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bronx man beaten and arrested on video for no charge
How is it not surprising that the problem sees no problem?
You say : "I don't see people getting beat up, or shot, or assaulted, or arrested for no reason"
So, those that were "beat up, or shot, or assaulted, or arrested", were for a good reason, right?
Ever consider that those reasons are often made up?
Ever consider that the stories you heard around the water cooler were simply B.S., and it was in fact the police simply preying on innocent people?
Just what exactly does LE do for me, or anyone?
Do police have super powers and spidey senses?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting raped, and prevent it?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting run over, and prevent it?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting beaten, and prevent it?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting robbed, and prevent it?
The answer is : no.
Police can't actually /help/ anyone.
They can only show up after the fact, and ask you what happened, and if you know who did it.
If you don't know who it was, tough shit. Sucks to be you.
Unlike on TV, there is no in-depth investigation. The most they do is tell you to call them if you remember something else. (This is speaking from experience)
What if you're not around to even tell them anything? Almost every murder committed by an unrelated stranger without witnesses or video goes unsolved.
Why? Because all police know how to do is ask friends/family where they were, and if everyone has an excuse, police got nothing.
At least when a normal person [that you can identify] harms you, you /can/ call the police, and maybe, just maybe, if they feel like it, they will round them up after the fact.
(They often don't. We've had people dumping trash on our land : police didn't respond. We've had people hunting [strangers shooting guns] on our property : police didn't respond. Brought evidence of a fraud to the police station, with account numbers, names, addresses : we won't investigate. The only time they ever came was to talk with my mother after she reported her credit card number was being used by a stranger - LOL, of all the things, they bother coming for /that/?)
But if the police harm you, you've got nowhere to turn to - but them. And they care more about each other, than some stranger.
Heck, I've been tailgated by a cop, on a multi-lane road, so close his headlights weren't even visible over my trunk. He could have gone around me any time. After miles, when I finally sped up - BAM. Ticket.
I've pulled up to a roadblock by my house, and asked if I could go by. The guy was so incensed that he detained me for hours, and told me I was threatening his life, reckless driving, and not wearing a seatbelt.
I've been threatened by a cop - because I interrupted her chat with her girlfriend to ask for directions around a road they were closing off.
I've been pulled over with gun drawn, for trivial speeding (well below reckless).
Seriously people, every time you get pulled over, you are at risk of getting shot, because someone is trained to be suspicious and paranoid, and they saw something shiny.
Just look at how they behave. Cop shoots his daughter in his own garage, because he thought she was a burglar.
What, too much to ask just to look at the person to see if they're even a burglar? Shoot first ask questions later.
Every year there are multiple cases of police raiding a house and shooting people - only to find out it was the wrong house. What, too much trouble to be a decent human being and just knock first, and ask for whoever they need to come out?
Oh, but that might put them at a greater risk. And we all know that police take MINIMAL risks themselves, and instead risk the lives of the citizens. (Why not approach with gun drawn? At least you're ready to shoot the suspect. And if you accidentally shoot the suspect, oh well, just say they 'attacked'. No biggie. Why take the risk.)
The biggest risk they take, is the one they dream up for when they want to take credit for being the heroes they never were.
Look at the friggin VT shooting. Swarms of cops surrounding a building. Man inside, could be killing more people by the moment... and the cops just camp out and wait for him to kill himself.
Worst part, is if it were my family inside, and I tried to go in and stop the shooter, the police would just shoot me for trying to enter.
(And no, police don't deserve heroic praise. They deserve the _pay_check_ they signed up for. If that's not enough, they should take life more seriously and really think about what it is they're getting into, before they do it. Take responsibility, like an adult should.)
The police are a liability. They're armed. They're selfish. They're paranoid and suspicious. They're jumpy.
IMO, the best thing to do is keep away from them, don't look at them, don't talk to them. Stay away, and stay safe.
Oh yeah, and the police are also immune form the constitution's equal protection clause. "Because interpretation".
Look at the numbers. You are less likely to be arrested or go to jail in NORTH KOREA, than here in the U.S. of A. By a factor of 4 last I checked.
What the heck is going on here?
1 in 18 men is either in jail, on parole, or somewhere in the process of going to jail.
Most of the countries in Europe have smaller populations, than the people that we have 'in the system'. And most of the people we have 'in the system', never even harmed another person. They're just arrested for 'behavior crimes' - simply doing things that are not allowed. This is madness. The system is mad, the police are mad.
You don't end up with videos of a gang of police acting like gangsters, if it's a matter of 'a few bad apples'. They all have to be in the same frame of mind.
If they weren't all of the same frame of mind, one would do something bad, and the others would say "whoa there man, you're out of line".
But instead, they all do it. Because there are no 'bad apples'.
There is 'bad training', and 'bad culture', and it permeates the profession.
And when I say bad, I don't mean that "they are trained to be thugs".
I mean that the police don't see suspects as 'citizens (members of the state) that the police are on the side of'.
Whoever crosses their path is dehumanized. Some kind of "other", that the police need to protect society from. Not realizing that those people /are/ society, and /they/ need protection.
The kind of behavior that I see in these kinds of videos, it's simply treason. Betrayal of the state.
If the laws of this country were written to provide restitution to victims - and there were no laws to simply tell people how to live, and if the police spent their time providing restitution to victims, then I would have nothing but the greatest appreciation for the police.
As it stands, there's very little nobility around this profession. Majority of the job is simply picking on people - sometimes because they did harm, but usually because they mind their own business in an unapproved of way, or for kicks.
In my 30 yrs of LE experience I don't see people getting beat up, or shot, or assaulted, or arrested for no reason.
Spider-Woman's Big Ass Is A Big Deal - Maddox
@SDGundamX and addressing the devil's advocate rather than 'you'...
Spiderman's head is also raised (the same angle of their face is shown) and his back is arched, and i think that's clear when they are side by side. If anything i think spiderman's left leg is poorly drawn and his backside does need to be more in the air, whereas spiderwoman is a more human-like natural position for raising a knee over a ledge with your chest close to the ground. Remember that they are different artists bringing their own styles to a particular genre, they both have their own personalities and methods/methodologies. Furthermore, how much of an arch difference is necessary or acceptable and who makes those rules? Surely we must draw men and women differently so that we know whether the character is male or female (do we have too few fem superheroes is another question), and as a species we have different shapes. Surely amongst all these factors we must accept that the spiderwoman is a reasonable artistic recreation of the spiderman pic? If not, why not, taking all of those factors into account (and i can probably list more)? Basically we're asking the question "what is art?" here.
So that's why i think it's impossible for anyone to say the pose is sexual but the creator. No one questioned whether the spiderman pose was overtly sexual until someone drew spiderwoman doing "the same" (for argument's sake) thing. To a bunch of people who do not automatically see women as sexual objects (and i consider myself among that bunch), her pose is not sexual because the context isn't sexual. The question of sexuality arises when someone looks at the pic and goes "Gee, if i were levitating several hundred meters in the air directly behind her and she wasn't wearing any pants, she'd be 'presenting' to me for a split second."
So the ultimate level of 'equality' (or whatever) would be a world in which anything, in its particular context, is legal and absolutely ok. But of course, we can't depict nude youngsters in cinema even in the context of a bath for good reason, which let's generalise to all potentially difficult subjects (like sexism, racism, etc.) and call the "no one's perfect rule" - we can't trust everyone to keep things in context.
Our supposedly greatest form of organisation and problem solving - national governments, the pillars of our society - can't sort their proverbial arses from their proverbial elbows; if they're not perfect, how can we trust all of society to be?
In conclusion - i suppose we need a certain level of sexism or reverse-sexism that hopefully keeps us balanced between short-changing the future prospects of young girls in favour of young boys because of a biased society, and treating other people unfairly because of an over-zealous pursuit of what seems to be impossible.
One way of helping this is by very carefully checking the facts, the context and the meaning of what someone says before saying things like "sexist" or "mansplaining" or "racist". Always react as slowly as you may, that way you can be more or less enraged in your response depending on new info!
Edit: Want to add that if i had a pic of myself in that spidey pose, i'd be pretty happy putting it up on an eharmony profile or something - it is a 'sexy' pose, it looks good, he looks lean and strong and fit. I don't like this idea that women don't have sexual urges or that lean, fit men aren't sexy to women. It's possibly sexist to assume that! He's kind of presenting too, from a certain position...
Spider-Woman's Big Ass Is A Big Deal - Maddox
The Spiderman cover is actually kinda creepy, it looks like he got over excited and entrapped all those poor criminals in a big ball of Spidey Sperm.
RoboCop - Reboot Trailer
Black RoboCop is black like his soul! (like the Black Peter Parker Spidey was)
Oh, and form the bulk of the comments here and we would also share the same sentiments, RoboCop was a singular event not unlike a comet strike or summer with a virgin, and this replication attempt should never have been allowed to manifest.
Two thumbs down, I think so!
Now......time to watch the piece of sheeeeitt!
Black robocop is just bleh. (not a racist comment)
The Helical Model
Ya, there is a group using this visualization to show that "gravity is a lie" so your spidey sense is right on the money. When you get down to it, the motion around the center of the galaxy is inconsequential, the orbit of the planets around the sun would be the same. And the gay spiral bs at the end, well, that is not taking into account the motion of the galaxy through deep space, making the the pattern of our motion through space just look like an oscillating mess, not a spiral. Not to mention we might get ejected when Andromeda smashes into us. In the end, all the mass in our solar system was created with angular momentum around the galactic core, and internally, the system was embedded with angular momentum around the sun.
This is a cool presentation and idea, however my spidey senses....they be tinglin'. The number one reason why is because of the various planar discrepancies this model offers. For the most part, relative to our point of view, the planets' orbits are coplanar (on the same plane). Maybe this model would offer the same "effect" but I'm not about to try the math. It just seems like a "earth is flat" theory to me (although more convoluted).
The Helical Model
This is a cool presentation and idea, however my spidey senses....they be tinglin'. The number one reason why is because of the various planar discrepancies this model offers. For the most part, relative to our point of view, the planets' orbits are coplanar (on the same plane). Maybe this model would offer the same "effect" but I'm not about to try the math. It just seems like a "earth is flat" theory to me (although more convoluted).
Iron Man 3 -- Official Trailer Marvel | HD
Oh ok
nice to know as I can't say I'm a massive comic book fan. That said surely bringing Osbourne is asking for trouble (re Sony owning Spidey).
And still iron patriot? never heard of him - trailer looks on first view to be making Tony even less alcoholic and more American.
>> ^CheshireSmile:
he's called the Iron Patriot and is a regular suit in the comics, where it's piloted by norman osbourne. interested in seeing who's in it here.
Top Ten Viral Videos from the Ancient Internet (Pre-YouTube)
Ok, this list didn't marry with my experiences at all (but them I'm older than her, so I guess it wouldn't).
Love them 

10. Never saw it
9. Only vaguely aware of it
8. Seen the spidey gif, but never heard the song with it
7. Very much DID love this. But that's because the song is by a Melbourne band TISM
6. Badgers and mushrooms... nope, no idea never watched it
5. Yatta? nope, never seen that
4. While the song, and Eurovision itself are hardly unknown, that video itself... nope never saw it
3. Nope, never saw it
2. Ultimate showdown IS an awesome video/song
1. Homestar runner is fricken awesome, and my wife and I even made a trogdor t-shirt for our first born
So, I knew 3 of the 10 videos. And she doesn't even like the best one of them... this is continuing to remind me why I've stopped watching videos on thatguywiththeglasses.
That and youngens like her talking about the recent past with a nostalgic fog, as if they're the elders remembering a time long past, gets a little grating.
Little Girl Only Gonna Take So Much Shit From Teacher
>> ^Deano:
It's been a while but this one feels a bit fake. Feels like he's overacting and she's playing the straight guy.
This sets my spidey sense tingling too.
Russian Man Somersaults After Hit By Car on the Highway
In the slow-mo replay, around the :20 mark, look carefully at the guy who gets hit. The image of him (and him only) appears to shift positions. Maybe it's just an optical illusion and I think too much.
>> ^Payback:
>> ^critical_d:
I dunno....something about this vid is tweaking my spidey sense. Fake?
If it was pointed at the scene in the first, unedited clip, I would agree, but it's obviously just another Russian-Cars-Now-Come-With-HD-Crash-Cams-Like-We-Have-Big-Subwoofers video.
Russian Man Somersaults After Hit By Car on the Highway
>> ^critical_d:
I dunno....something about this vid is tweaking my spidey sense. Fake?
If it was pointed at the scene in the first, unedited clip, I would agree, but it's obviously just another Russian-Cars-Now-Come-With-HD-Crash-Cams-Like-We-Have-Big-Subwoofers video.
Russian Man Somersaults After Hit By Car on the Highway
I dunno....something about this vid is tweaking my spidey sense. Fake?
The Amazing Spider-Man - Trailer
>> ^quantumushroom:
When de-masked, why doesn't Spidey make a temporary new mask out of web fluid?
Probably doesn't wash out of his hair very easily. Stings the eyes?
The Amazing Spider-Man - Trailer
That is some super bad hair on Spidey. The thumbnail makes me laugh out loud. Almost won't see this I hate Dennis Leary so much (comedic hack).
I was seriously hoping for Mysterio. With a 3D movie they are missing out on some serious cool holograms (or is it holographs?) Fighting the Lizard, besides the walking upright and having thumbs, is kind of like super gator-wrestling. Can he speak with no lips. =)
'splosions look cool though. Couldn't tell if Dr. Connors was missing a limb like in Spidey 2.
The Amazing Spider-Man - Trailer
When de-masked, why doesn't Spidey make a temporary new mask out of web fluid?