really the person. It's the gun. Somebody freaked out because someone else had a gun. It's understandable, but it is also not against the law, apparently, where the video was shot. Are we going to going to agree to stop anyone who is conducting themselves in a legal manner because someone else freaks out over it?

What is NOT Random?

shinyblurry says...

DNA is more sophisticated than any code we have ever developed, and that is understating the case. It has a language, grammatical syntax, error correction, vocabulary and meaning. If you read the article you will see that scientists were stunned to find a hidden code operating within the code. Even a superficial understanding of DNA is enough to see that it is not by any means "primitive" but actually it is advanced beyond our capability to understand it.

That isn't the argument though, that DNA is sophisticated, which it is. The argument is that the information in DNA is proof of design. What that design is intended to do is another question. You may look at certain features and say, here is a terrible design, simply because you don't understand the intentions of the designer. Only a super-intellect could have designed DNA, and I don't think that is going out on a limb by any means.

Sagemind said:

hahaaaa, NO!
If DNA was made by a "Designer", then he was the worst designer ever.
DNA can be so broken and flawed, carry latent patterns, defective genes and so on. DNA may seem complicated to those who don't study and know it (Me). But it's being studied and we are gaining a huge understanding of DNA. What it's capable of, and what it's not, and where all the flaws and broken parts are.

Sorry Shinyblurry, if your God was the designer, then that would be conclusive proof that your God is far from perfect and in fact not very good at his job of creation..

reactions to the mountain viper fight GoT - spoilers

Chairman_woo says...

This scene is pretty close to how it goes down in the book, save a little variation in how the final blow is administered.

I also completely disagree, I think the director completely nailed it. It plays up to a lifetime of predictable cliché's only to turn them right around and give us a dose of cold hard reality.

Hero's frequently loose, villains frequently win, overconfidence is a weakness and having a just cause is no guarantee of victory.

Oberyn wins the fight but allows his need for vengeance to cloud his judgement. He starts calm and works himself into more and more of a frenzy over a neurosis he has carried for many years. IMHO this was portrayed pretty authentically, he starts calm (as he has learned to be) but as the fight progresses he allows the guard to drop and the raging emotions to manifest properly.

Now he can afford to let these bottled up feeling out properly, the mountain is right there and soon he will kill him! Throw in some adrenaline and the anticipation of that moment overwhelms the self control that earned him the title red viper.

I also don't see how you can describe the mountain as a "super ninja" here. Everything he does at the end is an exercise in brute strength, let's not forget he's wearing mailed fists, the blow to the mouth need not be especially strong or quick to do the damage. All he does after that is roll on top of him with the last bit of strength and rage he has (spurred on by his "beetle crushing" fuck everything mindset). Subsequently crushing the skull has more to do with his upper body weight as his hands alone.

A massive strong man yanks someone's legs out from under them, punches them in the mouth and then climbs on top (while they are stunned) to finish the job.

Being run through doesn't necessarily stop one's muscles from working until the blood loss kicks in. Doubly so with the adrenaline of a life or death fight (and the anaesthetic effect massive trauma has on the nervous system). There are countless stories of soldiers and criminals being mortally wounded by multiple shots to the chest who continued attacking till the blood loss overcame them. Gregor Clegane is exactly the sort of psycho who might exhibit such bloody minded behaviour.

I might also remind you that the Mountain has one more than one occasion been described as "swifter than might be expected for a man of such stature" i.e. not a lumbering hulk. He gets several blows in on Oberyn during the fight. Many of the swings are extremely heavy but they are calculated moves from an expert fighter who is more than capable of moving quickly when needed.

Oberyn is quicker, but the Mountain is not exactly slow (that's one of the reasons why the Mountain is/was formerly undefeated, he's big but can still move relatively quickly for his size).

harlequinn said:

That's fair enough. I haven't read the books but the tv version butchered this scene in so many ways.

Up front note: nobody should be surprised Oberyn died - it's GOT - it's to be expected.

That said, I wish the director wouldnt have.... Oberyn (an experienced fighter) be cool as ice before the fight just to turn into a emotional wreck a few seconds into the fight.

Don't show us the Mountain as a lumbering hulk who then, after being fully run through with a spear twice and having a calf slashed, turn into a super ninja while Oberyn makes a beginners mistake and turns into a sloth.

The director going comic book bad guys on us sucked.

Future Islands | NPR Music full live concert | 9:30 Club

Future Islands | NPR Music full live concert | 9:30 Club

City Lights To Dark Skies - International Dark Sky Week 2014

Ickster says...

As a kid, I was really into astronomy, but was always bugged by the fact that books would talk about seeing the Milky Way at night, and about the thousands of stars in the night sky. I figured there was something wrong with my eyes or something, because I could never find the Milky Way, and while I never counted the stars, I thought there were only about a hundred at best.

Then when I was about 12, we went camping and on a night with a new moon, I went outside the tent after dark. I looked up at the sky and literally got dizzy at the stunning revelation that was the real night sky.

Nowadays, I always try to plan family camping trips around the new moon so my kids get a chance to see the real sky, but even out in the middle of nowhere it is getting increasingly difficult to find a spot without at least one glaring streetlight or security light.

fuzzyundies (Member Profile)

Fantomas (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Your artwork is stunning.

However, given that it was sent as an email to me, letting me know I had a comment on this vid, it was also quite startling and momentarily felt like you were mad at me.


Fantomas said:

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Hubble looks to the monkey head nebula

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Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

lantern53 says...

As a cop for over 30 years I can say this. Every police dept is different. They all have different expectations. If one dept is rotten, it's because the chief is rotten. The attitudes of the PD comes from the top down.

I was stunned when I heard a cop from another dept tell me he used to go around at night and spray pepper spray into a car's windshield vent because the car owner was a known shithead. That's when I began to realize that all police dept. are different.

Cops are reluctant to rat on other cops because cops know that when the chips are down, you can rely on your fellow officers to do everything in their power to save your ass from death and destruction. At the same time, some crooked cops are not going to be crooked 100% of the time, they will also stand between an average citizen and a bullet.

A cop can't be crooked 100% of the time, but he can break the law on occasion. Personally, I have no respect for an officer who will plant evidence or abuse prisoners or anyone else. But then, that's just the way we do things at our PD.

On the other hand, you have to understand that when a cop is testifying in court that he found several severed heads in a car trunk, the judge is going to want him to say it was all a legal search...whether it was or not.

Also, i don't believe cops should get special consideration. Most of them are already well compensated and they shouldn't be in it for the perks.

I'm in it for the adrenalin rush. It's the only job where you can jump over fences chasing a bad guy.

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