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God damnit Chug.

newtboy says...

Have I said any such things? I certainly don't recall saying any of that.
You must note, however, that the overreaction you get from some people likely stems from attempts to shame them using exaggeration, hyperbole, and even outright lies, which tend to make enemies to your cause rather than converts. I've never met a vegan that didn't operate that way to some degree. Perhaps those people are just giving back the same level of honest discussion and discourse they received. There's apparently something about veganism that makes it's practitioners think their movement is more important that fact and truth, like the "Dr." (and his followers) who claimed eating any amount of any red meat is just as carcinogenic as smoking a pack a day of cigarettes, citing WHO studies that said nothing of the sort. Many have said "If you agree with my goal, stopping animal suffering, why would you contradict my claims, even though I privately agree they're exaggeration and fantasy?". Ends don't justify means imo, and nothing justifies lying.

I don't need a degree in nutrition or to be a dietitian to understand the basics covered in multiple health classes I've passed and multiple scientific studies I've read. Is meat healthy? Yes....if it's raised and prepared properly and eaten in moderation. Is meat unhealthy? Yes...when eaten excessively or prepared unsafely.
Is veganism healthy? Yes....when practiced properly with a balanced diet that has all the nutrients humans need. Is veganism unhealthy? is the way it's practiced by most vegans who don't have a grasp on what proper nutrition is. It's definitely harder to have a balanced healthy diet without any animal products, but isn't impossible.

Once again, I feel you are being fast and loose with fact by implying any of those statements have come from me. The only people I expect to die 6 times in a row are the ones in my dungeon that I'm keeping alive to prolong their torture....and they know what they did to deserve it. ;-)

HerbWatson said:

Food shaming? I know all about that.

Apparently all I eat is grass, my teeth will rot, my bones will be weak, and I'll die 6 times in a row from protein deficiency. That's just on the daily.

The real clever people like to tell me that I'll make the cows go extinct, and the next person will tell me that the cows will overpopulate the earth if we don't eat them.

Don't worry about doing a degree in nutrition, just tell someone you don't eat animal foods, and they'll become a dietitian in about 4 seconds :-)

Airplane! - Lies From the Doctor

Michigan Republicans Said What-What? Not in the Butt!

ChaosEngine says...

>>>Are you saying you believe adding the topic of removing these unconstitutional parts of the law would stall, or even log jam that debate to the point of failure?

That was exactly what Rick Jones said when I quoted him above:
"The minute I cross that line and I start talking about the other stuff, I won’t even get another hearing. It’ll be done....
Nobody wants to touch it. I would rather not even bring up the topic, because I know what would happen. You’d get both sides screaming and you end up with a big fight that’s not needed because it’s unconstitutional."

>>> Removing unconstitutional laws that are designed to target 'undesirable' portions of the population is not pointless.
Ok, "pointless" is the wrong word. "Futile" would be more accurate.

>>> IANAL?
I Am Not A Lawyer. Sorry, thought that was a commonly know acronym.

>>> I can't imagine anyone publicly supporting it, so there should be no debate, it should simply be easily adopted in 2 minutes.
Really? You can't imagine a politician supporting an anti-sodomy law? In a country where Rick fucking Santorum was considered a potential presidential candidate for one of the two main parties?
'cos I can imagine it pretty easily.
Reasonable human: "we'd like to stop animal abuse and get rid of this ridiculous puritanical law at the same time"
The likes of bobknight "RARRRG!! assault on family values, persecution of christians, fganogle..... GAAAAWWWWWWD" (while drooling)

>>> How's 1 year ago? Recent enough?
Jesus, that's depressing. At least, the case was thrown out, and on the plus side, having a ruling against the law sets a precedent.

Look, I agree that the law is ridiculous, and as I said, it's kind of shocking to think this attitude still exists in a supposedly educated, enlightened country. In a perfect world, laws like this would never have existed. Hell, in a fucking semi-sane, reasonable world, they'd have been wiped at least a decade ago when the supreme court declared them unconstitutional.

But right now, US politics is not even close to sane or reasonable. If it was, you could have an actual election between a centre right candidate (Hillary) and a democratic socialist (Sanders), instead of the current clusterfuck of having Hillary or god only knows what on the fucking looney tunes side.

So while the idealist side of me says that every single law like this should be fought tooth and nail, the pragmatic side of me says that until the US political system hacks its way out of the tentacles of the religious right, some ugly compromises are unavoidable.

Given that this doesn't actually make the situation worse (remember this law already existed), it's just a question of picking your battles.

newtboy said:

addressed in post

Tim Minchin's Storm - The Movie

Aniatario says...

Excellent beat-poem I honestly never get tired of hearing it. He's just so damn witty and so damn quick that Minchin.

The animation was great! Right up until they stopped animating...

I don't understand why they suddenly decided to throw the text in my face, did they think I hadn't read the poem before?

Disappointing. Words are so limiting, that's the whole purpose for creating a visual accompaniment or adding music in the first place...

Who else here has done some animation? (Kids Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^youdiejoe:

You know it's come full circle when.... I was at Legoland with my son this weekend, and they now have a LEGO branded kids video camera for making stop animation, it has built in Macro function. I think the the retail was 70 bucks.
I would like to see some stuff shot with it.

On looking at reviews of it, the image quality is right up there with all cheap and nasty web cams... pity.

Who else here has done some animation? (Kids Talk Post)

Who else here has done some animation? (Kids Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^choggie:

Both you guys are hipsters, youdiejoes' into bondage, photography....his son's gonna be loads of fun and as interesting a cat.
What in both of your opinions is one of the best Lego stop-animation pieces ever?

My favourite, from a sentimental standpoint, is The Magic Portal, regarded as the first ever lego brickfilm... and now that I search, I can't find it on Videosift... so Here it is

Other than that, there have been heaps of really nicely done films, some purely from an entertainment standpoint, and others that are shot really nicely and artistically. Brickfilms can keep you entertained for hours going through the vids. Recently myself and the boys have loved 8-bit trip by Rymdreglage. A really awesome music video for some great 8-bit style music...

But, Magic Portal will always be my first pick, I saw it as a kid, I still love it now, and it started the world of brickfilms. (You can read about some of his legal fun with Lego on the website for the film)

Who else here has done some animation? (Kids Talk Post)

choggie says...

Both you guys are hipsters, youdiejoes' into bondage, photography....his son's gonna be loads of fun and as interesting a cat.

What in both of your opinions is one of the best Lego stop-animation pieces ever?

Wonderful stop motion music video

Feist on Sesame Street

John Coltrane -- incredible jazz solo, with animated music!

choggie says...

Loverly!......if anyone can find a little viddie with paper-scraps stop-animation to "Koko", another jazz classic Parker,Gillespie , only ever saw it once, and have been looking forevr......

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